I am new to the site as well. My love and I were together for 15 years, we would have celebrated 8 years of marriage June 21st. 

He suffered a massive heart attack on February 3rd 2016. He was 63. would have been 64 on March 13th. In a matter of minutes, he was gone. I was there, I saw it all. Both at home and in the ER. I myself am in healthcare, and even though I know I did everything I could at the time, I blame myself for not being able to change the outcome.

I am at times haunted by some of the things I saw. When I close my eyes, when I drive, when I am in the shower...visions of the physical reactions from this cardiac event are vivid in my mind. 

It's all true. Part of me died that day too. I struggle to find ways to get through each day without him. Wishing I was with him and not here feeling so very lost without him. I cry more tears than I thought I ever could. We were Cyd and Jerry. Did everything together. And now I don't know how to be Cyd without Jerry.

And that is the tip of the proverbial iceberg. No will. Paperwork on a daily basis. Lawyers. Trips to the courthouse. Banks. Insurance providers. I am a 2nd wife and worry about losing the love of his grandchildren whom I adore. There is an ex-wife that makes life interesting. I endured a funeral with 2 picture boards of their marriage, and 2 old photos of me. Promises that he made to his mother that she is scared will not be fullfilled even though we made those promises to her together. 

I did not/do not understand how deep this grief would be, the layers that compound the most basic of facts...I lost my bestest friend.

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My husband died two days after Christmas...yesterday was his birthday.  In less than two weeks will be our anniversary. It only gets worse with time.  We were together 24/7.  He had COPD but mercifully he had an easy death.  (if death can be easy) He fainted, the medics took him to the ER and he died a bit over an hour later without regaining consciousness.  He never knew I was with him.  He ,looked like he was sleeping.  I feel as if my life is over.  At least there is no first wife to have to battle with.  I am battling with the controllers of his pension.  I am his beneficiary.  They are taking so much time whereas they said it would only be a few days.  John would have fits over that. My life is lonely without John.  I had always hoped we would go together.   This is a good site, my children don't want me to talk about their father, it makes them uncomfortable.  At least I can talk here to people who understand. Bless us all.

There are a lot of firsts without him that scare the crap out of me right now. My brain understands the difficulties and sources of support. My heart is on a wild rampage without him. There are moments when I was glad I was with him, and as I said before, there are moments that haunt me. I don't know what to do with myself without him either. It is lonely. I leave the TV on 24/7 in the living room just so it isn't that scary kind of quiet in our home.  I put one foot in front of the other and claim victory. I have pension issues as well - of the health insurance variety. Losing him somehow doubled our premium. It's insane. And probably won't work with my budget now that I carry his share of our budget on my own. 

Thank you Peggy. I hired an estate lawyer and he has done a wonderful job so far. Only doing work I need help with, advising me what I can do on my own. The biggest issue was personal representative papers. That way I got access to accounts where beneficiaries were unknown. Plus my cousin had prepared several items for him and no lawyer was needed for that. I try to remember that it has only been less than 2 months and the overwhelming DAILY list of things to do will get shorter. I get up some days and say to myself - no paperwork today. But then the mail comes and there are things to be dealt with....thank you for the hugs. They really do help me feel connected to something besides stress.

Wouldn't a pause button be great! That may be part of my journey. I am responsible for all of the paperwork and red tape. I am fortunate enough to say the only debt we had was from this event. And life insurance has covered most of that. But there is always paperwork. It might have been a distraction in the beginning, but now I feel like it hasn't allowed me time to grieve. And the grief is catching up with me, exhausting me. 

Thank you for your thoughts Peggy. I am making headway. Fortunately I have the support of his son, Scott, from his first marriage. I pretty much inform him of any forward progress, trying to keep a sense of transparency perhaps? The first marriage ended a bit on the nasty side. And I have since found out that my husband wasn't honest about that...with all of us. Puts a different spin on things. I have decided, as a human, he made mistakes. That can not color my feelings for him. I adored him and I believe he adored me. We led a pretty charmed life, and I can cherish that. Until then I am just trying to pace myself. Do what I can before I become overwhelmed, then put it on the list for tomorrow.


 I am so sorry that you are having to be here with the rest of us lost souls.  None of us understand what this is like until it actually happens to us no matter how much we think we do.  It is a trauma that happens within us as we are grown together with our spouse.   It is like uprooting a tree that has been growing for centuries.  The roots are intertwined and if we are uprooted the roots die.  

You will be experiencing conflicting feelings looking for the answers of why you?  Why now?  WHy my spouse?  And unfortunately there will be no answers that will give you much to go on.  Unfortunately the pain is part of the love that we had.  

Take small steps. Don't do anything more than what you have to do but try to distract yourself to keep yourself out of the hole.  Tell those who may be left around you you love them and hopefully they will understand how to love you back with your mortal wound.  

I just wanted you to know that someone heard your cries.


Thank you Morgan. Everything you said is true. Not a moment goes by without me pining for him to walk in the door, coming home from fishing. Or at the grocery store. Or at the drugstore. Or anywhere I go. 

He used to tell me he loved me more than the biggest black hole in the universe could hold. Now the grief and pain I feel is more than the biggest black hole in the universe. It reaches depths that a very few can understand.

Trying to stay with the small steps. As an RN, it is in my DNA to help others. Having to say no at times is excruciating, I want to help. But I am the one in need right now. I find any commitment I make I regret because I never know how I will cope in any given situation. My pain and tears of sorrow have no boundaries, I never know when they will make an appearance.

I cry everyday. I miss him every moment. I see no end in sight. Our home is a monument to our love, but also a reminder of everything I miss. Doing my best. Always hoping tomorrow will be better.


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