My husband of almost 23 years died suddenly at home after staying in the hospital for 7

days. It was such a shock! I loved my husband with all my heart and we were soul mates.

I miss cooking his favorite meals, dinning out together, going to the movies, vacationing

together, going to the state fair in Perry, Georgia every year since 1998. We decided that we

would have a renewal of our wedding vows for our 20th wedding anniversary. We did that in

Ocho Rios, Jamaica in 2010. He never forgot special holidays and gave me cards and flowers

on each occasion. He was a romantic. I am at a lost without him. I feel that I will never be

completely happy again. I am so unhappy and I have no one that seems to care about what

I am going through. I am home alone and the phone barely rings. The silence in my home

is almost more than I can bear. I am afraid that I might lose my mind. I do not have anyone

such as children or pets that can be of company to me. I sometimes feel like running and

never coming back to the home that my husband and I shared together. My life is consumed with

missing his presence. I know I must go on and in due time the pain will lessen and I will be able to live

a healthy and productive life again. I am totally trusting in God for his strength to help me

weather this storm of grief that has invaded my life. I would not wish this pain and misery upon my

worse enemy.


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Comment by Sarah T. Williams on August 16, 2013 at 6:53pm

Hi Dia,

Along with attending a grief group, I have found that finding grief books that talks on the same subject such as, the lost of a beloved mother. Reading these books has given me some source of comfort. I know your heart is broken and your emotions are running wild. Your mother and my husband want you and I to survive their lost and start remembering the good times we shared with them before they became sick and eventually passed away. Although, I miss my husband, I am relieved that he is not hurting or suffering anymore. Yes, it is hard and I am determined to overcome and be victorious in my journey of grief. May God heal your heartache and suffering in the lost of your beloved mother. Please remember that your mother loved you, but God loves you more.


Comment by Dia -Ayesha on August 15, 2013 at 2:05pm
Hello Sarah. Thank you for your response. I will check out Thank you for your kindness . May God bless you and heal you. Please let me know if I could be of any help to you.
Comment by Sarah T. Williams on August 13, 2013 at 4:50pm

Hi Dia,

I am hoping that today is a better day for you on your journey of grief. I have joined a weekly grief group that meets for 2 hours every Sunday. I attended the meeting on Sunday and found it to help me greatly. The group are people that has had the experience of loss in their lives. Grief is yours and mine house guest and we must find a way to evict this unwanted house guest. Oh! the name of the grief group is Grief May God strengthen you and heal your broken heart.


Comment by Dia -Ayesha on August 11, 2013 at 8:19am
Dear Sarah. I too lost my mum just 20 days ago. She was the greatest love of my life. She was unwell and suffered a lot over the past 15 years. I'm griefstricken, lost, very loely and shattered without her. Keeping her healthy, happy and alive was my purpose in life. Now that mums gone I feel lost and depressed. I dont have the energy or interest to get put of bed and face the day :((. I feel your pain. I can relate to your loneliness, grief and sorrow. Like you my life is consumed with missing and pining for my beloved mum. Please try not to dwell on how alone you are . If you need to talk I'm here to listen and support. Yes we don't know each other but the bottomline is we are all human beings bound together by the same fabric of human emotions, love, loss and grief . Please don't hesitate to contact me. Hugs .

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