August 2018 Blog Posts (8)

One Breath at a Time

I have the big hurt right now. I keep expecting him to log onto Facebook and send me a message. Or a text. Or something that would symbolize that he is here. And then I remember that he isn’t. That the last text or IM I will ever receive is from August 12. That there was no tomorrow for him. Just me. And everyone that liked or loved him. 

And it bothers me so much knowing he isn’t going to respond. He isn’t going to reach out. He can’t. That I just can’t wrap my brain around…


Added by Amber on August 29, 2018 at 6:53pm — No Comments

I Don’t Know How

I lost my lifemate 15 days ago. We viewed the body and have had the memorial. We were given ashes that were split up between his children, his sister, myself and two friends. I couldn’t function yesterday at all and the weekend was bad too. I don’t know how to figure out this grieving process. This isn’t the first person I have lost. It is the first person that I was in love with and had plans with. 

As part of a tribute to him, I am buying him a headstone and burying some of…


Added by Amber on August 28, 2018 at 1:35pm — No Comments

Hopefully Good News....

Do You Love Cats? I am just wondering if this might be of interest to anyone here, as I took in a beautiful black kitty with the…

Added by Cynthia R Fuhrman on August 26, 2018 at 6:23pm — No Comments

"There Is No Other Bond Like The Bond Of A Daddy & Daughter... Heaven & Earth Separate Us For Now But A Bond Like Ours Is Unbroken, Always Showing Me He's Here..."

​​Hello, My name is Amanda, I actually came across this page literally by accident however I have a strong feeling it "wasn't accidental" I was actually looking for information about "signs" from loved ones because every time I am outside a dragonfly appears and just hovers around until I go back inside, at first I didn't think much of it but here recently I began really noticing the pattern and it's honestly every time I am outside at my home (many times throughout the day) so I decided to…


Added by Amanda Stout on August 21, 2018 at 8:47am — 3 Comments

While I was sleeping

It has been 4 years since my mom died.  I still think about it every day, and can't seem to look past it.  I know I need to go grocery shopping.  I know I need to entertain my 4 year old but before I do anything today I want to share what has helped me tremendously in making my mom's death easier to live with.

The first thing that helps is remembering her and being stubborn about NOT letting her go.  I don't have to let my mom go.  She already went.  The thing I do have to do is admit…


Added by Susan Dee Leatham on August 14, 2018 at 3:29pm — 2 Comments

Nobody should do it alone.

After a year not a soul walk threw that door to help and I was in a very bad place. I now stand and sorry the excuses are hurtful. One year and I did it all. I was broken for many months. All I wanted was someone to hold me and just keep my mind straight. I have loss friends because I guess I never knew I was as strong as steel. I needed no one. They were wrong. Yes I ask for help.

Added by MIchael Ortiz on August 7, 2018 at 1:21pm — 3 Comments

"when we run from ourselves we can never stop running"

 sometimes its really hard to identify exactly what were really feeling. is it sadness ? or maybe its loneliness. perhaps its the anger at the people who left us that were not sure if were allowed to feel. instead if trying to asses what were really going through and create a plan of how to really give ourselves the care that we really deserve. we just cover it with avoidance and a cold shoulder. We find ourselves drifting off to nowhere. we hate the world around us for being so cruel . we…


Added by zevi on August 5, 2018 at 12:54pm — No Comments

it just seems like the end

anger,confusion,denial. i thing we have all been there. and to some degree we still are. but when the whole world seems like such a dark place. we need to look inside and find somewhere safe,somewhere where we gather the courage to get up in the morning to go out into the world and most importantly to reach out. i know i will always be there for someone else why shouldn't ii trust that other people will do the same?

Added by zevi on August 2, 2018 at 11:33pm — 1 Comment

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