June 2017 Blog Posts (38)

In a couple of weeks it will be 2 years since my world collapsed, how can it be 2 years when it feels like yesterday, nothing has changed for me in this time, I have not let go nor have I moved on, e…

In a couple of weeks it will be 2 years since my world collapsed, how can it be 2 years when it feels like yesterday, nothing has changed for me in this time, I have not let go nor have I moved on, even if I wanted to I cannot.I suppose I am a bit jealous of people who find it so easy to carry on and move forward with their lives,how do they do It? it will never be like that for me, ever.Today the ache I feel inside me is so strong I just want him to walk through the door and tell me this…


Added by joanne on June 29, 2017 at 7:09pm — 2 Comments


I miss you & love you with every breathe Daddy'O. Save me a dance. ♡♡

“The Kid”…


Added by Carrie Hart Carns on June 29, 2017 at 8:30am — No Comments

A Puzzling Question

VIEWS about life and death are many and varied. Some feel that after death they will live on, perhaps in another form or in another place. Others feel that they will be reborn to live another existence. Still others think that death simply ends it all.

You may have your own belief on the subject, depending on your upbringing or cultural background. Since opinions as to what happens at death differ so widely, is there someone or somewhere we can turn to for reliable and truthful answers…


Added by Mike H. on June 28, 2017 at 6:57am — 1 Comment

Remember this...KARMA is a bitch. Don´t do to others what you wouldn´t like done to you!

Here am I taking care of my life outside the crap realms of most HUMAN UNKINDNESS. You probably kniow what I think about dating...pathetic exercise, the right person will show and unless you trust God you may spend a life time trying with the wrong ones....you know how that goes. What goes around comes around. Anyhow. My dad had to travel and sent my oldest sister to the mall with me to help me buy a cell he is giving me as a gift. So although it´s an unlikely company since all the…


Added by silvia maria on June 27, 2017 at 2:05pm — No Comments

Remember this...KARMA is a bitch. Don´t do to others what you wouldn´t like done to you!

Here am I taking care of my life outside the crap realms of most HUMAN UNKINDNESS. You probably know what I think about dating...pathetic exercise, the right person will show and unless you trust God you may spend a life time trying with the wrong ones....you know how that goes. What goes around comes around. Anyhow. My dad had to travel and sent my oldest sister to the mall with me to help me buy a cell he is giving me as a gift. So although it´s an unlikely company since all the…


Added by silvia maria on June 27, 2017 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Definition of MOVING ON

To a lot of people MOVING ON means something TANGIBLE. Such as a new relationship, new job, or new YOU. Well I´d say the true MOVING ON DEFINITIOn is so very far from the TANGIBLE. It´s more like cracking, dive in the dumps of self, craving what isn´t where we look for anything. It´s a dark place where light enters gradually and not as easy as it seems. Anyone can have a new relationship....but not everyone can have a new relationship with SELF trully emerging out at once. It´s not…


Added by silvia maria on June 26, 2017 at 2:13pm — No Comments

Shifting the GRIP to LIFE PATTERNS

It´s when we realize that no one can reach us but ourselves, that we realize that what we dislike the most in others are just part of ourselves that must be improved. I know it looks cliche. Like something we heard but its easier said than done. Because the traits we dislike is not the traits we dislike in ourselves, of course we aren´t alike in so many ways, but the general pattern of what we attract do show fear motivation in parallell, perhaps not in ways we can see in a first glance.…


Added by silvia maria on June 26, 2017 at 8:00am — No Comments

Moving on ia by all means an ALONE process

I find that anyone getting too close when you are trying to pick up the pieces is more damaging than beneficial. And that is because in their hopes and aspirations for us they TRAP US in the outcome suitable or perhaps minimal acceptable by them. Excuse me, but with my full mindset barely knowing where and how I am going, I rather keep an open mind where this all will arrive, Sometimes its more like a roller coaster just as is pushing myself up and doing a thing at a time, the uncertain is…


Added by silvia maria on June 25, 2017 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Taking refugee of this shallow world...is a MUST sometimes

So here is my situation. I an attractive woman well versed about many topics and a writer of excellence in the cience wich is largeli a choice of a INTROSPECTIVE PERSON. Faced with LOTS male attraction. Sometimes I find myself in struggles that aren´t my own at all, Such as dates and craps that comes with lots of MALE attention that do anything BUT HAVE my FULL ATTENTION. Mostly because its shallow. At times some expect me to be AVAILABLE all times just because I am sick. Of course there are…


Added by silvia maria on June 25, 2017 at 7:23pm — No Comments

One down...

