i am mad me for bean mad god 

i am so mad at god for stuff he has put us thru  if i sea him or her im worid in i say horble stuff 2 him or her im worid i will puch or slap him or her 

i bleve in god im so mad at god i am i am so mad at him or her

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Well in my opinion there is no literal "Garden of Eden", and that story in the bible is meant to be taken metaphorically, allegorically -- I truly don't understand why anyone would take it literally.

I also don't understand why your friend believes it's somehow "easier" to blame god than to blame the devil.  I don't know if a god exists, and I don't believe a devil exists (I never have), but insofar as I'm still agnostic, blaming god for my husband's death has made this harder for me (as opposed to being able to just blame a "devil"), but if s/he (god) exists then I truly do believe s/he is to blame. It has made it harder for me because it has destroyed what little inclination I had to believe in a loving god -- so not only did my husband die, but my entire sense of things (god, the functioning of the universe, the meaning of life, etc.) was completely destroyed.

If there is a god and if that god is omnipotent, then by definition s/he could stop pain and sorrow.  If there is a god and if that god is not omnipotent, then s/he perhaps can't stop all pain and sorrow, but then why call that being god? In what way would that being be god?

I actually think it's easier to assume that there is an evil being in the universe (e.g., "the devil"), and to use her/him as a scapegoat, blaming her/him for death and sorrow and pain, rather than to acknowledge that if there is a god, s/he is either unable or unwilling to help us (at least in some instances).

What if he did help us yet we can't see it? Some people are homeless and they might say a god made me this way yet what if god had nothing to do with it? He's a heavy drinker or just refuses to work? How if there is a god can he help us if we refuse to help ourselves..my mom used to say god can giveth and taketh away..I never understood what she ment by that as she did not believe in church due to a preacher and a church her father built..now I understand..lets say there is a life which there is and god gives it to us and we decide to use this life for evil..would you still blame god? Is it not your choices..? Then it leads to is it unimaginable ..or I'd there really was a garden of Eden..god threw them out in the story when they knew they were naked and had sinned..so if he threw them out was he mad? Or is it if there is a heaven we can know no sin there? Lets say a guy is walking to the Store god knows in about 5 minutes the Man is going to save an angel the non existant devil as you say sees this and tries to savatage this..would you be mad at god for the devils savatage? Or mad at god for not being able to stop the devil..? All n all no one really knows what exists out there..we can't even make it far enough in space to see if something exists beyond them stars and planets..one thing is for certain in this world we are given life and eventually that will end..

A couple of questions...if I can.

1) How did we get here to begin with?

2) If we were created then we had to have a first man and woman...does that not make it possible that Adam and Eve were real and not just metaphors?

3) And if we just evolved....how in the world did this all happen? Even we have to BUILD the things around us...nothing we use or have just happens.

If we look at the evidence of a creator and conclude that someone must have built what exists, then we can move on to the next question

4) Why does the creator allow suffering?

If we conclude that we evolved, then the questions change to

5) Is there anything we can do about all the suffering?

Because if there is no creator then we are left with Man as the supreme being...the advanced being in evolution.

This is Just My thought process.
1) How did we get here to begin with?
--> I have no idea. Perhaps via chance, perhaps via a creator -- I don't know, and I don't believe it is knowable, at least not while we are alive.

2) If we were created then we had to have a first man and woman...does that not make it possible that Adam and Eve were real and not just metaphors?
--> In my opinion, no. I do not see any proof that we were intentionally created by a god/creator. However, for the sake of argument lets say we were. That would still not make the "Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden" story true. In order to have the required genetic diversity to avoid mutations incompatible with life, thereby allowing humanity to reproduce and eventually flourish, a significantly larger genetic pool than one woman and one man would have been required. Even if that were not true, that still wouldn't mean that the supposed "moral lessons" meant to be taught by the story were true -- i.e., even if life started with one man and one woman only, that wouldn't mean that original sin exists, it would only mean that life started with one man and one woman. Finally, the name "Adam" is just the Hebrew word for "man", and is meant to be representative of humanity, not to refer to one actual, specific progenitor; the name "Eve" is the Hebrew word for "breath", and is meant to be representative of the spark of life, not to refer to one actual, specific progenitor.

3) And if we just evolved....how in the world did this all happen? Even we have to BUILD the things around us...nothing we use or have just happens.
If we look at the evidence of a creator and conclude that someone must have built what exists, then we can move on to the next question
--> Evolution has been proven; please don't make the uneducated mistake of assuming that the word "theory", when used scientifically, means the same thing as when the word "theory" is used non-scientifically. When used scientifically, it doesn't just mean "idea".  Regardless, the fact of evolution does not negate the possibility of a creator/god -- it is possible that there is a creator/god who set evolution in motion.  In any case, just because we as humans need to build the things we want/need does not mean that humanity itself "needed" to be created or actually was created. It might have been, but there is no proof either way.

4) Why does the creator allow suffering?
--> In my opinion, there is no proof that there even is a creator. But if there is, then in my opinion s/he allows suffering because either s/he doesn't care about us or s/he is incapable of helping us and preventing us from suffering.

5) Is there anything we can do about all the suffering?
--> No, not ultimately. We can try to help each other in this life, and we can love each other, and those things will mitigate the suffering. If humanity advances and ceases to wage so much war against itself, that will help. If humanity advances and manages to eradicate disease, that will help. But I doubt we can get rid of suffering altogether.

zell grief is so bad it breaks us

we can not fix it

yea i worry ill end up in hell 

u cud say grief is hell


I agree. Grief is hell on earth. Throw in job loss and worrying all the time and that really takes the life out of me. I want to sell everything and buy a RV and drive away. No more taxes. No more utility bills. Free to go where ever we please. We don't need all this stuff anyway.

it wud be grt no bills jean

i wud luv 2 live in a boat coz i luv sea i do 

grief pain is so cruel it can mk us all ill it can

I can't respond to your post becsuse i don't believe in anything you just saud. Thst us, i think all that is genuinely what you believe, but i don't share any of those beliefs, and i never have even when i believed in god. You choose to believe everything in the bible, fine. I think the bible is only a book. So we have no room in which to have a real discussion.
I know you are being sincere, and thank you.

my dad wz not religers he never beleved in it but he use 2 say we r frm leagal alins for fun i saw a pic on 

My view is this.

There are different ways to comfort people when they are suffering.

I believe that if I can give them HOPE then I can comfort.
If my views do not impart HOPE, then it seems instead of comfort I cause irritation.
I don't want to cause irritation so what is left for me to do is to just CARE.

I do believe that the future is full of HOPE!!!! And I believe that I can show that (but it would be from the Bible, so that hinders my ability with some, and I respect that position.)

I am not sure why so many won't even discuss the Bible. You don't have to believe it or accept it to discuss it. Or find out what others believe. It doesn't hurt anyone to discuss differing views with an open mind. IMHO

For those who don't want to discuss the Bible...just know that I am very sorry for all the pain everyone is going through. And that I do care.

I do completely believe that the future holds:
1) The end of all suffering
2) The end of all pain
3) An abundance of peace
4) The reunions with those that we have lost in death.

Those things give me great comfort at times of great pain.



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