
Lost Without My Mom

My mom died, August 17, 2009 of an apparent heart attack from heart failure. Her doctors never told me how sick she was and so I was blown away and am heart sick and lost without her.

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Latest Activity: Aug 17, 2021

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Lost Without my Mom 1 Reply

I just lost my mom on February 17th, Ash Wednesday.  I don't know if you could ever be "prepared" but it was kind of unexpected.  She was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer the 2nd week of September,…Continue

Started by Amelli Gomez. Last reply by dream moon JO B Apr 9, 2021.

Lost my Mom a Few Days Ago 7 Replies

Hi, I'm new around here. My mother passed away on Saturday February 6th, very suddenly and unexpectedly. We were in touch every day, via text, e-mail and phone calls, and we saw each other every…Continue

Started by Carla Rose. Last reply by Danny Aug 17, 2019.

Also missing my Mom. 9 Replies

I can relate to almost everything I read here.....I lost my Mom on 9/24/2017.  We lived together since 2008.  I became her primary care giver in 2011 after she broke her hip.  She developed Dementia…Continue

Started by Jennifer Nuss. Last reply by Rhonda Robinson Apr 2, 2018.

Missing my mom 23 Replies

Hi! I'm a new member. My name is Emily. My mom died Dec 27,2012. I had a question for anyone in the group............. Does anyone ever feel torn-part of them wants to be with friends but the other…Continue

Started by Emily. Last reply by Kelli Jan 2, 2018.

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Comment by dream moon JO B on August 17, 2021 at 7:12am

mom miss u need u so loss u gon

Comment by dream moon JO B on August 4, 2021 at 5:07am

miss mo mom miss mom i feal so alon im griefin alon iv no hubby or bf 2 suportt me i no im not gona heal yet nor lk 4 mnhrs go wen she diedd 

Comment by dream moon JO B on June 19, 2021 at 2:53pm

fealin it now 2 day evn if i feal so num still farthrs day tomror no mom now loss mom & dad feal lk a kid of 6 its loss her mommy dady its wondrd off got her slf loss i sond sillyy i no i no for mom it feals so raw 

Comment by dream moon JO B on June 9, 2021 at 3:07pm

miss mom i do wish i cud huf her a hug her agan 

Comment by dream moon JO B on May 24, 2021 at 12:08pm

miss mom i do

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 17, 2021 at 11:31am

doin a memryy box for mom lk i did for my dad i fond a oldd recit bill off 1981 off a butlinss holiday 

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 9, 2021 at 3:17pm

so num so raw still nt cryd for mom 

i miss her i lov her so mush

but im plesed shess not suffringg

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 5, 2021 at 6:06am

my moms juts died abot  1 hourr go 

Comment by BLUEBELL on May 9, 2018 at 2:45pm

God bless you Jenny for sharing your story with me and for your insightful responses. You also reminded me that there is no timeline for grief nor is it linear. Take care.


Comment by Jenny Renn on May 9, 2018 at 4:38am


i am so very sorry for your losses. I have some kind of feeling of what you are going through. My Mother passed on nearly 5 months after my Father. She had a few health issues but we did not expect her to pass when she did. The feelings one feels when experiencing multiple loss is quite inexplicable. My son was born 2 weeks prior to my Father passing and When I think about how I coped, the only thing I can think about is my family. I have my husband and I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. 1 sister and brother live in other countries far away and I have 1 sister who lives Just under 2 hours away. I am more closer to my siblings abroad but grief brought us closer. I know that’s not always the case and there were times when resentments can arise but at the end of the day we have 1 great loss (or rather losses) in common which means we are all hurting and luckily we have gotten closer. Trying to help each other through the grief, especially when you are filled with pain is extremely hard. Trying to process your grief and be there for your sister must be an absolute emotional rollercoaster but all I can say is that, for me, talking or making yourself available to your sister to talk may help. Not only her, but you. I know not everyone grieves in the same way and processes in the same way but you need an outlet and I’m sure your sister does. She may not want to talk straight away but maybe give her time. I found that when one of my siblings was down (more so than us) being there to pick them up was the best thing we could do. We are in different countries but chatting online or talking on the phone helped us greatly. That was my therapy, we discovered new stories about our parents and in some ways I felt like the baby of the family again. My second oldest sister is the maternal one and she made me feel safe and comforted which I really needed and am so grateful for. I can well imagine you reliving the pain of your Mom’s passing through your brother-in-law passing and as excruciating as that must be it’s important for you to experience and have an outlet for your grief as, I believe, that is one of the main ways to help you process it and to strengthen you. Somehow, we each found strength during times when each other was feeling low. This isn’t to say that our grief has ended. It will be 5 years this year since our Father passed and just under that since our Mother passed and we still need that contact every now and again to talk about them, to cry about them and to sometimes laugh recollecting happy memories. Faith is another important factor to us and we believe that they are in Heaven and live on but the abyss that they leave with their passing is very apparent. Lately, I have missed my Mother especially. So much so that I even briefly said to myself that I needed to call her because I wanted to talk to her. I haven’t had that feeling for such a long time. I have a few things going on in my life and I just wanted to speak to her as she was my best friend. Your feeling of loss and grief will always be there, in the background as life goes on but moving it from the forefront to the background takes time. It’s only been a year, a year is no time at all when a parent passes and then to have another close family member pass so soon will, of course, reopen wounds. Try to not put pressure on yourself with an. Timeline for your grief and if you can bring yourself to offer your shoulder to your sister, my recommendation would be to do it if you can. You may surprise yourself with how strong you can be. Sometimes a distraction from your own grief (even if it’s brief) can give you some respite and at the same time help your sister. Again, I am so sorry for your losses and you are in my thoughts. 


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