June 2010 Blog Posts (11)


My first memory is of you, laughter in your brown eyes as we chased fireflies in the night.

You were only a child yourself, sweet seventeen and so full of life.

You gave up your life to have me, to keep me, to cherish me, to give me life.

We walked hand in hand through so many storms, you taught me how to pray

how to be strong, how to depend without being dependent and how to forgive without being walked on.

You taught me to dream big and to never settle…


Added by C. Hinkle on June 30, 2010 at 2:20am — No Comments

Missing my Mother !

As i was sitting here last night around this time i talked to my mother and she wanted a family get togather on the 4th of the july weekend . We planned for it for this year , as i was talking to a dear freind of my mother's last night i told him what she said he told me this is meant to be then if this is what your mom wanted we will move foword with it , so we are having one big party and in the honor of her . thats what she wanted us to do. have fun and laugh and joking…


Added by sharon on June 29, 2010 at 10:58am — No Comments

6 month marker

As of June 6th my Papa has been gone for 6 months. I have little patience with people; I have always had a good filter between my brain and my mouth and now it is a straight shot between what I think and what I say. On the one hand, it is good for setting boundaries when necessary, on the other, I have been too snappy. The pain is like a searing presence. It's like going about my day without noticing the mountain in the middle of the path until I run into it again.

Added by susan Paull on June 29, 2010 at 8:46am — No Comments

Having a very hard time

Hello. I'm new to the group and am feeling my way around the site. I lost my mother five years ago and the most recent, and main reason for joining this community, I lost the love of my life and best friend, my boyfriend, Brian. This happen on April 16th of this year so it's only been a little over two months. He hit head-on a delivery box truck and flipped over several times. He died on impact, which helps a little bit because I know he didn't suffer or experience any pain. Still, I'm having a… Continue

Added by Collette Hoag on June 28, 2010 at 11:31pm — No Comments

learn to love and forgive, you never know what tomarrow brings, don't live with those regrets.

You can't put a time limit to grieving. You never know how long it might take. When there are so many deaths together, it seems like there won't be an end to greiving. I do knw that you should never hold grudgees. you never know what tomarrow is gonna bring. So don't live with those regrets.

Added by DINESE DAM on June 26, 2010 at 1:59pm — No Comments

I am stuck.

I was looking at my moms things today. There is so much stuff. It is a long process because as I go through her house I stop to reminise about all of our times together and each item has a story. She was ultra organized and I find myself laughing over some of her things. We would sometimes go through her drawers sorting items and get the giggles over some of the dumbest things. I sit on the corner of the couch and look at her chair where we spent so many hours napping, watching… Continue

Added by Deb Schaefer on June 24, 2010 at 7:24pm — 2 Comments

Another step towards coping

Well, I already have one online journal more or less dedicated to this issue, but one more can't hurt I suppose. I just can't seem to talk about the situation enough. And this site is actually dedicated to dealing with grief, so maybe the feedback will be more productive. At least I'm among people who understand.

My father (step father, technically) died in a plane crash almost a year ago (the anniversary is this Friday). He flew an ultra light sports craft called a trike.…


Added by Anon Ymous on June 23, 2010 at 10:29pm — 1 Comment


I can't believe that you have been gone for ten years. It seems like yesterday we were fighting for your life. It was a battle you couldn't win though.I HATE OVARIAN CANCER! I was so angry at God for taking you away from us because you so wanted to live and be healed and he couldn't do that for us and it hurt me. I walked away from God mommy because I was so hurt but I came back to him because I couldn't hurt your memory like that. I feel so aimless since you have been gone because you were my… Continue

Added by Paige Anne Lovelace on June 17, 2010 at 9:20am — No Comments

The tears I cry

It's been almost 2 years(aug 12) since the passing of my grandma ..I past week i have cried tears alone. I dont know why all of a sudden. How can I get through this pain of losing the most important person in my life? She was my rock the one that always protected me. and now she is gone , left me alone to fight the battles of life without her here. I cant stop crying ....WANT the PAIN to end. i want her back here to get me through this.I wanna give up :(…


Added by Carmen on June 11, 2010 at 11:24am — 2 Comments

My Mom

Hello All

I just came back from Castle Rock Colorado, I live in Denver. My Mom is critically ill with liver failure.

My brother and wife are taking care of her. No one should ever see someone they love in that condition.

I pulled up and my niece was outside of the house and she did not wave or smile, she approached my

car and said "we don't want any chaos", I simply said I guess you dont know me very well.

I went inside and my Mom's house…


Added by Caroline Billick on June 6, 2010 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Remebering 26 years

Today is a bad day, today would have been my 26th wedding anniversary. I think back on the beautiful day when I became Vern's wife. We danced and danced that evening. I never thought that he would be taken out of my life after 25 years. It has been 5 months since Vern died in surgery it still does not seem real. my memories of our life together seem to be fading . there is such a hole in my life. My son moved out of my home yesterday he had wanted to get an apartment for a long time but he…


Added by kari vorbeck on June 2, 2010 at 8:17pm — 2 Comments

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