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Hi Sandra - I too lost my only child on June 9, 2014. It is the most devastating thing a parent will go through. Please visit my group - the loss of an only child. Perhaps we can help one another. I know that I could use the support. It's horrible to lose the only child we had and I'm lost for words and in life. My thoughts and prayers are with you Sandra.
Blessings - Gale
Sandra, I lost my only child my son on Dec 31, 2012, It has just know been a month. I know just how painful this is, hugs to you and prayers your way if there is anything I can do or say, please let me know, my son was 26yrs old
absolutely heartbreaking.ur vids of kasey really hit me hard. she reminds me alot of my sis.sweetly doing cartwheels in the vibrant and alive...and then gone.i'm sooooo sorry.what a wonderfull sweet girl.the world is a darker place for having lost them.ok,i need 2 log off so i can try 2 stop crying and pull myself together.gosh,i am so so sorry for your loss.
To Sandy's family. I have thought about you so much the past few days. I tried to write something the day you posted this news, but only tears came, not words. My son died in March 2010, and my husband July 2011 so I understand the dark place Sandy must have been in because I have been there too. If it werent for the little grandkids I would be only too happy to join all the ones passed and end the pain I am in here on earth. I hope you, her family can find it in your hearts to forgive her and understand that for the mothers whose children were taken too soon the world around us goes on, but our world is cold, empty and dead without them. I am so sorry for your losses and will keep thinking of you and sending prayers for many nights to come.
My heart truly aches as my tears flow while typing this. I wish she would have seeked some other intervention. I know her pain all to well, my pain has not lessoned one bit since I have reached the 2 yr mark of losing my 21 yr old son......which still, by the way, sounds crazy to me, just thinking it, saying it, writing it or typing it is unreal, it will never be accepted or understood. All I can say to you sweet Sandy is I hope you are at peace with your child and if your family/ loved ones are reading this, I would tell them that we try to support each other on this site and would never encourage each other to take such drastic measures but we do all understand her pain. So sorry for any additional sadness I'm sure this has caused.
Rest in peace Sandy. My thoughts and prayers are for Sandy's family. My heart aches to hear this.
I'm so very sorry Sandra's family...Rest in peace Sandra..I understand that she wasn't able to go on. I too wish I could have been more help. I'm in shock...I will hold my loved ones a little closer are all in my thoughts and prayers
Oh my God Sandra, I do understand the pain you were trying to endure for the past few months since beautiful Kasey died in that terrible accident. My heart goes out to your bereaved family. How I wish with all my heart that I could have helped you go on but I too am going through this painful loss of my daughter who also was killed in an accident. Nothing or no one can ease the pain and it follows us everywhere. I am so very sad and shaken by your death Sandra. May you rest in eternal peace with your beautiful child Kasey,
rest in peace, Sandy.
Sandra I am so sorry for all the heartache and pain you are in. I cannot even explain it to myself let alone others. I miss Johrdan like I will never truly breathe again, no matter how many breaths I take. It aches in my chest like rocks have been carelessly tossed and cemented there. I wish I could change everything, all of this. That this site had no reason to exist...but I couldn't be more grateful or relieved to have a place to come when I'm tired of everything else and I just want time to think about Johrdan and the others who are gone. To be with people who completely understand without me having to say too much. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as is Kasey.
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