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Joseph G. Bartlett has not received any gifts yet
Posted on November 16, 2012 at 5:11am — 3 Comments
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Hi Joseph,
I have read a little about the loss of your wife from your profile, but I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing a little more of your story with me. I am part of a research team at Saint Louis University that is looking at end of life decision making and family communication. If you are interested in taking part in an interview, please let me know.
Corinne Gibson
Hi Joseph, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved wife. My sister died from SUDEP...sudden unexplained death in an epileptic. So, tragic, her seizures were due to a mild head injury, well, couldn't have been too mild, 21 yrs ago. She would have periodic "popping" sensations in her head. I wrote a blog on here, and it has helped me to just really write it down. I changed my profile picture to my sisters pic, didn't know I could post an album. Lot's to learn. I am in MA, so EST. I have a very hard time sleeping, wake up suddenly every night at 3:30am when she died. I wish you peace. Lou Lou
Hi Joseph.
I totally understand grief of a sudden loss. My son died in his sleep and his wife found him gone in the morning. Every person experiences grief in their own way and each loss has its own identity. Im very sorry you know that first hand. Two months is not very long at all so no wonder you are having such a hard time. Take gentle care of yourself every day.
we all live in difrnent tim zonez if the hole world livid in the same time zone i no it wud be a lot easer for evry 1 i no in the uk its 1025pm now and in other parts of the world its the nxt day its so cofusing i no
Hi Joseph.
You wonder when people are online. I am in the PST time zone and I usually pop in around 7:30am before work, 1pm while the kidlets are napping, and 8 or 9pm when I actually have time for chatting. If you can figure out how your time zone relates to mine you will know when I'm likely to be here. Maybe some others will let you know their schedules as well.
Being alone STINKS~! so if I'm here I will chat with you.
Squeaky wheel-you said something about having to complain or gripe on here to get anyone to listen, was just saying it worked, you got someone to respond :) Hope you have a decent week-end. The holidays are sneaking up and I am definitely not looking forward to them. My mom was always the one who was the leader in our holiday celebrations and without her I just don't don't what I will do.
No apology necessary. Isn't there some saying about the squeaky wheel?
Joseph, I saw you message on the chat last nite and I am sorry that noone is on chat when you go on there or that when you do go on that noone answers. I am sorry for your loss and that you are struggling with the Holidays. I will tell you that I have found that there are more people on the chat between the hours of 7PM EST and 10PM EST then any other time and I too have found that it appears folks are logged into chat but don't answer-I think it is because they have come to the page and just not logged out, but left so it shows them as still being on. I know what it is like to want someone to be there to talk with and noone is on there, very frustrating.
I see the love you had for each other. I never thought I would be a widow at 48 but it happened, and I get really angry about it sometimes. She is a beautiful woman, and I wish I could say it'll be better soon but that's not particularly true, is it? I am thinking about you, hoping you will find a measure of peace and a comfort each day.
Brenda Doughty
Thank You Joseph for reading my poems. Let me first say I am sorry for your sudden loss of your dear wife. It is such a lonely place to be but know that you are not alone. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I am sure she guided you to my page :) I feel Christian guides me as well.
writing poems does help me release my sadness and I am also glad it can touch others.
Take Care and know that you are not alone and that this site is available 24/7
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