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I can't believe that on January 27th, my beautiful mother will have been gone a year! It seems like forever ago since I saw and spoken with her, yet it feels like it just happened! I have been completely numb and dead inside in 2012 and been in a total fog..when will I ever feel alive again? I know I will never be over her but I want acceptance & forgiveness of myself and I don't know how to achieve that!
Added by Jennifer Blackwood on December 31, 2012 at 2:32am — 4 Comments
My wonderful son. I can't believe you have passed on. It was just this year we watched Whitney Houston's funeral together. She left behind a beautiful song that reminds me of the final moments of your life. I am very proud of you. I admire your strength and all that you accomplished. So, lift your head my son. You did very well. Rest in Paradise. Love you! Mom
ContinueAdded by DH on December 30, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments
This year would've been my first one as a mom, but no I wasnt that lucky my baby was taken from me and I still havent gotten over it. Will I ever? Maybe if I'm ever lucky enough to once and for all become a mom.
Added by Brittany on December 30, 2012 at 4:50pm — 2 Comments
i no broken bones is easy to fix thy can heal but a loss of a loved 1 u can never fix
Added by dream moon JO B on December 30, 2012 at 4:12pm — No Comments
The Christmas holiday has come and gone, but it was just not the same. Nobody wanted to say anything because no one wanted to start the crying, but everyone knew it. We always have everyone over to spend Christmas eve with my husbands parents, then they stay the night and spend Christmas day with us. It was not until my father in law was talking to my brother in law on the phone that the crying started. I was trying my hardest not to ruin the holidays for everyone, but he was right,…
ContinueAdded by Kelly Jo Perkins on December 27, 2012 at 8:26pm — No Comments
last xmas my dad woz alive and my dads mate my surgate unlcle if id new it woz my dads last i wishd i spoilt him more his bday tomrowo his 1st 1 up in the or shud say out side the gates of heven he used to say im not going in side thm gates till u all come i beleve it with my dad i just hope thr is bars wesr he can get booze and restronts wear he can get food and beting shops so he can still do his horses and a paper shop so he can read his news papers i just…
ContinueAdded by dream moon JO B on December 25, 2012 at 3:48pm — No Comments
The older I get, the more painful the absence of my mother seems to be. People move on at different phases, and although I don't stay up and cry every night the way I use to, I know that my heart is still broken.
I try to heal it by sharing my heart and love with other people, but when…
ContinueAdded by Jalysa Reyes on December 23, 2012 at 1:52am — No Comments
Michael, you loved Christmas and decorating and shopping and cooking. I know you'd be mighty disappointed in me that there isn't one anything that resembles Christmas. There is hardly any food in the house. Not one card has been mailed out. My heart just about bursts when I hear a carol or see the lights of our neighbors.
You're supposed to be here - we were supposed to be doing Christmas big this year! But you're in Heaven now and I can imagine the celebration that must be going to…
ContinueAdded by Lee on December 20, 2012 at 6:38am — No Comments
bulling can be a loss it makes people lose confidens in thm selfs and people have dun silly thngs to thm selfs coz of bullying i woz bulled my self wen i woz youngar
Added by dream moon JO B on December 19, 2012 at 3:15pm — No Comments
Talked to my Dad today and found out that my Mom used to call all the grandkids and sing Happy Birthday to them, not just for Bill and I. UGH....I called Bill's work number on the 7th and sang to him...didn't hear from him until yesterday...he said he really appreciated and that I sound just like Mom when I sang it. Now I have said I would keep up the tradition with the kids and with Bill. Small issue though.....who is gonna sing it to me?
Added by Anne on December 19, 2012 at 1:56pm — No Comments
I go to bed at night knowing that I am going to bed alone. But when I wake up for just a split second I think I can turn over and see his face laying next to me. I wake up crying alot, but I know I have to let the tears come when they want to. We were so involved in every aspect of each other's lives. We woke up together, went to work together, worked together, came home together....Very few days were we apart. I really don't know how to just be "Kelly" after being "Anthony and Kelly"…
ContinueAdded by Kelly Jo Perkins on December 16, 2012 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments
Carols, funny Christmas songs...all of it, everyone of them brings flashes from the past, as well as knowing those Christmas's that will never be. I am tired all of the time, the "why bothers" run things, the "who cares". The depression I already deal with is in a space that I have never really experienced before. Can't sleep, and I have flashes of her last moments with me, my screaming on the inside for her to keep…
ContinueAdded by Anne on December 16, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments
My mother had spent the last 12 years of her life battling Breast cancer, and the last 2 years battling angiosarcoma as well as the after effects of a sub-arachnoid aneurysm. She went through I can't tell you how many rounds of chemo as well as radiation. She was a fighter, someone who told me that "cancer was her adventure" she never complained, she just went with whatever was going on. She was strong enough to admit…
ContinueAdded by Anne on December 15, 2012 at 5:31am — No Comments
There is nothing more important or powerful in our lives than our faith. I have had a wonderful experience about a presence more powerful than ourselves. I have seen the movies, books and specials through out the media world about life after death, God, the Divine Source and Heaven. It is an amazing and mysterious subject matter, which captures the attention of millions no matter what faith they practice. My life has been embraced by heaven. I…
ContinueAdded by Mary Elizabeth Webb on December 14, 2012 at 6:58am — No Comments
The tree still sits outside because without you to help put on the lights and drink Eggnog and Rum while I decorate there is no joy.
The gifts are sitting unwrapped in the wardrobe because I wont sign the tags and leave your name off.
No baking is done because who will taste them as they come out of the oven and tell me if they are good or bad.
Our house is the only one on our block without Christmas lights on it because I dont know how to make them all…
ContinueAdded by anna l. on December 13, 2012 at 7:21pm — No Comments
Doing something I shouldn't be doing - going back and reading my journals from years ago. Unhappy years that were very painful for me. There were so many times I wanted to leave you and never look back. Just this time last year I had found about "her" and I wanted to leave but realized that I wanted it to work more than I wanted to leave. I loved you and wanted us.
We were not the love story you promised me. In my insecure head I thought it was something I was or was not doing. So I…
ContinueAdded by Lee on December 11, 2012 at 11:13am — No Comments
Hello! Long time so write! Over the last year I have been taking stock of my life and my faith. Alot has happened. My daughter and my granchildren have moved away because my daughter finally has someone to love her, respect her and treat in the way she deserves. This new man has taken such good care of my granchildren that you cant tell he is not their biological father. He is a father to in every aspect of the word. Although it broke my heart a little to see them go, I understand…
I am a new member of this grief group. I lost my mother to Alzheimers disease August 4, 2012.
Added by mary zwez on December 9, 2012 at 7:07pm — No Comments
I feel like my life is one huge waiting game. spent 2 years to find a closure to Bills death. Than derek Passing a year and a half later. Another waiting game. The kid that hit him has been going through the judicial system. watching my surving son eric hurting over the loss of his big brother and his twin. all the tears we have had for them. the kid to a blind plea so a judge will decied on his punishment they are capping his jail term to 5.5 years. This kid killed one and critical…
ContinueAdded by susan joanette wilson on December 9, 2012 at 2:17pm — No Comments
Added by Raj on December 9, 2012 at 7:49am — No Comments
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