All Blog Posts Tagged 'grief' (36)

Three Months

I guess there isn't much to say anymore. I miss him so much. He was like my brother and it feels weird and wrong and different. It's weird to think a year ago we were laughing and were so close. Its weird to think that someone who was once so beautiful and full of life is now rotting six feet underground in a wooden box. I'm not sure of my religious beliefs but I think I hope he's either moved onto the next life or has his own personal heaven with everyone he loved. I hope he has his…


Added by Zeena on May 13, 2019 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Brief on Grief

Hi beautiful people,

I lost my father last year, a few months before starting my Masters in Innovation & Future Technologies.

I have used his loss as a source of inspiration for my project, and will really appreciate your participation.

Below is a link to my survey (which, is not very long):

All information will remain confidential and will only be used for…


Added by Alex on September 25, 2018 at 7:31am — No Comments


It has been 8 months since I have talked to my person. I have 1 year and 5 months to go until I can talk to her again. I miss her everyday. I am terrified that she will forget me until then. I do not know what to do if she forgets me. I talked to her everyday for over a year, she was there and she saved my life. I miss her so much.

Added by Katie Jones on November 4, 2017 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Brain cancer is the worst

Added by Anonymity be my name on September 16, 2017 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Recommended Book by David Kessler

Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die

  David Kessler, expert on death and grief, takes on three uniquely shared experiences that challenge our ability to explain and fully understand the mystery of our final days. The first is “visions".  As the dying lose sight of this world, some people appear to be looking into the world to come.…


Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on May 10, 2017 at 3:07pm — 2 Comments

10 Steps To A New Life After Loss by Christina Rasmussen

Found this article today and decided to save it here:

From Hay House by Christina Rasmussen

Imagine living a beautiful life with your husband and two baby daughters. You have just moved to a new state and city, loving every moment of it. I was 30 years old and he was 31. Change happened fast, as if in a scary movie. The ground we walked on shifted and we had to learn to fly…


Added by Nora on April 13, 2017 at 10:35pm — No Comments

Typical responses associated with Grief

  • Reduced concentration
  • A sense of numbness
  • Disrupted sleeping patterns
  • Changed eating habits
  • Emotional Roller coaster

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on March 20, 2017 at 2:21pm — 4 Comments

Healthy Self Care

Developing a healthy self-care practice is an essential part of active grieving. Self-care in all its forms - physical, spiritual, intellectual and psychological - is at the very heart of purposeful grieving. As you're committed to growing through this experience of loss - of becoming more than you were before the passing of your loved one, not less - I offer you these self-care tips and ideas:

  • Surround yourself with things that help you feel…

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on December 30, 2016 at 1:44pm — No Comments

Don't Lose Your Focus

When we grieve we sometimes lose our focus.

You can choose what you want to focus on.  Choose!  Choose what you CAN do. Honor and care for each other… Smile… Say thank you… Let the person ahead of you in line… Hold the door for someone… Help the elderly with a task… Give a compliment… Be courteous and polite… Say hello… Offer help to others… Be a good listener… Start a conversation with someone… Give someone…


Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 30, 2016 at 7:37pm — 2 Comments

Good can come from Pain

No one is prepared for grief. The rush of feelings, the thoughts, anxieties, and heartache can take us by surprise and drive us to our knees. Yet, when we choose to harness that power for self-growth, amazing things can happen. Good can come from pain.

Learn to tell your story differently. Take the victim mentality out of the story of loss you tell yourself and others and replace it with the word survivor to return to a sense of control over your…


Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 29, 2016 at 12:38pm — 3 Comments

Heaven Left a Hole in your Heart

It’s up to you to choose if that hole will be filled with pain, anger, and the eternal darkness of loss . . .
Or if you will choose to fill it with light and love and have that hole shine out of you like a spotlight into your life, keeping their memory alive . . .

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 28, 2016 at 9:26am — 1 Comment

Grief and Appetite Loss

If you've lost your appetite, try simple comfort foods, such as soups, mashed potatoes with chicken or meatloaf, fruit and yogurt smoothies, puddings, pasta, or foods from your childhood or cultural background. Eating small portions frequently may help as well. Take a multivitamin to cover any nutrients your meals are not currently supplying.  Wishing all of you a blessed day.

