A link to a brochure that discusses this topic with questions like these:

3 “It Can’t Be True!”
7 Is It Normal to Feel This Way?
14 How Can I Live With My Grief?
20 How Can Others Help?
26 A Sure Hope for the Dead

I would appreciate very much some discussion on this topic, and hopefully it will allow for comfort and hope for ALL.


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iv had a lot of death ths yr bean to anr funrell today it juts upsets me wen peple dnt turn off th fones for th servise thy cud least show respect to turrn th fones off for a hoor or harf a our 

Yes jb, people don't have any respect.

In the new world, maybe we will have resurrection gatherings instead of funerals.

This is hownonenfamily responded when their 12 year old daughter was brought back to life by Jesus

Mark 5:42 — And immediately the maiden rose and began walking, for she was twelve years old. And at once they were beside themselves with great ecstasy.

Sounds much better than a funeral

it dos sond betr thn a funrell th funelrs iv bean 2 th lst few yrs is to many esply 2013 wors thn 2012 u cud say

i no funrells is to say good by to selbrate thr lif e it is i no wen i go to a funrell i alwayz mak sure i swith my fone off lik ystrday i switch it off a lot of othr s trn ths off 

but a few prts wear leting ring wish aniy s alot peple not juts me i juts wish th death rate of ple i no in my lif wud slow doon it wud 

juts herd today wen i saw a buddy of min he told me abot anr friend it died in jan wish i didnt no abot

i no u hav had a lot of death to lik a lot of us in hear hav i no lifs to short we shud all enjoy lifee whot we hav left i no i sond a bit mobid 

Here is an interesting promise from Jesus

John 11:25,26 — Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life. He that exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; 26 and everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?”

yes i do bleve in it its a verse it alwayz stinks in my hed it dose

All very BEAUTIFUL scriptures.

I do find that the only comfort I get is from Gods word the Bible.

I look forward to this:

Revelation 21:4 — And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

ty plesed u lik thm 

it will be grt wen ther is no mor death no more pain or ill helth 

no more tornadaso or earh qrakes or huricans 

no more terisams wish is getbng realy bad 

I really like this scripture:

Psalms 37:11 — But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

Notice PEACE!!!

No more war, violence of any kind, terrorism.

What a wonderful earth that will be.

it will be grt wen it hapens 

all i no if god can fogivee us for our trespasss nd sins why cnt othrs fogiv us wen othrs hav dun worse bean fogivn


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