Having a glass of wine for my mom tonight and trying to wrap my head around the fact that she's been gone for a year. A whole year. A year without daily emails just so I'd wake up to an email every morning. A year without daily Skype chats just to catch up even though nothing much ever changed. A year without an e-card for every random holiday. A year without hearing about the dumb things my dad was or wasn't doing. A year without my best friend. A year without my mom.

Added by Bethany on June 19, 2017 at 3:45pm — No Comments

National TV show wants to help unsolved cold cases

I am the producer of a nationally televised crime docu-series. I am currently developing a new series focusing on unsolved cold cases, where the perpetrator is known but remains uncharged, many times because they are already in prison for life for another crime. That should not deter anyone else from getting justice. We will bring in outside, independent cold case detectives to rework cases to see if we can help. The series will underscore the hope, strength and tenacity of the…


Added by gregory harvey on June 19, 2017 at 12:54pm — No Comments

Mourning by Definition


The outward expression of grief over a death or some other calamity. In Bible times, it was customary to mourn for a period of time. In addition to weeping loudly, mourners wore special clothes, put ashes on their head, ripped their garments, and beat their chest. Professional mourners were sometimes invited to funerals.—…


Added by Mike H. on June 19, 2017 at 7:12am — No Comments

61 tips on the experience of Grief and how to help people through it

This is the book - you can save in pdf format

The first 3

1. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a significant emotional loss of any kind.

2. Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of, or change in, a familiar pattern of behavior.

3. Grief is the feeling of reaching out for someone who has always been…


Added by Nora on June 18, 2017 at 9:49am — No Comments

Just now joining to see what it's about.

Hi someone said I should consider joining a grief support group. Still a little hesitant to go to actual meetings so decided maybe online is a good idea.  I lost my husband suddenly last year in an accident. I am a survivor but its been a tough year for sure.

It's been a year but there are some days that it feels like it was just yesterday.

Added by Constance May on June 17, 2017 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Just now joining to see what it's about.

Hi someone said I should consider joining a grief support group. Still a little hesitant to go to actual meetings so decided maybe online is a good idea.  I lost my husband suddenly last year in an accident. I am a survivor but its been a tough year for sure.

It's been a year but there are some days that it feels like it was just yesterday.

Added by Constance May on June 17, 2017 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Lessons of a Late Friend - inspire3.com

I knew he didn't have long to live.

I was sitting next to him on a cold bench at Brighton beach, staring out at the ocean.

"I want to tell you some crap," he said. "Pass it on."

And then he began telling me the things he'd learned in his short time on this planet. The kind of things we all need reminding of from time to time, but we oh-so-easily forget.



Added by Nora on June 17, 2017 at 1:43pm — 3 Comments

From the Heart

I think being alone and being lonely are two different things. I find that when I am “being alone,” I am watching television at weird hours, thinking it is normal for a single person to think about such things as family pictures on the wall; wondering what happened to the little kids in those pictures, and thinking aloud that they all made it. Being alone and making a meal require little effort. I simply choose between an avocado or peanut butter. Neither one is necessarily a…


Added by Mike on June 17, 2017 at 12:04pm — No Comments

how does it feel to be no longer a caretaker?

Ok so after so much debate around the mother issue since her caretakin was taken over by my elder sister in a very aggressive move...here we are now. I refuse to visit because meeting the conditions to visit are pathetic to say the least. I am suppose to go to a clinic and don´t correct any negligence I see after registrering and sending to police. Holy crap, hell no. Then sister was suppose to change place but never did. THen she was suppose to arrange mother to visit here and also never…


Added by silvia maria on June 17, 2017 at 10:17am — No Comments

If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

YouTube Video - Still hurts and I dont believe in Jesus but feels like my Steve is talking to me......


When tomorrow starts without me 

and I'm not here to see... 

If the sun should rise and find your 

eyes filled with tears for me, 

I wish so much you wouldn't…


Added by Nora on June 16, 2017 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Comforting Those Who Mourn

Have you ever felt helpless when someone near to you was grieving over the loss of a loved one? Sometimes we may feel unsure of what to say or do—so we wind up saying and doing nothing. But there are practical, helpful things that we can do.

Often, all that is needed is your presence along with a simple expression, such as “I am so sorry.” In many cultures, giving…


Added by Mike H. on June 16, 2017 at 7:25am — No Comments

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