Michael's Comments

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At 10:00pm on April 18, 2019, maria said…

sorry for your loss I lost my husband feb 2016 its been rough I was married 44yrs

At 10:15pm on May 21, 2017, Connie Steidl said…

You sound very much in the same spot I am in.  I lost my husband Oct 15, 2016 and I am just trying to make it to this coming Oct for a short cruise to Catalina and Mexico with my family.  After that, I am hoping I will have some relief from the loneliness and overwhelming sadness I am feeling now because I don't think I can live like this for very long.  My son, my only child just went through a divorce and I have no support from him and I was a child who was passed off to different relatives because my mother was an alcoholic so I have no close family except for my cousins I lived with from age 13 until I got married.  The only happiness I had in life was with my husband of 50 years and now he is gone.


At 11:50am on February 1, 2017, John T. said…

I'm glad you are getting some help.  If you have the resources, take advantage of it.  Therapy and medication on the basis you describe is a real opportunity to get back on your feet.  There's no cure for what we're going through but at least we can try to learn to cope the best we can.  Let us know how it goes.

At 5:48pm on January 31, 2017, Carl accomando said…
That's to bad I would like to have met you we both share a devastating loss only someone who is going through it understands .so you no longer live in Virginia?
At 4:53pm on January 31, 2017, Carl accomando said…
Hi Michael, Carl here I'm coming to Roanoke Wed, if you want to talk I'd like that and it might be good for both of us we are both grieving for our wives I know it's helpful to talk to someone in the same situation .please let me know it may help
At 9:43pm on January 30, 2017, Kevin Bailey said…

Hey Michael, as much as I try to hide my pain I just can't. It gets to the point at times where it feels like I'm gonna have a breakdown because I can't handle it. It truly helps to talk with other people who truly understand this pain. take care my friend.

At 8:37pm on January 25, 2017, John T. said…

A psychiatrist had me on so much Xanax the first 4 months that I wasn't even counting how many.  I think that's how managed to take care of what I had to and load up and move.  For over a year, I didn't drink at all.  I finally got off Xanax a year ago in January and started drinking too much beer.  I have lost 30 pounds, gained 40, and lost 30 over the past 18 months.  I'm healthy and feel I'm throwing that away by being so inactive.  It's not by choice.  This has been a rollercoaster ride through hell and I'm trapped most of the time.

At 4:30pm on January 23, 2017, Carl accomando said…
Hi Michael I'll be in Roanoke tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday if you want t to get a beer or something. Let me know.Carl
At 10:40am on January 14, 2017, Carl accomando said…
Hi Michael we talked here several weeks ago my wife passed I'm November I'm visiting here in Roanoke this weekend with my kids,wondering if you wanted to get together .Leg me know it might be a good thing. CARL ACCOMANDO
At 10:25am on January 14, 2017, Carl accomando said…
I'm here in roanoke wondering if you want to get together let me know .carl
At 5:55am on January 8, 2017, brenda mcintyre said…

Hi Michael.....I lost my husband of 27 years in oct too. it was sudden unexpected and so very tragic. I am struggling to live day to day. I cry all the time and fall apart so much its hard to count. I thought me and my husband could get through anything but I was wrong. now I live in agony everyday. just not wanting to do or go anywhere. I do have 2 fantastic kids both young adults and they struggle too. I feel like I let them down because I can hardly function let alone support them in their grief. looks like all of us are just struggling to survive and hoping not to..

At 12:15pm on December 18, 2016, Michael said…
So i am looking at christmas alone. I could drive 4 hours each way to my brothers house but i have a hard time most days leaving a one mile radius of my house. Plus id have to sleep in a strange bed (its hard enough in my own). How to get through the day?
At 9:48am on November 30, 2016, Michael said…
This is a message for Michael Thompson if you happen to see it. I got locked out of my skype account and can't seem to get back in.
At 11:53am on November 24, 2016, Michael said…
Today is maybe the worst day yet. Can I go on? I promised i would but it will take effort.
At 12:32pm on November 21, 2016, Michael said…
I played this at Roxanne's service

At 11:56am on November 21, 2016, Michael said…
"they" also say I should express my feelings as a way to mourn. I am alone most of the time; when im not, my dinner companions don't want to hear it. So i will express them here. Im scared, shaky, fearful of the future, lonely, sad, pessimistic, have no interest in things and have spent time contemplating whether I want to go on. I guess that begins to cover it.
At 10:54am on November 21, 2016, Michael said…
I never know where these posts show up. Roxanne suffered through breast cancer, neuropathy, many falls, a broken hip, broken ribs, finally heart disease. Never complained once. If anyone said she was brave, she just said what choice do i have?
At 12:19pm on November 18, 2016, Melanie said…
Thank you. It's very confusing, but I have 2 kids and they need me. I'm so glad I'm still here for them
At 12:18pm on November 16, 2016, Michael said…
Not much better. Its been just over a month. Still lost. I try to do one thing a day. It could just be go to the store or take a 10 minute walk. I have a million decisions to make but i just can't make them. It still doesn't seem real.
At 2:18pm on November 14, 2016, Mary Adkins MacKinnon said…
Michael I am glad you answered me but I'm confused about this whole website.
I lost my partner only a few days ago. I walk around talking to him and dying a minute at a time. I don't know what to do anymore. Are you feeling better yet?

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