LESBIAN ..GAY 2 SPIRITED loss and grief


LESBIAN ..GAY  2 SPIRITED loss and grief

Anyone who has lost their gay partner..soon finds that there may be a few things that are different...such as sorting through things and feeling like an intruder because it is also family stuff etc

Members: 15
Latest Activity: Apr 3, 2024

Discussion Forum

Still grieving after 6+ years

Has anyone out there experienced a loss a long time ago and having trouble moving on?  I have not posted since my spouse died - 2015 - and I posted in 2016.  I would love to connect with like minds…Continue

Started by Myrna Casebolt Jan 14, 2022.

It doesn't gt easier - only changes

My partner (then wife when legal) were together for almost 40 years.  She died in June of 2015.  My life has always been a rather full one - loving family and friends and although retired I continue…Continue

Started by Myrna Casebolt Oct 3, 2016.

New relationship after 1 Reply

It isn't e-z for a new relationship after being in one for 31 years.   I had been her caregiver since 1994.   She had told me and some of our close friends that she wished I would find someone...she…Continue

Started by Rita-Cecile. Last reply by Stanley Ruiz Jun 14, 2015.

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Comment by Gregg Yazzie on June 20, 2016 at 12:23pm

 It’s been a little over 6 weeks (May 8, 2016) since I lost Joe to cancer and it really, really hurts. My heart/chest ache constantly and I feel nervous all the time. I am on Anti-depressants, but I can’t tell if that is helping me or not. His cremains are in my living room next to his picture and I talk to him in that way daily. I miss him so much. We went through the hospice home care for the last 2 weeks of his life and I saw him slowly and then quickly decline in health in our home. I know from him and others that he did not want me to hurt. He told me before that he was worried about me and wondered who would take care of me.  I thought I could handle it and I told him that I would be okay. I’m not. The only comfort I get is when I think that he is no longer always tired, or sick, or in pain. He is now with God and his passed relatives. I now live alone in a house that was already too big for us and it feels so empty. He used to cook meals for me while I worked. Now, I don’t even cook for myself and have problems keeping up with chores and daily life. We really didn’t establish a friendship network, so I don’t have many close friends to confide in and my siblings all live far away. I did have friends over this weekend to keep me company and it just was not the same.  I have lost my parents and others, but this far outweighs the sadness, loneliness, and desperation I am feeling now. I am used to calling Joe every day for whatever reason, just to hear his voice. I now cry a lot when I want to do just that. There’s no one at the other end now. Please someone, tell me what you may have done to lessen the pain. I do still work, but it only preoccupies part of my days and I find I don’t talk as much at work because I am not “out” at work. Bless you all.

Comment by Kia on June 14, 2015 at 5:09pm
I just lost my wife, partner and soul mate of 13 yrs she was 30 yrs of age. She died in her sleep and I can't believe she s gone she was my everything and I did everything to make her happy now she's gone
Comment by Paul Leon Fruits on March 8, 2015 at 1:07am

On December 2, 2014 I lost my loving partner after 20 years. I am feeling so empty and sad!!!! I don't know what to do without him. I can't even go grocery shopping for myself because I always thought of him when I shopped. I just wanna die!!!! I wanna get drunk and use drugs to cope....but I haven't. When will I be able to live again.

I am a little angry with God. And it scares me to say that...HELP ME

Comment by Crystal Lynn on February 25, 2015 at 8:29am
I buried my partner on Valentine's day. Instead of celebrating ourr love and life i spent the day saying goodbye for good. I cant bring my self to even get out of bed or do anything to my self or my house or my life.... or my job. Im just still so numb....
Comment by Rita-Cecile on February 13, 2013 at 6:26am

I am so sorry for your loss...and on top of that you also are dealing with survivors syndrome..it is tough...my heart goes out to you

Comment by Stanley Ruiz on February 13, 2013 at 6:07am


Comment by Rita-Cecile on February 20, 2012 at 11:35am

I lost my partner of 31 years Dec 18, 2011.  I go to her grave site every wk...and most of the time everyday.  I often bring coffee and chit chat with her..sometimes I go get a couple hot dogs...I am not even a hot dog fan..I find that this helps me.  The other day I brought a rose for the 18th..making it  months.   I talk everyday with Dot..weather I am home or out.  I feel she is still with me.   I am still going through some things....I ..for now anyway...am not feelinng so much like an intruder etc......but at times it is strange..when I find things that deal w her childhood and family etc...here is another little video of our 1st camping trip w the camper we just got.  We use to go tenting..then I just got a deal for this camper..thank GOD she had a chance to enjoy some time in it  .http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FMjTd6SdRY&feature=g-upl&co...


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