Lisa S.
  • Female
  • Spokane, WA
  • United States
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About Me:
I am 40.I love animals and the outdoors.I am an artist and also work ocasionally as a personal assistant.
About my Loss:
In 2008 I lost my little sister,Christy schober.After a horrible childhood and a life of abuse,and despite all her hardwork,she began to self medicate,and was purposely given poisoned drugs.She was only 31.Then just 2 years later in 2010,Peter Jose,the man I was egaged to was found tied up and dumped in the river.he was only 34.Verry little investigation was done,and the killers are still on the loose.I struggle to get by every second of every day,for the only two people who ever loved me have been cruelly and violently taken away.My only comfort is that they shall never suffer again.

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Lisa S.'s Blog

Natural things that help us to sleep.

I'm sure most of the people here,as well as myself,often find it hard to sleep at night.I have found some natural remedies that really seem to help.most of these things can be found at heathfood stores or vitamin stores like super supliments,or can be ordered online.Some can even be grown in your own garden.Valerian is what I have found to be most effective.It is a root,and can be bought in pill or liquid form.Meletonin is also verry effective.sativa,chamomille,catnip and lavender can be…


Posted on February 17, 2012 at 12:04pm — 3 Comments

suicide is NOT the most selfish act

I have often heard people parot the phrase "suicide is the most selfish act".verry few,(if any),people kill themselves out of spite,and even if so,that person must have been awfully unkind to solicite such a drastic action.peoplr commit suicide for manny reasons.mental illness aflicts alot of people,and goes unnoticed and untreated in most.Childhood trauma/abuse haunts manny people.People kill themselves because they feel they haveno other choice,no hope,and the inner pain is unending.Before…


Posted on February 15, 2012 at 12:55pm — 1 Comment


Despie my losses,and although there is no justice.I will bask in the sun.I will rejoice in life.To honor my loved ones I will flourish,when I can.I will deny the wicked ones,and the cruelty of fate,by going forth with my head held high.I will feel the warm breeze.I will show kindness and mercy to those I meet,instead of bitterness.I will lie on sunny beaches.I will breath in the clean air.I will frolic in green fields with my dog.I will triumph over evil by denying it the murderous power…


Posted on February 10, 2012 at 8:09pm — 2 Comments

the giult of contributing to a loved ones death

for my lil sis.if i had been able to protect u from the horrible things our mother did to you when u were a child.if i had had the money to help u keep your house when u lost your job.if i could have helped u get into rehab when u begged our weathy family to send u there.if i had had my act together enough to have a funeral for u,wich was your wish,instead of your remains being cast aside by our uncaring family.with all the dignity  a dead dog found at the side of the road.a carcas left for…


Posted on February 8, 2012 at 7:56pm — 1 Comment

last night i dreamed of my sister

she was in my field on a beautifull decorated elephant,holding a big was her wedding day,and she was happy.she never got to expierience what it is to be loved and cherished,and she so longed to know the comfort of being part of a cruell the human creature is.she once asked me what it was like to have a friend,for she had never had one.though she was so kind and so sweet,so trusting and so hopefull,no one ever cared to show her any compassion.she was met with jealousy…


Posted on February 7, 2012 at 7:16pm — 1 Comment

while seeking comfort I find the urgant need to cofort others

I hope I don't seem like a crazy person,replying to so manny comments,but it truly breaks my heart to see that poeople are reaching out,and that some of peoples comments have not had a single reply.My heart really goes out to you all.I'm so sorry that this world is so cruell.

Posted on February 7, 2012 at 4:28pm — 2 Comments

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At 3:18am on March 21, 2012, Dick gave Lisa S. a gift
At 8:07am on March 9, 2012, Samantha Daniels said…

thank you so much for your comment. i appreciate it a lot. i'm doing the best i can. hope you are doing alright, as well.

At 11:10pm on March 8, 2012, Tiffoney Clark said…

Thank you very much for your comment

At 11:41pm on February 26, 2012, Tammy B. said…

Thank-you Lisa for the well-wishes.  It's nice to know there are people like you who care about people they don't even know.  I really care about people but don't seem to reach out as much as I should.  My cat's name is Tedi and she doing ok.  I'm hoping she'll stay with me a bit longer.  It'll be tough to lose her so soon after my mom.  I just joined this grief site and I've read a little bit of the comments and I feel so bad for everyone.  I don't even know what to say....I know just how much joy my mom brought to me, so I have so much compassion for all of them.  I guess we just have to make the most of our time here on earth the best we can without them.  I know that's what my mom would want.

At 9:26pm on February 26, 2012, Chari Dietzler said…

Thank you for your kind thoughts.  I would never trade a day of the time I had with my mom.  I never was able to be with her as an adult.. too many men in my life.  Mom was patient though.  When we finally were together, after I quit my 3 part time jobs to do it, she was the happiest I had ever seen her.  It was like she had waited all her life to have me to herself in the end.  Then she never wanted to be out of my sight. 

As a child I had the nick name, Little Mommy.  We were buddies then.  But when mom had fallen and had to have her hip replaced, it took three days to make the connection.  You see, after the surgery, I was still doing those 3 jobs, about 60 hours a week... I had one hour a night to visit her after I had to drive an hour each way to see her in the hospital.  When I arrived each night the staff complained that all she did was cry Momma, Momma.. all day long.  They said they told her she was too old to have a living mom so just to let it go.  But she seemed so relieved to see me.  On the third night I drove through a snow storm to get there and worried about having to drive back home to my kids again...but when I walked in the door of her room, she was alert and nearly sitting up for the first time.. She said, "There you are, Mommy." 

OMG I knew it right then....  I had worked a couple years in an Alzheimers Unit as an activities aid... so I knew.  I visited her and she was so happy to see me I almost couldn't leave..  When I left, though, I cried all the way back.. Through the snow storm which continued to rage.  I cried because I knew she had Alzheimers.  And that was the beginning. It was also the beginning of my deepest love for any human being. 

At 7:16pm on February 26, 2012, Lori said…

Thank you for the kind words.  Sorry for your loss as well.  My boyfriend was only 37.  We were together for 2 1/2 years and lived together.  He was my world and the best thing that has ever happened to me.  March 18 will be a year.  I try to just take things one day at a time.

At 5:03pm on February 26, 2012, Tanya said…

Thank you for your kind words. Everyone says I'm strong, but I don't feel it. It's as if I'm only hanging by a thread.

At 5:03pm on February 19, 2012, Dick said…

I swear the flower are embracing @ 2:56 on the Portishead video.

At 4:39pm on February 18, 2012, Dick said…

Interesting the Pitbull is your dog of choice, Danny had two at the time of death and his girlfriend wanted them and his PJ bottoms to remember him. I gave it all to her. I have no pets now, I could not stand to have anything die on me now.

At 4:24pm on February 18, 2012, Dick said…

I notice you are quite pro-animals. I am no so much pro-animal, but I am against factory farming methods that stress the animal and I do think the final product marketed is retrograde. I have chosen a ova-lactarian lifestyle myself and I know the people producing the milk and eggs personally. Free range or go home. Thanks for not thinking I am crazy.


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