May 2015 Blog Posts (56)

A strange meeting

The other day I started to feel that unbearable loneliness creeping up on me, this is starting to happen more often, and I panicked and called my friend. We went to the forest and smoked a joint then to a bodega where we had a beer. A middle-aged Russian woman was sitting in a booth next to us and she turned around to talk to us. She was obviously an alcoholic, and for a brief moment I wondered if I was staring into my future. That if I don't move on from this loss, I will end up drunk and…


Added by Maja Winther on May 29, 2015 at 8:41am — 2 Comments

A sign

I really like birds and have several bird feeders on the deck. One of my favorite birds is the Yellow-headed Blackbird. I haven't seen one in our area in over six years. It is a bird that I'm always looking to find. So, I told Cherie if she was ok to send me a Yellow-headed Blackbird. I was on way to an appointment this morning when a Yellow-headed Blackbird flew right in front of the car. I almost drove off the road. I'll take this as a sign from Cherie.

Added by Richard G on May 27, 2015 at 2:49pm — No Comments

May 26th, 2015

Hey Mom,

I know you aren't gone from this world yet, but I also know that day is quickly approaching us.

I want you to know a few things:

For starters, I love you. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I hate you're leaving us so early in my lifetime because Matthew and I have just gotten to be old enough to really know how to appreciate everything you and Dad have done for us. I'm sorry I was a bratty teenager who made you cry sometimes.…


Added by Elizabeth on May 26, 2015 at 5:00pm — No Comments

first entry

I lost my soulmate and father to my son on april 3rd of this year. he was killed in an industrial accident at work. its been less then 2 months so far but so many people are telling me already its time to move on. how do you tell your heart to stop feeling when you were with someone for 10 years,im lost and feel somewhat out of control. I find myself turning to alcohol and other vices to ease the pain I feel. which of course gives others yet another chance to shame me and feel like they know…


Added by crystal roach on May 26, 2015 at 4:47pm — 2 Comments

I think I am moving

Thank you to everyone that has responded in some way to my blog and my posts.  The interaction has helped.

It has not been enough for me though.  As I have said in previous posts; I need, want, and deeply crave human interaction.  And when I write three or for blog posts in a row that are read by few and not commented on, it just causes more feelings of isolation and loneliness.  

So I am moving my online grief operations to the Alliance of Hope website.  It is…


Added by Mark on May 26, 2015 at 9:04am — 3 Comments

Feel like ranting about people!

Yesterday was suppose to be a fun filled day to celebrate my sister graduating college. But of course family that I have not seen or spoken to since Norman's passing brought him up. I did not want to talk about it him as it was not about me and how I was doing. It was my sister's day.

My aunt decided she needed to give me her opinion on how I am handling his passing. She told me you need to talk to someone about it. Who are you to tell me I need to talk to someone? Every one…


Added by Traci P on May 25, 2015 at 2:35pm — 1 Comment


Yesterday I said I was not going to dwell on the loss of my wife Cheryl, today I am, at least in this blog post.

It's another morning and I have been lying in bed for a few hours hoping to fall back asleep.  But I have had no luck.  My mind of course has been thinking of Cheryl.  Of the more than 31 years we knew each other, and how we had so many experiences together that we could always share a private laugh.  And now those memories are only mine.  They feel like such a…


Added by Mark on May 25, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

Trying not to dwell on my loss

I am awake again, and have some anxiety.  When thoughts that I know just lead to pain have been entering my head, I try to change the subject.  Not having much luck right now, but I will continue doing it.  

I need to start to prepare for a trip on Tuesday.  Once again, I am going to attempt to return to work.  I failed a few weeks ago when I tried.  The physical and mental discomfort I felt while I waited at the gate for my delayed flight, led to a breakdown at the airport.…


Added by Mark on May 24, 2015 at 9:54am — No Comments

the pain never ends

im sorry I have not been on for a long time, for those that are new im truly sorry for your loss, to my friends that I have made in here I still feel your pain. I have not been doing to  good health wise, but I really don't care any more, I still pray every night to be with my son shawn. I cry morning noon and night, I feel my pain will never end, the emptiness, the darkness is so feel as lonely as I do is no way to live. I hope with all my heart you are all doing a little…


