Missing my Son or Daughter


Missing my Son  or  Daughter

For all of us that are suffering the loss a son or daughter.

Members: 451
Latest Activity: Nov 3, 2022

Discussion Forum

Please share your Story = the Loss of your Son or Daughter 467 Replies

Started by Kar. Last reply by Julie McKinney Jan 17, 2022.

STUPID things people say... " Vent Here " 182 Replies

Started by Kar. Last reply by Robert Matthews Mar 11, 2018.

Do you ever feel like your pain from the sadness of losing your child, only intensifies as times goes by? 163 Replies

Started by Karen R.. Last reply by Jacqueline Miller-Gartner Mar 17, 2022.

Lost Faith 58 Replies

Started by cindy parrott. Last reply by Dennis C. Jun 27, 2015.

The HOW ARE YOU dreaded Question ???? How do you answer??? 49 Replies

Started by Kar. Last reply by Robert Matthews Mar 11, 2018.

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Comment by Michelle H on June 11, 2013 at 8:23am

Mary, while your heart is heavy today, Gary is celebrating his happiest birthday ever! I know the ambivalence you may be feeling, wishing he were with you and his family here on earth today, while not wanting to take away the joy that he is surely feeling where he is. My prayers are with you, especially that you feel better and that you feel Gary's presence on this anniversary of the day you gave birth to your precious son.

Comment by Vasanthi S on June 11, 2013 at 8:15am

Am with you, Mary, Anne, B Milt.It is rough and I feel helpless that so many of us are going through such a time. Have a splitting headache today, so this was just a quick note for all here that I am with you all.

Comment by anne on June 10, 2013 at 11:20pm

I am so sorry. It should've been Dear B. Milt. I need to learn to wear my glasses.

Comment by anne on June 10, 2013 at 11:16pm

Sorry about that I didn't realize how long it was. Sometimes I get on a roll and just cant stop! Love and warmth to all

Comment by anne on June 10, 2013 at 11:15pm

Dear Milt, it breaks my heart to hear your pain, as I know exactly how you feel x2. I still feel the same way you do about all their friends moving on and not my boys. 2 of the boys that were in the car when my first boy died are now married and having babies. I cried for a long time after their weddings. I went to both and they both broke my heart. I just thought how unfair it all was, and now their having babies. I didn't think I would ever get over it, and I felt so bad that I felt that way. Until today I did not repeat how bad I felt about it all. I didn't say how angry I was and how hurt I was that they were having wonderful lives and my sons were dead. sounds harsh I know. I felt so guilty for having these feelings. I wasn't angry at the boys friends or their families but I was just plain hurt and angry as hell. It took me all winter to get my head and heart back on track. I suffered greatly with my PTSD during this time also. I finally got to the point were I couldn't cry or scream anymore. Then one morning I got out of bed and I could see the sunshine. I don't know how , but I felt all different. I'm much better now but I didn't know if I was going to make it, but here I am! Now that I have confessed my feelings I feel much better too! Id like to thank you Milt for sharing your feelings. It gave me the knowledge that I am not alone and someone else has these feelings too. I was thinking I was the worst person in the world for being jealous of my sons friends. Now I know its just one more thing I have to deal with and make the best of. We will all be ok. Not like we were but a different kind of ok. The kind that those of us who have walked in the shoes of a grieving parent can only know. What a relief to get that off my chest. Thanks to all of you, I can face another day. I wish you all peace in your hearts if only for a moment.

Comment by Karen R. on June 9, 2013 at 9:03pm

Just sending my love and "cyber" hugs to all, you guys have been my strength that gets me through the most rough times....thanks for always listening. My heart hurts with you all.

Comment by Bern on June 8, 2013 at 8:06pm

Every time I go in my kitchen to try to cook a meal I end up on the floor. I just roll up in a knot and cry. I miss my 20 year old T.J. so much. No one will ever see him again. I can NEVER introduce my baby boy to no one. He will never exist to them. His friends are moving on and having fun.

Comment by Michelle H on June 8, 2013 at 7:52pm

YADOT nNOSREP TAHT GNAnne, it's one of the best things about a group like this, that when some of us are down, there is usually someone who is in a better place who can give us hope. Thanks for being that person today.

Comment by anne on June 8, 2013 at 6:51pm

Today I wish Peace, Love, and Understanding to all friends. Every time you cross a milestone and you survive it you have won! There will be many twists and turns to come along with these milestones, but you will gain strength with each one. Today i'm feeling good, strong, and well rounded, so I thought i'd pass some of it around. 

Comment by Shelley on June 8, 2013 at 1:01pm
Marilyn. .. a few days after my sons funeral me and his girlfriend stopped at my sons favorite Mexican restaurant. We were getting a carry out so we would think of him even more. I thought it would have been comforting. when we were together he would always order for me because I could never remember what kind of taco shells I like. I stammered and I apologized to the girl as I felt I was taking up too much time and I said "I'm sorry my son usually does this for me cuz I can never remember what I get" and she said would you like to call him? So I said no he won't answer. And I totally lost it. She thought I was a kook I'm sure. I feel like that every since he died. I just want him back.

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