Some days hurt too much... They all hurt but sometimes it’s just too much. Some days feel dangerous. It’s like I have a little monster inside my chest. Aching and pounding against the walls. Trying to break free. Perhaps trying to quit. Days like these are dangerous. I find myself suffering from one of life’s many side effects; thoughts of suicide. I sit and stare at sharp objects. Wanting to just pick one up and drag it across my skin, just to take the focus off my internal pain for a few minutes. I then wonder, what if I make a mess and am unable to clean it up? My b/f will come home and have to deal with it.  I then ponder what could I take that is strong enough to knock me down and out so I don’t have to think for a while.  Again, These days are dangerous. They come and go. More frequently lately. Like a crazy person I sit and contemplate; Why should I stay? I think about it all the time. I am tired of being here. I am tired of going to work. I am tired of being sad and feeling lonely. I am tired of having nothing to live for. I have a boyfriend, a sister, a niece and two nephews who care about me. They are the only reason or excuse I can come up with to not end it all. I fear that they would be negatively affected by my absence. I don’t want to make any of them more sad or for them to hurt any more than they already have to because of this shitty world. I have no joy, no happiness. My hopes and dreams have come crashing down and mean nothing to me anymore. My family meant every thing to me. Now they are all gone. One by one I lost them. We were 5 and now we are just two. I wanted to start a family of my own but I no longer want that. To bring another human into this pain filled place.  Why should I stay here and suffer? This is crap! I don’t want it. None of it. I want to rest. And that is all.  

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Comment by Linda m on June 23, 2016 at 9:49am

Hello, Alin. Thank you for your thoughtful words. I really appreciate you taking time to respond to my message. I am so glad that this website has been so helpful to you, and that your being able to express your feelings here has helped to ease the pain in you heart to some degree.

I believe that being able to talk about the loss of a loved one is so important in the healing process. It is something that I did not do for a very long time. I have a very loving and understanding husband and children, but I kept everything bottled up inside. Just last week I was with my sisters and mother and we had a long talk about my dad - not just about what he was like and the fun times we had with him, but we spoke about the day he died and the impact that had on us. That talk helped me so much and I feel that now I can focus more clearly on the hope I have of seeing my dad again when he is resurrected to life, and on the Bible's promise that in due time God will "wipe out every tear from our eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore".

I hope that you continue to get the encouragement you need at this time in your life and that little by little the pain in your heart is replaced at least to some degree by happy memories that bring you joy.     Sincerely, Linda

Comment by Alin Tooby on May 31, 2016 at 1:20pm

Hi Linda,


Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for the loss of your father.  I am happy to hear that you have been able to find a bit of comfort after all these years. I hope in time I will find some myself. Thank you for referring me to the brochure you read and found help in.  I have only briefly looked at similar brochures or booklets. I feel that coming on here and venting does seem to help ease my heart pains a bit. I do feel bad sometimes for having only sad thoughts to share but hey, it is what it is.   I have been focusing on trying to release and vent out some of the pain so it does not consume me. Perhaps its time I start taking in some knowledge as I release the negativity. 


Thanks again for your kind words and advice.


I hope you have a blessed day.





Comment by Linda m on May 19, 2016 at 11:45am
Alin, I have been so moved by your posts. My heart goes out to you with deepest sympathy for the loss of your parents. I remember how devastated I was when my Father passed away after having suffered with cancer. My grief was so deep that I could not be comforted. It has been a number of years since he died and I still feel an emptiness in my heart when I think of him. So I do understand to some small degree the pain you are feeling. It's a pain that never goes away entirely, but I found that it can be eased somewhat by hope. That is what happened to me when I read a brochure entitled "When Someone You Love Dies". It helped me to understand the stages of grief - that I was not crazy, but that everything I was feeling was normal. It also comforted me in the knowledge that my Dad is "sleeping" and that God has promised to awaken him one day to reunite him with us.
I re-read this brochure from time to time because there is so much comfort in it's contents. Perhaps you may find some comfort in it as well. I was able to find it on
I am sending you my deepest condolences and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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