January 2016 Blog Posts (29)

Brother Did You Know...

Brother Did You Know that:

At age 40 you would die from a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury due to you having a seizure and falling.

Why? Because you were supposedly going to a rehab but instead you chose the city mission. Were you confused? We will never know.

Your alcoholism stole everything from you. Your wife and children became secondary and they had to leave because of it. You were overwhelmed and depressed but your alcoholism would not allow you to think… Continue

Added by Ann Piety on January 29, 2016 at 8:35pm — No Comments

Advice from those who haven't a clue!

Does anyone else have a hard time listening to advice from someone who hasn't lost anyone in their family? Except for maybe an 85 year old Aunt? I know people mean well, but sometimes I just don't have the energy to listen, nor the heart to say anything!

Added by Rhiannon Thomas-Bethel on January 29, 2016 at 1:07pm — 6 Comments

Grieving for a loss of my only living son.....who doesn't want any contact with me at all!

I know i have one issue that i am dealing with...and that's in a part of my only son, who after a nasty divorce from his father, and an ugly situation..., my son doesn't want anything to do with me or any communications..so now i have to deal with the loss of my only son....how sad!

Added by Patricia Gooderham on January 29, 2016 at 9:34am — 3 Comments

Ticket To Ride

I've been given this ticket to ride the roller coaster! I didn't choose this ride! Ok? So I'm going to ride this fucking ride! I'm going to pull up my big girl panties, I'm going to tighten my damn seatbelt, I'm going to adjust my shoulder strap....and I'm going to HOLD ON with my hands, until my fingers turn white and go numb! Then? When I can't hold on anymore with my hands? I will brace my knees along the edge of my bucket seat and I will lock my legs in! Because you know why??? I DONT HAVE… Continue

Added by Rhiannon Thomas-Bethel on January 28, 2016 at 9:07pm — 1 Comment

Grief Loss Empty

I feel for all who are suffering.  After 5 + years  I still grieve, feel empty after losing the only person who Loved,respected, supported me as I did him.   Married 46 yrs. We were a team.   Struggling  like all of you.  Loss  of  2/3   of husbands hard won pension  was a kick in the teeth, life savings  going fast , many bills,  illness, RX's ,  care taking,    Honesty, Fairness ,integrity  is lacking in our corp,  lobbyist, billionaire controlled country.  Bless you all 

Added by dianne Ribbentrop on January 28, 2016 at 1:28pm — 1 Comment

Lost my husband

I lost my husband in November 2015.  I felt so numb at first, now I just feel pain, sadness, sorrow and grief.  I live in a very small rural community (everyone knows everyone's business) and there is no support group here.  I work at the local convenience store and have a very hard time at work some days.  I know most people do not want to really know how I am doing, but they politely ask anyway.  Some genuinely care and ask.  I never thought losing John could hurt so much.  I wake up…


Added by Tilly Bear on January 28, 2016 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

The Elephant in the Room

 I was with my friends last night.  And usually, when I am with friends, I am able to push my grief down deep inside and hide it.  But for some reason, maybe because I am feeling tired and suffering from "burn out", my grief decided to make an appearance in front of everyone. And there it was:  the big white elephant in the room. My eyes suddenly became like water faucets. Tears were streaming down my face faster than I could dab them away with a small square of tissue. And then, of course,…


Added by Felicia on January 27, 2016 at 8:59pm — 3 Comments

im so broken

this pain is so unreal, I keep waiting for my beautiful son shawn to come home, to phone me. its been so long since I heard his voice. god im so dead inside, full of hate and empty. why wont he tell me hes ok, happy, and with me everyday?  why wont he come back to me why? I pray everyday to die, why wont he talk me to shawn, why does he make me suffer so bad?my tears never stop, but my life is over,oh please give me my baby back,if theres a god  take me to him please   

Added by kim on January 27, 2016 at 6:49pm — No Comments

I don't get it

I'm not usually a judgemental person, but I was reading a magazine today and one of the articles was about a lady who's husband had died 9months ago and she was talking about how she had met a new man and was ready to be in love again, and how her husband would want her to be happy again, I know Andy would want me to be happy again(never gonna happen)  but i can just not understand that , it just doesn't make any sense to me,in fact it makes me think she must be a horrid person, I know I…


Added by joanne on January 27, 2016 at 5:34pm — 12 Comments


Everyone says that time heals all wounds. Why do I feel like this isn't the case when it comes to a death of a loved one???? How ling does it take to stop crying? When will I want to laugh again? When will I want to be around people again? Or has my life style just changed forever??????

