I didn't get to say goodbye to my mother. That Saturday I spoke to my mother over the phone. She said that she was watching tv. Sunday passed, so on that Monday I called my mother again, she didn't answer the phone so I thought that maybe she went out somewhere. Finally Tuesday morning came, she still didn't return my call so I had the manager enter her apartment because i live about 60 miles away from her. He came back to the phone and said that he was calling 911. Thats when I knew that something was terribly wrong because I suddenly developed this knot in my stomach. Come to find out, my mother was dead. She died in her sleep. My heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stop crying. I had just spoken to her. She said she was fine,I was in shock. I blamed myself for not being there at the time that she passed away. I didn't even know how she passed away until the autopsy came back. Hypertensive cardiovascular disease(High Blood Pressure).

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Replies to This Discussion

Diana, I am so very sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose your Mom, and then to never get to say goodbye makes it even more difficult. When I was 8 years old my Mom, who was only 35 at the time, had a heart attack when my brothers and I were at home with her waiting for our Dad to come home from work. I am now almost 55, and still remember that day. She did not die that day, but the following day while in the hospital. It was one of the most traumatic days of my life. The worst day of my life though was September 3rd of last year, my son, Zach, fell from a cliff by a waterfall it is a loss that I will never be the same again. I truly believe that what has kept me going is all the prayers my family and I received. You will be in my prayers during this difficult time of grieving for your Mom, big hugs, one moment at a time. Robin

I lost my mom two weeks ago to a heart attack. I am 30 yrs old and my mom was 55. We were at my cousins wedding at the reception dancing and being goofy as a family would..then she just collapsed and she was gone in a blink of an eye. She was my best friend and every day is harder than the last. The last thing we did was dance together. I never got to say goodbye. She never had high blood pressure, cholesterol, very active, in shape. No warning signs. This is my nightmare. I can't accept that shes gone. I am a empty body walking around. I already lost my dad when I was 13.. So I thought I would be a little stronger but nothing prepared me for this. I will say a prayer for you. Hang in there..you are not alone. Take care.

so sorry for ur loss Angie. I lost my mum nearly for weeks ago to a heart attack. Am lost and find it hard to go on. I explain it in my profile. Bets wishes

I lost my mom two weeks ago to a heart attack. I am 30 yrs old and my mom was 55. We were at my cousins wedding at the reception dancing and being goofy as a family would..then she just collapsed and she was gone in a blink of an eye. She was my best friend and every day is harder than the last. The last thing we did was dance together. I never got to say goodbye. She never had high blood pressure, cholesterol, very active, in shape. No warning signs. This is my nightmare. I can't accept that shes gone. I am a empty body walking around. I already lost my dad when I was 13.. So I thought I would be a little stronger but nothing prepared me for this. I will say a prayer for you. Hang in there..you are not alone. Take care.

Death is such an enemy! I am so sorry to hear of the lose of your mother. You have reminded me that I need to keep a close eye on my blood pressure since I have been taking the medicine for it so many years and sometimes I forget how important it is. I am in Cincinnati for my brother in law's funeral tomorrow and Saturday.  His death came after only a 4 week pancreatic cancer take over. It was like some kind of alien took over his body. To top it all off my brother and sister in law had no health or life insurance - Saturday I have to go with my husband and daughter to the family banquet and benefit.  The kids have put together this benefit to help their mother with the expenses. This is the "party" my brother in law wanted so we could all celebrate his life. I am so sad . . .  I feel for you so profoundly.

(2 Thessalonians 2:16, 17) "May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, comfort YOUR hearts" . . .



Hi Diana, i am soo sorry for ur loss. Nearly 4 weeks ago, my mum died suddenly and unexpectedly after coming home from hospital where she was being treated for a suspected heart attack. She died in our living room while memebers of my family wre here. She had an anuerysm and we think it was caused by high blood pressure. I have lived with my mum for a long time because i myself have a svere illness that makes me house/bedbound. All i want and think about is that i wish to die and join mum, i don't see a life without her. She was my strength and reson to keep fighting my own illness. Now she is gone i have lost that will to carry on. It's getting harder not easier as each day passes.


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