A place to share writings or pictures that you found helpful in your journey.  I know that over the last 3+ years I have saved many.  

8/30/15  It is now over 5+ years and I am still travelling this journey of grief, but it has changed.  It is a little kinder and gentler at times.

I had hoped that others would have shared on here.  Anything that you have that touches you.  Writings, pictures?

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That is one thing I seek...comfort. More time has passed since the loss of your son. Others here also. I believe that is something in short supply. Support plentiful, compassion teaming, but comfort...little. 

I really don't know why we use the word comfort.  It really doesn't happen.  We just learn how to go on, but there really is no comfort in our loss.  We may feel some ease by those that are there for us, but even we use the word comfort wishfully.

I found it strange that I only realized this when I wrote my comment.  I don't know if everyone feels this way or if they have found some comfort, but I have not found that freedom from my grief.  Easier days...yes, but never a day without sorrow.  Maybe, hopefully, some day.

Such true words.  We do gain strength because if we didn't we wouldn't survive.  It's a slow progress.

I received this in an email this morning.  Posting the whole email I received as it is from another mom that has lost a child.
I get this writing so well, but even if the ones that have not lost a child read it, most of them still don't get it.  I don't think anyone can totally get it unless they are living it.


I found this on a site I visit once in a while.  A woman was a part of a group on Facebook that consisted of a bunch of childhood friends that have been together since grade school.  She lost her child and after a year or so they "unfriended" her.  Their reason......her posts were too depressing.  She wrote this and posted it back to them.  
Imagine you have just heard these words...."Your child is dead"
Imagine going and seeing your child at the morgue lying on a freezing table
Imagine putting your ear on your child's chest and not hearing a heart beating
Imagine kissing your child's lips and they are freezing cold
Imagine saying "I love you" and you are met with silence instead of "I love you too Mom"
Imagine standing in a room full of coffins and buying one for your child
Imagine looking into that coffin and seeing your child's lifeless body
Imagine sitting in the Chapel and staring at your child in that coffin
Imagine your child is being driven away in a hearse, never to be seen again
Imagine being handed an Urn full of ashes and being told, "Here is your child"
Imagine dusting an urn for the rest of your life that holds your child's ashes
Imagine you will never look into your child's eyes again
Imagine you will never hear your child's voice again
Imagine you will never hear your child's laughter again
Imagine you will never hug your child again
Imagine yourself living the rest of your life without your child
Imagine seeing the pain in your living children's eyes daily
Imagine yourself imagining all of this
Put yourself in the moment of this Mother's heartache, you can't can you
I can Imagine you saying "I can't Imagine that ever"
If you can't Imagine yourself Imagining these horrible moments......then STOP
STOP telling the Mother who is living all of these things to move on
STOP avoiding this Mother
A grieving Mother doesn't imagine this either, she lives it every second of every day
Put yourself in her shoes then tell her to move on
Go on....I dare you to Imagine
I cried after I read this.  Her friends abandoned her when she needed them the most.  If you believe in Karma, what do you suppose will be visited on this group?  I'm glad she posted this for all of them to see.  I just wish I knew if it gave her some peace. ~~~

its grt we can shre pics on hear or stuff we cna shre

i no on sm of famly grp 1s a lot of thm hav sins pats but thy stay prvet thy will iv alwayz tryed 2 stay behnd a carma if i can hlp it 

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.

Mary Elizabeth Frye


Isn't that the truth.


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