Added by Denise Taylor on January 26, 2016 at 11:36am — 5 Comments

A Short Poem I wrote...Hope it helps a bit!

Last Wednesday, I was feeling particularly sad. I've always been a hack poet  so I wrote this

little ditty down to vent some sorrow and feel a bit better. It helped.  Hope it can help you

abit.    Mel

YOU TOOK HER FROM ME GENTLY   M.Royer  Fri, Jan 22, 2016

You took her from me gently, on that shining springtime day.

It was warm, the sky was bluer when…


Added by Mel Royer on January 24, 2016 at 3:18pm — 1 Comment


evry pic i sea a person is missing 

Added by dream moon JO B on January 20, 2016 at 3:53pm — 1 Comment

Then...and NOW

 It's Monday, and I hate Mondays--for two reasons now:  starting over another week, and my beautiful, funny, loving Mom passed away on a Monday. I was thinking, this evening, how much my life has changed since she died.  I used to put in a days work and then go spend the evenings over at Mom's. My husband was healthy then, and often worked till late in the evening, so I spent time with Mom, Dad, and my son at her house. We ate together, then she made us watch  "Wheel of Fortune " with her.…


Added by Felicia on January 18, 2016 at 9:58pm — 1 Comment


New to this site but wanted to leave a message. I lost my husband of 13 years about a year and a half ago at in an atv accident. Being a 40 year old widow seems so weird and movie of the week, you know? My life has changed so much. I moved back to Colorado to be near family. (Which is good) but things are so lonely. Do we only get one "person?" Am I all out luck forever because I lost mine? I struggle every day. I go to work and do the things I'm supposed to do, but life has lost that zest,…


Added by Kara Wilson on January 18, 2016 at 7:24pm — 2 Comments

Companioning the Bereaved by Alan Wolfelt

I am posting a link to a book I found that very much resonates with my soul. It is a pretty sizable preview and the author, Alan, offers compassionate support and wisdom from counseling with many bereaved.…


Added by Jesse's Mom on January 17, 2016 at 7:57pm — No Comments

There is no end to healing

As I read the anguish in the blogs of so many who have lost the love of their life recently, it takes me back to that dark, black empty place I lived 5 years ago after losing my wife of over 23 years.

Everything that I've read echos where I was, how alone and shattered I felt.  …


Added by Jim Eginoire on January 16, 2016 at 11:20am — No Comments

Distant planet to vast ocean?

Ever since New Years I'm not sure exactly where my feelings are going. But something is changing. When this hell first happened I felt like I was in 3 places at once - back "there" in March 10th, on this miraged, twilight zone planet, and a completely different, distant planet with my only connection to the first. I've heard people relate grief to being out on a desolate, vast ocean, floating in the middle of nowhere. That may be what I'm starting to feel now. The difference between the…


Added by rachel_micele on January 14, 2016 at 11:23pm — No Comments

PhD research on loss and grief

I am conducting a research study on the way Americans think and talk about loss and grief. This is a part of my PhD project.


You are eligible to participate if:

- you were born and raised in the United States

- you are a native speaker of American English

- you are an adult (19-60 years old)

- you have experienced the death of a loved person within the last 1-5 years.


If you are eligible and willing to participate, please go to the…


Added by Kamila on January 14, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments

It is that time of the year again

I am lost, and tired. Have not been sleeping well for days now, and became sick. Yesterday night. when I was wide awake and could not fall back to sleep, it hit me. It is that time of the year again. My brain tried to forget, but my body did not. My dad's birthday is in 5 days, and it will be 5 years since my mom has, I can't even say that word, I don't want to say it, then it will be real. All I can do is ride it out, wait for it to pass, and try to distract myself as much as I can. But it…


Added by Rana Isaaq on January 12, 2016 at 9:29pm — 5 Comments



Added by dream moon JO B on January 12, 2016 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

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