July 2018 Blog Posts (6)


I can't stop dreaming about them...

Whenever he's in my dream he's either alive and happy, or hating me.

Whether the dream is good or bad, it feels like it destroys a part of my soul.

I wake up and for a few blissful moments he's still alive. Then I remember it was a dream, and it's like he dies all over again. 

I can hear the police knocking at my door to tell me. I can feel the empty horror, I can see the faces of the people who were around me contorted…


Added by Lily Blue on July 30, 2018 at 6:37pm — No Comments


Everyone keeps telling me to just remember the good times with him, that it'll be better if I just remember the good times.

So I try.

They make me laugh, but they hurt so much. for every happy moment that runs through my mind, I feel like my heart gets torn a bit more.

I loved him, I love him. So much, and it hurts so much.

He was goofy, and funny, and cynical.

He loved to complain about things, like pop music. He…


Added by Lily Blue on July 30, 2018 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Sudden death

Deeply saddened when alcoholic boyfriend died suddenly. We were together 4 yrs. The last 1 1/2 he was over drinking. 2 weeks before his death he showed thinking confusion and was leaving me horrible mean messages on phone. So I ignored him 2 weeks. When I tried to call no answer. Then his friend came over told me he died.
No warning, no closure, severe grief!
How can I get through this?
I hope there are some answers.

Added by Carrie on July 28, 2018 at 8:07pm — 3 Comments

Life without them

It's been 2 years and 2 months since I lost my dad, and 1 year and 3 months since u lost my grandmother. Sometimes I feel like they were never here, like this is normal life without them. Then I have moments when I want to curl up in a ball and just cry because it hurts so much to miss them. I try to remember the good moments but all I can think about is the last days.

The other day I was at the hospital with a friend and when we walked in I saw my dad, like I was shook this older women… Continue

Added by Rebecca Clemens on July 17, 2018 at 10:20am — 2 Comments

After Death Communication & Near Death Experiences - Real Life Stories

Reading through these experiences has helped me some in my (ongoing) grieving process. It's a collection of personal experiences with after-death communication and near-death experiences. If you have had a personal experience you can click submit an experience to add to the collection. 


Added by Ninja on July 14, 2018 at 3:25pm — No Comments

Why Go On Living? - Reason 3 of 3, Because There is Hope

Life is filled with trouble. Today, everyone is touched by tragedy of one sort or another. But some people feel utterly hopeless about life, as if there were no light on the horizon, no prospect for a better future. Is that how you feel? If so, be assured that the Bible offers genuine hope—not just for you but for all humankind. For example:

  • The Bible teaches that God intended something far better for us.—…


Added by Mike H. on July 3, 2018 at 7:37am — 4 Comments

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