I have been feeling sad since Thanksgiving. I was busy with cousins on Thanksgiving and the night following, but eating the leftovers I brought home has made me feel lonely. I always brought the leftovers to Ken's house and we ate them together. They would have been gone sooner than just me eating them. Although he broke up with me a several times, we were always together Thanksgiving weekend. Not always on the holiday itself, but for the weekend. And I am really missing him not being here this year.

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Comment by MIchael A Ballard on December 6, 2011 at 6:32pm

I definitely know what you mean about 'feeling that they are really here'.

From my experiences, just the thought of those experiences, any one of them, the feeling I had at that time still gives me the same buzz. And in the memory of the experiences....I still have the same feeling I had back then.

There is a song by The Beatles, the very last verse is....And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.

Thanks for reading and all the best to you!


Comment by Sandy G on December 6, 2011 at 5:04pm

How wonderful!

At my church (which I found as a result of searching for some sort of comfort after Ken died - it is a Spiritualist church) they have folding chairs for the service, and they have names on the backs in memory of loved ones of members of the church. They were taking donations to buy some new chairs and I donated for one for Ken (I also donated to have my parents' names in a new hymnal). Saturday night was their annual holiday concert, and when I sat down, there was the chair with Ken's name on it in front and one chair over from me! I hadn't seen it before, I wasn't sure when they got them. It was only 1 of 2 seats that remained empty all night. I felt he was there enjoying the concert along with me. So the next day I knew where I was sitting for the service - in Ken's 'lap'. I felt he really was there with me for at least part of the service. It was very comforting to me. I felt like I have helped him not be forgotten.

Comment by MIchael A Ballard on December 6, 2011 at 4:55pm

I can relate about after Thanksgiving.

Have to tell you, last Wednesday I took down a bird feather from the outer side of my front door of my house.

It was taped, but the cold and damp made the tape weaken, and the feather would hang or fall.  I took it down and attached it to one of Jami's (my wifes) dream catchers hanging in the living room.

The next day when going to my car, a bird feather came floating right up to me.  I have it right next to the other one.  

I really don't believe that dying makes us vanish.  There has to be something in between existence and being.  There's just too many things like this that happen to many people.

Anyway I hope all things are good with you.  I too have my struggles, but I constantly look for positive things in my life.

Comment by Sandy G on November 30, 2011 at 7:36am

Hi Michael,

Yes, I never in amillion years would have thought I'd be where I am now. Thank-you for your reply.

Comment by MIchael A Ballard on November 30, 2011 at 12:01am

Hi Sandy,

We're all here for you.  It is very rough, I know.  

Just me and my 7 yr old boy, daughter moved to her grandmas and wife passed away.

How strange how life changes!


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