October 2014 Blog Posts (27)

my darling son

shawn, on wed it will be a year,  im so filled with sadness, lonelyness  emptiness and so very heart broken. I remember it all like it was yesterday. each day is harder and harder to try to go on. I still pray each night to go with you. I know I don't want to go on with out you. I cry everyday and night, sadness floods over me and I cant hold on. with out you there is no sun, no light, just darkness all the time. I promise ill be with you soon, to hold you forever and never let you go. to…


Added by kim on October 31, 2014 at 1:32pm — 1 Comment

The Film The Book Of Life - Lessons Learned

The Film The Book Of Life - Lessons Learned

Wow -I've just watched the film The Book Of Life-It's a children's film that deals openly with death.
I couldn't help but compare my own grief journey too…

Added by MarieSte on October 28, 2014 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments


well again my sister slapped me in the face, she called to tell me her daughter bought her a grandfather clock on sat for x mas,  I just told her I was not feeling well and had to go.  I cryed my heart out, all I want is my son, his voice, why don't people think before they open there dam mouths, I told her so many times the holidays mean nothing any more but pain. she keeps saying its time to move on. omg ill never move on, I cant. she sees my heart breaking she sees my pain every day, yet…


Added by kim on October 28, 2014 at 7:27am — 1 Comment

my son

how can a mom go on with out her only child? how can my heart still beat, when its so broken?  how can my sisters go on like nothings happened? how do they not see im dieing inside? so many answers ill never get. I only want one thing just one thing one wish, to be with shawn, to hold him in my arms, kiss him and never ever let him go. today in months I saw a bunny again, I know he sent it to me, I know in my heart hes never left me, but I need so bad to dream of him, I need to know hes…


Added by kim on October 27, 2014 at 9:29am — No Comments

October Night

October Night

Will you remember the day we met?October night, in our disguise. How we flirted, danced, your hands on my thighs. Your eyes shined, we laughed. "What will we do with this chemistry" you said. Put it in a kiss! save it…


Added by Lulu on October 27, 2014 at 1:00am — No Comments

my beautiful shawn

I miss you more everyday, I want so bad to touch your face to kiss you.  im so lonely without you. I cant remember what its like not to cry any more.  a few days ago a bunch of purple daisys sprung up on the front lawn, I know you sent them to me, there beautiful. there are times it hurts to breathe, and everyday day my heart hurts. im begging you with everything I have left to take my hand and take me with you. I cant do this without you, my love my son. my reason for living. please shawn I…


Added by kim on October 25, 2014 at 7:31am — No Comments

The Grief Journey-What To Pack

The Grief Journey-What To Pack

It's the journey no-one wants to be on and you won't truly understand the following advice unless you are on it. Everyone's journey will be different, so I can't tell you what to pack, you choose, pack what's right for you, listen to your…

Added by MarieSte on October 23, 2014 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Anyone had this experience

My brother of 67 years lost his partner J last week.

They had been together for 30 years and had a civil partnership.

It seems there is very little literature on gay bereavement and also on how best to support LGBT population.

I know my brother is a 'sturdy oak' type no 'sissy stuff' and doesn't allow his emotions to show at all.  I belief this is a trait he has adapted from my mother.

I go to pieces and cry when upset for normal good reasons and wonder if anyone…


Added by PB on October 23, 2014 at 10:36am — 3 Comments

Every song I hear, every video I see reminds me of you

It must be the holidays, because she expired just after Halloween, I still can't make myself mention the 'D' word as in someone's life ending. But every video , every song she and I listened to reminds me of her. I lose control of my emotions, involuntarily, when hearing certain songs as "One more night", "Last Kiss", "Because you loved me" , and "Wind beneath my wings".

