October 2009 Blog Posts (10)

So angry, sad, confused, lost, stuck...

I recently (2 months or so ago) went through a breakup of a relationship of almost 2 years, and I am really having a hard time dealing with some of it.

I know it's not as final as a death, but I am still grieving, and I feel like total crap.

I don't have a lot of time to go and see traditional counselors, and sometimes I even feel like they have NO CLUE about what's going on with me because they are educated and trained to give advice, but it makes me wonder if they have EVER… Continue

Added by Leslie Taylor on October 29, 2009 at 11:01pm — 2 Comments

my ears have popped

For me grief has been something like this; you know when you're in an airplane or at a loud concert or club and your ears plug up so that everything outside of your own thoughts is muffled and garbled and ultimately it becomes too much effort to attempt to focus on anything outside yourself (maybe that part is just me - I'm both lazy and self absorbed)?

Then suddenly, out of the blue, your ears pop and unplug and you are hyper-sensitive to the slightest sound?

So I was all… Continue

Added by jenn murphy on October 19, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Times going too fast

When my dad died 7 months ago i didn't really allow myself to grieve properly and i just got back to work and going out with my friends, and drinking alot. now i look back and can't believe how much time has passed. I feel like i want to stop everything so that i don't get any further away from when it happened. I want to be able to break down and take some time to deal with this but i feel like i should have done it 7 months ago, and now the world around has moved on and it's like im not… Continue

Added by Benny Shipton on October 18, 2009 at 7:31pm — 2 Comments

this dream i keep having

my friend kathleen is haunting me in my dreams and its always the same dream. i am in port coquitlam, and she is there then i see her and call out kathleen kathleen, and then poof she disappears into thin air. i miss her so much its been almost two years now and i wish i she could come back to life. is she trying to tell me something, and why is the dream always the same?

Added by donna henderson on October 9, 2009 at 10:42pm — 1 Comment

email from my sister Carolyn requesting Prayer

Hi Melanie, Diana and Mom,

I want to share some news with you, because I know extra prayers can be powerful. Joshua lost a co-worker/friend this week. His friend, Andy, was on his way home from work Monday, and just innocently stopped at a stop sign waiting on traffic. Apparently a semi driver failed to heed his stop sign, and swerved, attempting to miss a car that was in the intersection with the right of way. This caused the semi trailer to tip over onto Andy's car, crushing it.… Continue

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on October 8, 2009 at 9:37am — No Comments

I Miss Her So Much

My best friend in the whole world passed away unexpectedly 2wks ago. I miss her so much. Dealing with it is difficult. I have gotten sick and am now having to deal with this plus missing her. She was like a sister to me. We had known eachother since second grade, almost 50 yrs. Is there anyone else out there that can relate to my feelings? I lost others close to me, but this is very different.

Added by Kathryn Rolland on October 7, 2009 at 4:02pm — 1 Comment

Billy Graham

Sometimes religious emails are better than some of the funny ones we get and pass on....

Priceless .

Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his Plane arrived there was a limousine there to transport him to his home.

As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver.

'You know' he said, 'I am 87 years old and I have never

Driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a… Continue

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on October 6, 2009 at 4:37pm — No Comments

I am at the point these last few days where I can rationally work through the reality that my mother is gone. When I focus on that idea I can work it through to it's logical end and accept that all …

I am at the point these last few days where I can rationally work through the reality that my mother is gone.

When I focus on that idea I can work it through to it's logical end and accept that all we have are our memories of Her. Luckily for us those memories are so full of Her incredible, indestructible spirit that they will not easily be lost.

And then I lie in bed and close my eyes.

That's when the instinctual part of my brain makes itself heard and… Continue

Added by jenn murphy on October 6, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

After being awake for a few hours today I suddenly thought, huh! I haven't thought about Mom once yet today. I almost began to panic (if you'll recall the grief I alluded to experiencing yesterday) b…

After being awake for a few hours today I suddenly thought, huh! I haven't thought about Mom once yet today. I almost began to panic (if you'll recall the grief I alluded to experiencing yesterday) but I almost suddenly realized that I was wrong.

The thing is, I hadn't experienced any of the sudden, overwhelming, excruciating memories of my mother that has the power to contort my body, mind, my spirit and leave me huddled on the floor curled into myself and trying to ward off the… Continue

Added by jenn murphy on October 2, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

I find myself focusing very hard on stemming the random flow of tears these days; not out of any sense of crying as weakness or a need to put up any kind of front of strength. I am perfectly comforta…

I find myself focusing very hard on stemming the random flow of tears these days; not out of any sense of crying as weakness or a need to put up any kind of front of strength. I am perfectly comfortable feeling weak and giving in to said weakness, either while I'm alone or surrounded by any number of relative strangers.

Ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you that I am capable of bursting into tears while describing an especially moving long distance commercial.

These… Continue

Added by jenn murphy on October 1, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

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