Losing Someone to Cancer


Losing Someone to Cancer

This is for anyone who has lost somone to cancer. I lost my adopted Mom to breast cancer some years ago. She was everything I could have asked for. She loved me because I was just me. She also loved my family and children as if they were her own.

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Lost Dad to Lung Cancer

Started by Shane Hughes Apr 16, 2020.

I feel worse 2 and a half years on, than I ever did. 11 Replies

Started by Michael Thompson. Last reply by morgan May 12, 2019.

Give yourself time to heal

Started by Felicia Evans May 8, 2018.

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Comment by Cynthia Horacek on October 17, 2011 at 3:10pm

Mercy -

Years and years ago I went on a diet at a "Diet Center" franchise; I think they're no longer in business... but one of the "rules" of the program was no eating after 8:00 pm, and to drink a glass of hot water with fresh squeezed lemon.  Why?  Because lemon is a natural diuretic; as is water - if you drink enough of it, you just begin to eliminate more of it!  I don't want to dissuade anyone who thinks it will help kill cancer cells; but personally, I don't believe it.  I have too many doctors in my family and among my friends to believe that they are trying to find ways to STOP curing cancer simply for the profits.  Yes, pharmaceutic companies are in it for the money - that's why some diseases that don't affect enough people don't get the research they need.  But... I know that my husband's oncologist was broken up over it when his cancer metastasized and he felt as bad if not worse than we did.  I could hear it in his voice.  this is just my opinion; I would hate for people to not get the treatment they need because they are trying out these "folk" remedies.  And I know what you mean about not wanting to get treatment for yourself now.  I feel the same way - if I have something terminal, just leave me be.  

Comment by Cynthia Horacek on October 17, 2011 at 2:38pm

Mercy -

Personally, I don't buy into "folk" remedies, especially when it comes to cancer or other life-threatening diseases.  I've tried some for my arthritis and nothing works.  Eating lemons to heal cancer is bunk.  And honestly, I don't think the cancer doctors are worried about curing cancer.  I truly believe that they want to see the disease cured as much as we do!  So when "friends" send you stuff about "curing cancer," after the fact, throw it out.  I believe that in their own way, they are trying to be helpful.  But yeah, what's done is done, and it's too late now.  Hang in there; you are not alone in your feelings, or in your grief.

Comment by mercy on October 17, 2011 at 1:53pm

Llana, below is the article my friend sent me, I didn't read all of it since it was making me very angry that we didn't find this out in time to help mom. I know you are making all the right choices. I on the other hand have gotten to where I don't really care, I have all kinds of health issues these days but I really don't want to get anything checked out; this is different from just a few years ago where I would go to the doctor at any hint of a problem. I just feel like death for me will be welcome and I don't want any treatment if I find anything serious with me.......I know it sounds fatalistic, but its what it is. Thanks guys for all your support.

Useful info that may help someone ...

LISTEN UP FOLKS:  This is something that we should all take seriously – just had a recent test myself that sent shivers up my spine – or near by – Even doctors are now saying that there is value in trying “LEMON”

So, a tablespoon of "real lemon" (the concentrate in a bottle) in a glass of water every morning. What can it  hurt? 


Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Charles Street Baltimore , MD 1201.
This is the latest in medicine, effective for cancer!


Read carefully & you be the judge.

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Why do we not know about that? Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy. How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations? As you know, the lemon tree is known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc... It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors. This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure which is too high and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the product Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells.


Institute of Health Sciences, 819 N. L.L.C. Cause Street, Baltimore, MD1201





Comment by mercy on October 17, 2011 at 1:43pm

I feel so sad when I see all this new research showing natural ways to treat cancer or new innovations to treat cancer. My friend just sent me one about lemons and their power to heal cancer. I don’t read those articles anymore since I just feel like it’s too late for us now. Does anyone else feel this way? I hope for the best for anyone going through treatment but all these new findings are like insult to injury. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Comment by Cynthia Horacek on October 17, 2011 at 11:59am

Ilana -

My husband was 57; when I tell people I lost him, they always say "he was so young" even before they know how old he was; I keep wondering how they knew that!

My belief system says it's okay to be angry at G-d.  Because my upbringing was not a religious one, I still go through questioning if there is a G-d, but I also believe there has to be a high power - all this on Earth is too much to be an accident.  So if it helps, be angry.  That's normal in grief, and if G-d is the target of the anger, that's okay.  He understands.

But that's another story.  I had a hysterectomy when I was in my late 30's; It wasn't cancer but I had other problems and I knew I wasn't going to have more children.  They only removed my uterus because of my age, but a few years later I needed my ovaries removed due to continual cysts and it was too painful. So I take hormones that are compounded to my my dr.'s specifications.   I haven't missed any of those organs!  I say, if you want to do it, go for it.  I know women who've had double mastectomies because there was too much breast cancer in their families and why risk it?  