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 27, 2016 at 9:23am — 1 Comment

Hold on to the Love not the Loss

Grief:  Nobody on this earth would blame you if you became depressed and didn't want to carry on, but sometimes the mind can work powerful miracles. Even in the worst times there is hope and you should never give in to the dark storms that are approaching.  Hold on to the LOVE!

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 26, 2016 at 11:19am — 2 Comments

Abandonment and Grief

Abandonment has its own kind of grief – a powerful grief universal to human beings. The grief can be acute – as when we go through the ending or death of a relationship, or chronic – as when we feel the impact of earlier losses and disconnection.

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on November 16, 2016 at 9:28am — 1 Comment

Lessen the pain of grief

The pain of grief is awful.  We may understand that the body needs to process grief to help us move on, but the question exists...Can we speed it up a little so it doesn't hurt so much?

The answer is Yes and No.  The pain of grief must be felt an experienced to be free from it.  The truth is, the faster you fully experience it, the quicker you'll have more 'non-grieving' periods that you can live your life.  So,…


Added by Jill Bollman on August 30, 2016 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

you live only twice

It is like a dream… I’m dreaming since 2012. Do you remember that had to be the end of the world? And it was… was for me… I want to come back. But what is real if you live in your minds?





     1) Right away find a place and scream as loud as you want and as long as you want!

     2) Go to travel (at least for few days and you can do it alone!)



Added by Lima on April 8, 2016 at 6:30pm — No Comments

PhD research on loss and grief

I am conducting a research study on the way Americans think and talk about loss and grief. This is a part of my PhD project.


You are eligible to participate if:

- you were born and raised in the United States

- you are a native speaker of American English

- you are an adult (19-60 years old)

- you have experienced the death of a loved person within the last 1-5 years.


If you are eligible and willing to participate, please go to the…


Added by Kamila on January 14, 2016 at 4:00pm — No Comments


Yesterday I said I was not going to dwell on the loss of my wife Cheryl, today I am, at least in this blog post.

It's another morning and I have been lying in bed for a few hours hoping to fall back asleep.  But I have had no luck.  My mind of course has been thinking of Cheryl.  Of the more than 31 years we knew each other, and how we had so many experiences together that we could always share a private laugh.  And now those memories are only mine.  They feel like such a…


Added by Mark on May 25, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

The Hardest Days

There are nights that I dream about the funeral, about how bitter cold and wet it was, from the rain. I replay it all over again, about how unwilling I was to leave. About how unable I was to accept that he was already gone, and just his body remained. But I refused, absolutely refused, to think of him in the ground. As cold as it was, I just couldn't imagine him there. 

There are days that I wake up from those dreams, and I just cry. I never knew I was capable of so many…


Added by Mollie on January 30, 2015 at 6:50pm — 3 Comments

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Speed Weasel commented on Speed Weasel's blog post A Return to GriefShare and a Crisis of Identity
"GriefShare is a church based support group. They do have meetings online, but the usual format is a group of people experiencing a loss getting together weekly to watch videos (13 weeks total) about grief and loss. After the video, we talk about the…"
14 hours ago
Natasha commented on Speed Weasel's blog post A Return to GriefShare and a Crisis of Identity
"is griefshare a website like this?"
14 hours ago
dream moon JO B updated their profile
Morgan Sangrouber is now a member of Online Grief Support - A Social Community
Oct 10
Addie replied to Kali's discussion It was not supposed to be like this in the group Being the Other Woman/Other Man
"Kali I’m so so sorry you are going through this. Grief is hard enough, but going through it secretly, all the while having to continue showing up for your kids, is just brutal. Perhaps your friend was careful to hide your conversations behind…"
Sep 26
Kali added a discussion to the group Being the Other Woman/Other Man

It was not supposed to be like this

In 2014 I met the most amazing man ever. We were both in our very early 20s and were looking for different things at the time. We ceased communication for roughly 6 months. During which time, he completed basic training and joined the Air Force. By the time we reconnected he was already at his first duty station.. 8 hours away.We decided we wanted to continue our relationship and proceeded to cultivate a deeply emotional connection. Regular calls and video chats, visits while he was home on…See More
Sep 26
Kali joined Cathy Richardson's group

Being the Other Woman/Other Man

This is for anyone who has lost their lover to death and you were the other woman/other man in their life. We have to grieve in silence. I can't find any support groups and feel like I'm the only one going through this situationSee More
Sep 25
Profile IconKali and Bridget Baker joined Online Grief Support - A Social Community
Sep 25

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