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sea//strom link sea//storm embed
i scream it evry day
why god do u luv killers or peados why nt not punshih thm
why r u punshin us i scream
god plans is so bad its bean bad fr me u cud say evn othrs u cud say
it tims wen days is so bad i cud stik 2 fungers it fingerss it him/her
if hell is a bad plase its wear i am nw coz of so mush bad thngs its happnd u cud say its not slf pity its not its me neadin 2 rantt rav so on it is coz i need 2 rant rav i do we all nead 2 let off steam we do or rant rav on hear we can
it tims i feal lk sayin god can stiks his plas plans iv evn call him/her a h i hav
i usd 2 be nise peron person i wz person i wz yrs go is not hear any mre coz god giv me 2 mush loss 2 mush bad thngs u cud say
i usd 2 screqm scream fr gods luv i dind not get it
its coz im not a
yea iv did bad chose wish person not but i did not kill a pesrson or abus a person kid/so on or be a syco kill evry 1 i sea
all id di wz loss or multi loss non stp u cud say
i mit of stold candy wen i wz a kid but i new it wz wong i wud nvr do it agne
i mit of drunk undr age bt not did a bdad bad thng 2 a humn or so on
i mit of tost snow ballls or water boms wot kid did not
i t of mukt abot az a kid but kids do
but why so mush loss
why so mush illnes
yea iv did bad thng but not 2 anr humn bean so on
i cud nvr harm any 1 u cud say
but why so mush loss
i usd 2 be nise person u cud say
i mit of sweard crse bit iv swed cres worse thn evr nw u cud say but why so mush loss why so mush ilnes
why god
why dose god luv suck fr sum bt not bad pepel its did realy evil thngs why
why why why why why why
eminem and dido -"stan" link eminem and dido - "stan" embed
luv song stan dnt no why few songs i luv i do
sun of sun link sun of sun embed
wears gods luv wen u nead it
wear is he/she wen u nead thm
it feals lk god only luvs serton pepel bad pepel 1s its dun worse thn me u cud say
yep he/s doz
tornado link tornado embed
tornados or bad storms hapen it craze damg 2 stuff or foods floos floods
sea st link sea st embed
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