
Years later...

This group is for anyone who had lost someone 1, 2, 3, 4 or more years ago. Where are you in your grief? Has it gotten easier? Has it gotten harder? Please share your story

Location: Saginaw, MI
Members: 47
Latest Activity: Feb 25, 2023

Discussion Forum

Years later 1 Reply

Hello brother and sister grievers of lost ones and still continue to be devastated?  Perhaps you are not - but I am.  It has been almost 8 years since the love of my life died while we were on…Continue

Started by Myrna Casebolt. Last reply by Morgan C Feb 25, 2023.

Lost my husband 15 years ago to suicide

I'm not sure if I'm in the right place. 15 years ago I found my husband hanging in our garage. Within days I found out he hadn't paid any bills our house was in foreclosure and he had been fired. Now…Continue

Started by Ronda Coonfield Oct 6, 2021.

Lost My Mother and Twin Sister 2 Replies

My mother passed away from an accidental overdose 9 years ago. Her case still remains open yet the detectives never took her case seriously and did not see other things that were out of place and all…Continue

Started by Dayna. Last reply by Dayna Sep 29, 2019.

Back to Years later...

For me about the 1st 10 years is hard, and when I dream of a loved one that has passed over it just brings much grief.  But after 10 years when I dream of them it is like we had been together and it…Continue

Started by Mandel Crittendon Apr 30, 2012.

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Comment by Ronda Coonfield on October 6, 2021 at 9:51pm
Hi my name is Ronda. I am really going through a hard time. 15 years ago I found my husband hanging in our garage. Within a matter of days I found out none of our bills were paid, our house was in foreclosure and I had $150. I figured a funeral for him then had to move everything. Mostly give things away. I didn't keep anything of his. I jumped in to a relationship for 12 years. I'm finally with my family but I am reliving that and having anxiety. I know I am so angry at him also because I also found out he was cheating on me. I just don't know how to get past this.
Comment by dream moon JO B on June 12, 2021 at 2:56pm

u do not get ovr it u lern to liv on it loss dad 9 yrs go loss mom 2 mnth go wish  no nockt me riht bac got som god advze off funrel hom it cud ak a long tim 2 sinkk in shes gon  but i miss her terbbbly  i do 

Comment by Tessa Roberson on June 12, 2021 at 7:47am

Thank you, Rosie, for the reminder to keep going "for them." As much as I have wanted to just check out so many times in the past 13 years since my son's death, I have forced myself to keep functioning because he would not want me to abandon his brother and sister. I honor James' too-short life by trying to live up to his example of compassion and kindness. 

Comment by Rosie on June 11, 2021 at 9:40pm

It's been over two and a half years since my dear brother, Dan, passed away. The best "advice" I've received from someone who has also known great grief - "It doesn't get better. It just gets different."

While that may sound gloomy, I actually found a lot of comfort in that thought throughout the past few years. I don't expect to ever be who I was before. I don't expect things to not feel heavy or to not have a huge whole in my heart. There's now a "before" and an "after" and I can't go back. I'm able to function and get through the day and even enjoy some activities, but I'll never be the same. The best I can do is strive to make Dan proud of me and honor him in life. But it still hurts every single moment of every single day. Hope you all are coping okay. Keep going - for them.

Comment by Sad Sally on June 11, 2021 at 9:16am

I lost my Dad, my best friend, seven years ago.  It really does get easier but it took a very long time for me to get used to him being gone. 

It's a burden that needs to be carried with me the rest of my life I think. 

Comment by Tessa Roberson on May 30, 2021 at 4:24pm

Is anybody still here? It looks like all of the posts are from several years ago.

Comment by dream moon JO B on October 10, 2014 at 4:53pm

Comment by dream moon JO B on September 9, 2012 at 5:07pm

iv lost loads over the yrs my dad this year wish is painfull my grand mother kate wne i woz a tean wish u never get over lozening a grand parent anti eadi my dads sister to kidney canser anti ann to breast canser my dads other sister anti mary my dads older sister to lung canser i no she wozent a nise peerson but i wod never wish that on any 1 anti flo to bone canser my mums sister cuzens to canser surgate antis and uncles it never gets easer and u never get over it frends of the family and neboz  

Comment by Chelsea on September 4, 2012 at 9:05pm
I lost my sister seven years ago and it has gotten so much harder. Espcially playing the sport she loved snd her not being here my first year of high school
Comment by Vivian Henriquez on January 19, 2012 at 3:00pm

Six years ago today  I was told  my husband was brain dead and that he would not be coming home with us. I miss his so much and still wonder how this happened.  The nights are so lonely now without my love.  I try to keep busy with my grandchildren but when I lay down to sleep I'm alone.... 


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