Yes,  your mother was young.  Why did she not know she had cancer?  Ovarian cancer is one of the most unnoticed cancers there is, even if she had regular exams.  And then there's the denial factor.  My mom is 86 and my dad is 96; he's a retired physician, and for some reason he doesn't want my mother seeing a doctor! Denial that she is worn out from taking care of him... he fights us every step of the way when it comes to my brothers or me trying to help. Go figure.  

I'm so sorry for your loss; I know how hard this is.  I'm sure your mother does hear your prayers for her; she is probably with you more than you might think.  I know when my husband is near by a smell, a sound, a breeze when there shouldn't be one ... and one night the dog was so spooked by something he wouldn't leave my side or my lap, and that wasn't like him - he was my protector, and he was acting totally out of character for him. You know the word for life in Hebrew - Chi (don't know how to spell that in English or Hebrew, so it's phonetic!)  and the word for animal is "chiot" - it means "higher life" because the Jews believe that animals sense the things we cannot.  (I think that may be a little Kabbalistic...not sure!) Anyway, hang in there.  Grieve when you have to grieve, and if it helps, keep sending your mom your prayers - I believe she hears them.  

Comment by Ilana Rabone on October 17, 2011 at 11:37am


I can relate to what you are saying about being angry about G-d.  I'm Jewish too and wasn't very religious until my mother died from Ovarian Cancer.  Then I started going to temple for Yiskor services.  I'm hoping my mother can hear me praying for her.  Sometimes I don't know if I'm angry at G-d for taking my mother from me or the hospital for not taking better care of her.  My mother died from an infection shortly after her third chemo treatment.  I was told the infection started in her IV and spread throughout her entire body.  It was so fast.  She died five months after being diagnosed.  My mother was a nurse and I keep asking myself how she didn't know she had the cancer until it was too advanced.  Now I'm taking better care of myself because I have type two diabetes like my mother did and getting ultrasounds every six months.  I am even thinking about removing my ovaries since I'm 41 and don't plan on having any more children (I have a 10 year old son and divorced).  I saw what this cancer did to my mother and I want to do everything I can to prevent it from happening to me.  I hate to say that I no longer believe in G-d but sometimes I do because my mother was taken from me when she was only 68. 

Comment by anna l. on October 10, 2011 at 11:16pm

Crystal, Im really sorry you have to find the strength to face another family funeral.  I lost a son in 2010 and my husband 9 weeks after he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer so I kind of know where you are coming from.  I pray every day for God to give us all the strength we need to face each day.  I will add a special thought for you and your remaining family members in the days to come.  Hugs if you need them,


Comment by Crystal (BluSkyy) on October 10, 2011 at 10:35pm
My uncle Joe died today at 740pm est.. It has only been 8 weeks and 2 days that my Grandma died.. I cant believe all this is happing so fast. My uncle Joe had stage 4 cancer and it spreaded all thru his body.. We findout this morning that his brain was bleeding and it was just a matter of time.. He went home to heaven today with my Grandma and Grandpa.. I miss my Grandma still sooo much and now my uncle Joe.. I dont know if he knew he had cancer or not.. Nobody in my family knew I guess we will never know but i do know hes not suffering no more. Now i have another family furneal to get ready for.. Please everyone pray that God gives me and my family strenght.. We been thru hell in the last 8 weeks I just dont want to lose anymore family members for atlease a couple yrs or longer..
Comment by Cynthia Horacek on October 5, 2011 at 10:31am
And oh, my brother came through it okay; he's 66 now and still practicing medicine! (He's a emergency room doctor). I'm hoping your uncle will pull through, also.
Comment by Cynthia Horacek on October 5, 2011 at 10:29am
Crystal, I am so sorry this is happening. This is very traumatic, and I can hear that in your post. It's okay to be angry at G-d (I am Jewish and in Judaism, we don't write His name...), but in any case, as much as I understand your anger, maybe it should be directed more at the surgeon! There really is no excuse for this kind of shoddy work. They are supposed to use an x-ray machine or ultrasound when they are doing these kind of needle puncture biopsies, so this doesn't happen. But I understand your grief, and I will hold you in my thoughts and sent your uncle healing energies and thoughts, too. A few years back, my brother had emergency surgery for an abscess on his prostrate, he suddenly went into septic shock and stopped breathing and they couldn't get the tube in to help him breath; it took them a while, and they asked my sister in law if she wanted a Rabbi; he didn't have cancer but it was a very scary situation. I went to where they lived then, to be with my sister in law and my niece and nephew. My brother was on a ventilator for 10 days, and all we could do was sit and watch. It's a very helpless feeling. But people in this state, even though they are medicated so they don't pull the tube out, and even if your uncle is comatose, he still hears you. So talk to him and give him positive thoughts, and let him know you love him and are there. And if anyone in his room begins to say anything negative, kick them out! We know people in these states of consciousness hear. Good luck and I am thinking of you.

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