No one can ever imagine the feeling of losing someone , even though they are laying right in front of you with…


Added by Bill Daniels on October 21, 2014 at 3:06pm — 2 Comments

my baby

oh shawn I miss you so bad, my heart is so broken, I feel I just cant do this any more, it hurts so much. today I had to write out a  beautiful piece to put in the paper, oh god how I cryed. it took everything I had to hold it together when I handed it to her to put in the paper. its just not real, I feel you will come home to me, I just keep waiting. please baby let me hear  MOM again, let me hear  I LOVE YOU  again please. im waiting for you and always will. we will be together soon I…


Added by kim on October 21, 2014 at 2:50pm — 2 Comments

Hi, everyone

My first post, Google

Added by Wallace Burton on October 21, 2014 at 2:22pm — 2 Comments

It has been 2 months since my husband passed away suddenly and alone. My heart hasn't begun to heal although I try to stay strong for our adult children it seems to get worse as the days go on. I wen…

It has been 2 months since my husband passed away suddenly and alone. My heart hasn't begun to heal although I try to stay strong for our adult children it seems to get worse as the days go on. I went to the dr. Yesterday and couldn't even speak just communicated by nodding or shaking my head. I walked out with anti anxiety and anti depressants. Let's hope they at least stop the continual sobbing Continue

Added by Bunny on October 19, 2014 at 8:37pm — 2 Comments

devastating answer

my doctor told us, if the heart dr had called 911 shawn would have had a chance, instead of sending him home. oh god I want that dr to die, he killed my son, I cryed  so hard it was hard to breathe. how could a dr be so stupid, heartless an  ass hole. he took away the one chance my baby had,  I pray he loses everything in his life he loves, I want him to feel my pain, my broken heart.  I hate him  so much,  please shawn forgive me, I never thought I could hate like I am now.  I need you…


Added by kim on October 18, 2014 at 8:31am — No Comments

shawn please help me today.

today my doctor is coming to talk to me, I have not seen her in almost a year. shes coming to talk about shawn and why. I went to see shawn earlier this morning and asked him and mom to be by my side, I just cant do this with out him. dear god help me through this morning.  please shawn I need you with me, I beg you to be here. im  afraid to hear it.  I cant stop crying and my broken heart is pounding so hard. my legs feel like rubber. don't leave me shawn, please be by my side please.  love…


Added by kim on October 17, 2014 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

New Perspective on Grieving

Please take a moment to view my blog - it will help give a new perspective on grieving.

I have written this from the heart to give renewed hope to all who miss their loved ones.


My Blog: http://e-mailfromheaven.com/

Added by L. J. Capobianco on October 14, 2014 at 11:38am — 1 Comment

i need advice

So my parents are gone. So when things get hard there's no one to say hey I need help or how do I fix this..when my best friend passed I thought great no one to say this is hard to.

I own a house I paid it off best 3 grand I've ever spent. Unfortunately my x who is also on the deed destroyed it and ran to a state where my parents are buried. It took me forever to fix his damage. Then my kid came back to live with me her dad is a trip constantly engaged or married I can't keep up but…


Added by patience on October 14, 2014 at 8:53am — 3 Comments




I’m going to make it to the other side!


The souls surrounding heaven are beautiful untainted hearts. As I open my eyes they will escort me to your smile, the wait is all worthwhile.


The gate is an open door to a picturesque realm, I am humbled with the…


Added by Lulu on October 12, 2014 at 2:51am — 1 Comment


how do I get through my first thanks giving with out you, I miss you so much. if my tears could bring you home, you would be here by now. I don't sleep, I cant think any more, my only thoughts are of you. I loved and lived for you, now I just want to go with you. help me please get through another terrible holiday. love forever my baby    mom

Added by kim on October 11, 2014 at 8:26am — 1 Comment

Final Destination -Arrival Time Unknown

Ste today I had to get the train to London. I couldn't help but compare my journey of grief with my journey on that train. 

I sat on the train among strangers. As soon as people get on the train they become lifeless.I feel unconscious without you -I feel my soul has been ripped from my being as if all hope is gone. 

No one shows any emotion they all avoid eye…


Added by MarieSte on October 10, 2014 at 6:27pm — 6 Comments

Does anyone feel like they have not grieved enough?

I know the title may not sound right but that is how I feel. I lost my son on 9/19/14 due to an overdose. We are not quite sure as of yet until the toxicology reports come back. 

For some reason, I feel that I should be grieving more than I have and been. Does that make sense? I don't know why I feel this way. Has anyone else been through this? It has only been 3 weeks. One…


Added by Josette A. on October 9, 2014 at 4:51pm — 6 Comments

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