Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong
  • Female
  • Boyertown, PA
  • United States
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  • Jamie Donaldson
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Welcome, Lisa Wysong!

Profile Information

About Me:
I am 54 years old, I have been married for 25 years and have two handsome sons.
About my Loss:
I have been through a difficult time. In 2014 my father in law passed, and my sons best friend Justin. Justin was a member of our family. I love him like he was my own, he had such a big heart, very compassionate. Playing the guitar was his life and he was recording his music. He was 30 when he was taken from all of us, way to young.
Early 2014 my dad was diagnosed with cancer. 2015 was by far the worst. Seeing my Dad whither away and trying to help a life long friend Michael with his diabetes.
I went to visit a Michael on Dec 18 2015. I walked in and was talking to him while walking down the hall on my way to his living room I though to myself he must be asleep he usually greets me. I walked into the living room and immediately turned around, because what I saw was so awful my whole body started to shake uncontrollably, My friend was dead. He had been dead for at least a week when I found him. Michael had been having trouble controlling his diabetes.I loved him and always will. Finding him was devastating it shattered my world. Both from the grieve and the horror of seeing him like that.
My Dad passed away while sleeping on Dec 27 2015 a mere 9 days after I found my friend. My Dad was an awesome father, husband, son, brother and friend. I couldn't have loved him more. I miss him terrible.
Watching him wilt away was also traumatizing as I'm sure some of you understand. Cancer Sucks.
So I am struggling to be myself. I used to be so easy going and Happy but now. I really don't care about anything and I am scared everyday. My husband and sons have been great. but they rest of my family and friends don't understand at all.

So glad I found this site.

My father died 8 days later. He went peacefully at home surrounded by his girls, that's what he called my sisters and I. He was my Superman.

These loses have left my head spinning, sometimes I'm just numb and other times I just sleep all day so I don't have to think. The thoughts are crazy. It's hard for me to share my feelings with my family, I don't want to burden them with my troubles because they also lost their Dad. They never understood Mike's and I relationship.

I'm hoping that this online support will help. I just don't want to leave the house sometimes.

My husband has been very supportive. Thank God.

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Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong joined Dayna's group

Loss of a loved one to alcohol, substance abuse or suicide

If you have lost a loved one to alcohol, substance abuse or suicide please share your story or feelings here. Share the love and beauty of the one you lost. Losing someone any of these ways is not natural and can be hard to understand and ask why? I lost my Mother to an overdose 9 years ago. She also suffered from major depression. Her doctor got her hooked on pain medication and she was addicted most of my life. These doctors who were suppose to help her ended up killing her in the end. I also…See More
Sep 3, 2024
Sharron Anderson left a comment for Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong
"Thank you Lisa for your kind words. I don't know how to vent right now, I feel like I am dead inside. I go thru the day doing things like I use to but with no feelings inside. You are right, I am traumatized with no way of processing being hit…"
Sep 17, 2022
Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong left a comment for Sharron Anderson
"Sharon,  I am truly sorry for what you have been going through. The way his family is treating you is inexcusable, they should know what you meant to him and what he means to you. The lack of being acknowledged as his fiance is also traumatic.…"
Sep 17, 2022
Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong replied to Diana, Grief Recovery Coach's discussion Grief Counseling Notes in the group Grief Counseling
"Diana Thank You so much for providing this service. I know there is always someone I can talk to, if I choose to do so. That is a great feeling because somedays are better than others. I assume that I contact you I would like to chat or need a bit…"
Mar 7, 2021
Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong commented on Diana, Grief Recovery Coach's group Grief Counseling
"Hi Jason M, All you need to do is message Diana the grief counselor, her info is at the top of the page.  She replies fairly quickly "
Jun 14, 2020

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Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong's Blog

Not a good day

Today wasn't a good day, so many memories. I can't even listen to my I pod. Songs are a big trigger. Trying to just get through, one day at a time.

You Never Said Goodbye

by Unknown

You never said I'm leaving



Posted on February 24, 2016 at 8:04pm — 2 Comments

I am new to online support


My name is Lisa and I am trying online support for the first time. I have been considering it for a few weeks. I think I would prefer it to going to see a therapist.

Posted on February 21, 2016 at 9:19pm — 1 Comment

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At 9:04pm on September 17, 2022, Sharron Anderson said…

Thank you Lisa for your kind words. I don't know how to vent right now, I feel like I am dead inside. I go thru the day doing things like I use to but with no feelings inside. You are right, I am traumatized with no way of processing being hit from all sides. I will take you up on your offer when I am in a bad way.


At 6:05am on December 2, 2016, Michele said…

march will be 2 years that I my sister and brother in law died tragically in a fire. I still struggle daily and cant wrap my brain around the fact that she really is not here. Everyone always says with time it gets better for me it just feels like with time I only just realize the emptiness and void is just deeper. I struggle daily with depression but try so hard to put on my fake smile and just some how appear normal during my days. I am trying to be supportive to my sister's kids especially during the holidays but again when I am around them it is just another gut punch of how things will never be the same with my sister gone. I just really want to get through these holidays. I know for all of you the holidays are the worse.

At 6:43am on November 25, 2016, Dennis C. said…


I am so sorry for the losses that you have suffered.

Death is without question an enemy. This is What the Bible even calls it.

When Jesus had a good friend die, he was moved to tears and groaned inside himself because to the pain that death causes.

I deal with the losses by focusing on the HOPE we have for the future. In the Bible we find 8 resurrections where we see family reunited with their dead loved one. My favorite is in Mark 5:41, 42. This account talks about a 12 year old girl who had died. Jesus brought the young girl back to life. When the parents were reunited with her it says 

     "And at once they were beside themselves with great ecstasy"

That's how we WILL feel when we are reunited with the loved ones we have lost.

None of this takes our loneliness or pain away. It does however give us HOPE. This hope helps us navigate through this painful journey.

I hope that you can find some HOPE to grab onto. If I can help please let me know  

At 10:44am on September 1, 2016, MarieSte said…

Hi Lisa thank you so much for your kind words about my poems. I'm so sorry about your multiple losses. Grief even when acknowledged is very hard to live with and is unique for all of us. This site should help you realise you are not alone. If we can in someway gain comfort from each other it can be a small respite from our daily struggle.{{{Hugs}}}

At 9:12am on March 29, 2016, Lynn Boyd said…
Hi Lisa, thank you for your kind words. I understand what you mean about music being a grief trigger. It was an entire year before I could listen to anything by Jimmy Buffett, since he was the background music of our life together. I can listen now and remember the good times, but occasionally a song will bring the tears back too. This online support group has been good for me. It's always comforting to be in touch with others also experiencing the profound pain of loss and grief. **hugs**

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