my dreams r geting very strange they r         i had 1 of thm strange dreams again abot my dad i no the dreams r brevemnet dreams thy r my dad come to me befor xmas told us he miss us all and merry xmas and to get my muma gift from him wish i did thn the next dream i had befor i woke up woz making sure evry 1 woz ok and to make sure im taking my medicasion and not leting othr people tell me to do with out he told me it felt so real this dream 2 real its wen i wake up i thnk thy r so real i no thy not just feals real like its realy happend these dreams feal so real like it s realy hapning just wish i cud put a video in my hed to video these freams it wud be grt if i cud maby 1 day

Tags: 1s, dreams, loved, of

Views: 3328


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i had 1 of thm strange dream s again abot my dad we wear in a restront a posgh 1 we dont do posh but i canrember the table and the greenlam shade and green tabel cloth and the nifes and forks and plate of food but the dream felt real wen i woke up it felt like it realy happend

i had 1 of thm strange dreams agian abot my dad it woz in a park wear he used to take me wen i woz a kid i o the park is not thr now coz thy buit on it but in the dream the park woz still ther and the brick wal didnt hav any grafti on and the park gates rails wear grean but the dream felt so real som times i dont no if the dreams r realor my bidy as gone bac to the past wen i woz happy bean a kid i dont no thy juts feal so real the dreams do

i had a very strange dream aagain and abot othr past nenebers but it felt more real thn othr dreams iv had we end up in new york iv never ever bean to new york never bean out the uk but iv sean new york on the tv but the dream felt so real it woz full of big shops and buldings but the dream felt like it realy hapemd it did i com acros som stuf in vemeio maby its in the dream it woz as well i woke up wonderin if it realy happend

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my dreams r geting very strange i no im still geting ths dream as wel as othr bizar strange dreamsbut the sam recuring dream is wear evry is warking on clouds and get to feilds and moutaisn and a big lake evry tim i go on intrnet vidio chanels its like spm 1 is filming my dreams i o thy not coz som thm vidos r over 2 yrs ago morelink the mountain embed code

im still geting ths weid strange dream i seam to be geting more dreams whis i no is brevement dreams the last 1 i had abot my dad woz in a restront again but my dad looket yng again but it felt real the dream it did so real i keep thnging thy r happing or unles im having outer body xpresenc coz like my dad i bleve in the super natrel lke he didlink dazzling thai cafe embed code

i had ant strange dream abot my dad again in a restront again i no my dad cud eat but its in a restront the last few dreams like the arcade cafe restront we went in 1 yrs ago and it woz the sam 1 in the dream but my dad didnt look old jus look like he still misis us like his told me a few tims in dreams but htes dreams allways feal real an i no ohtr people hav had thes dreams l no its brevement dreams i saw it on brevemt dreams but still sort of dnt understand it but i no evry 1 on hear dose

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i had a strange dream abot my dad it woz on a train going som wear but harf way thr the dream i got woke up the cat woz liking my arm and fase to get me up

all i no it woz on the train going som wear nise all i rember the tain woz going to the airport it mite of bean the train war i liv it take u to the airport but the dreams aleays feal real like it realy happens it dose but on the dream i woz looking out of the windor lik i always do for real any way my dad used to laf at me taking fotos frm the windows on trips we used to go ob but he ooved my fotos but the dream woz so real i no othr popel hav strange dream to i no min is brevemnet dremas not wonting to let go wish a lot of us feallink our weather_timelapse embed code

why do i keap on geting the sam dream recoring like its ethr in a restront or on a train but evry tim i go past a train on a hi bridge i feal lk im goig to be sic even in real life im the sam i am i still get the dream wear evry 1 is warlikg on clouds i do i no iv end up in weod plase in dreams but isnse my dad died the dreams r geting stranger last yr i dreamd he jumped out of the coffen i just wish it wud of bean real th i wud of got my dad bac but i no .lif is not lik it

i no evry dream is geting strange and strange i no othr people get th sam dreams if i go on vimeo or break or ulstream i even find my dreams on thr i dolink Http:// timescapes 4k embed code

i had 1 of my strange dreams again abot my dad nd othr pst lovd 1si no its brevement dreams thy r geting more strange thn evr thy do

ths 1 it s wear we enddd up in canada nany its coz iv bean muking abot on google earth going a 2 z to canada yday

all i rmber in the dream it woz snowing n full of snow lik we be geting fo lst few days

but it still flt real the dream no th wnder i call thm strange dreamslink 011010 embed code

i had a strange dream again it woz at the airprt my dad an othr past member wear goin on a planr som wear it woz but the dream felt so real it did thy all feal real i wish i cud put vidio in my hd nd vidio my dreams but thy havnt in vent 1 yet i no thy will 1 daylink the lake embed code

i had a stranfe dream again abot my dad we wear on a sun way treain geting off som wear i no these r brevemnet dreams me not acsepting his loss an othr loss i no

but the dream r geting stranger and strange i dont mind long as the nitemares dnt com bac i dnt

i always seam to com acros my dreams on vimeo or break or bling or othr vdio chanels so weid it is

link sub city new york embed code

i had 1 of thm strange dreams again

it woz in a aroplane going som wear in the sky frm tak off to the sky but dnt no wear it woz going but it felt real again it did i feal lik its realy hapening i dnt if ir woz a dream i no it woz a dream but it felt so real i wish i cud vid our dreams but a vidio in our heds to sea hot we r dreaming i no thy brebenmnet dreamslink airbus embed code


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