Added by kim on May 23, 2015 at 5:34pm — No Comments

My Mind's Games

Yesterday morning was difficult.   I had another doctors appointment.  I get anxious waiting in those little rooms that you get placed in while waiting your turn to see the doctor.  My mind immediately went to missing Cheryl, she was a nurse, she was my comfort.  And whenever I had some significant health issue she would accompany me and usually wait in the little rooms with me so it didn't seem like a prison cell.  I almost lost it while waiting alone there.  The doctor finally saw me,…


Added by Mark on May 23, 2015 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

bad day at work

I got a call at work today from daycare to say my granddaughter was sick and i needed to come get her. only work would'nt let me go. i wanted to call my husband so bad and tell him what was going on. like i alaways did. but i couldnt. i miss him so much.

Added by Vicki jefferson on May 22, 2015 at 9:57pm — No Comments

worst time of day

Has to be around dinner time and after, I I didn't not hear from Josh all day, I'd get a call around dinner...what's for dinner ma? I think some nights I think the phone will ring. I start to cry a d do on and off till I  fall asleep, I don't know how I  sleep, maybe cause he's at peace 

Added by Roberta Annett on May 22, 2015 at 7:23pm — No Comments


I have had 2 of the worst days since my Terry passed...

I really would like to know why this has to hurt so badly.

Why does God give us love and joy, and then take it without taking us too?

I cannot breathe...I feel like it was just yesterday and it is almost 2 months..

does it ever let up? My widowed friends say it does in time...

It's like "UNCHAINED MELODY"..and time goes by soooooooooooooo slowly.........

I am sorry to be venting, I just feel…


Added by Alice Catron on May 22, 2015 at 12:03pm — 1 Comment

The End of Times is Near

When I was driving home from a doctors appointment this morning around 11 a.m. I saw something I have never seen in my life.  I was on a major highway a few miles from the airport, and saw a large pickup pulled off on the side of the road ahead.  The pickup truck was a large double cab, the type a lot of contractors like to drive.  The doors were open on the side opposite the road, and as got closer I saw man moving rapidly back and forth by the door.  A little closer and it was clear as…


Added by Mark on May 21, 2015 at 9:32pm — No Comments

I love you in my dreams

5/15/15: I went to bed. I missed Nick so much. A friend of mine wanted to go out but I just couldn't that day. It was a Friday night. I dint have it in me. So I put on Nicks shirt and grabbed his sheet that his sister gave him when he was 18. I didn't cover myself up with it and just held it and I fell asleep.

Then I had the most amazing dream I have ever had. The hills were so beautiful and green. It was crowded with people. I was walking along when I saw Nick. He was talking to a…


Added by Jeannette on May 21, 2015 at 1:57pm — 1 Comment

The day the world changed 4ever

First forgive if I repeat myself,  my son's been gone 3 months, I feel like I'm  In the twilight zone. Everything foggy. My son struggled with addiction for years. We tried everything, doctors, inpatient, out patient. Then we began thinking HE HAS TO WANT IT OR it won't work. Finally it seemed he wanted it, he was in jail for a vop  and found a spiritually based program, that you pd 169 per week. He got out of jail they picked him up, he got saved, drove Pastor s crazy with questions.  But…


Added by Roberta Annett on May 20, 2015 at 7:31pm — 1 Comment

The day the world changed 4ever

First forgive if I repeat myself,  my son's been gone 3 months, I feel like I'm  In the twilight zone. Everything foggy. My son struggled with addiction for years. We tried everything, doctors, inpatient, out patient. Then we began thinking HE HAS TO WANT IT OR it won't work. Finally it seemed he wanted it, he was in jail for a vop  and found a spiritually based program, that you pd 169 per week. He got out of jail they picked him up, he got saved, drove Pastor s crazy with questions.  But…


Added by Roberta Annett on May 20, 2015 at 7:31pm — No Comments


I have not written anything in three days.  My world has not improved in that time. Cheryl is still gone and my heart remains empty.  The world continues to turn, yet for me time remains frozen on 13 March, I can not disengaged from the events of that night.  

The last time I wrote here was 3 days ago. At that time I had a couple of physically good days.  I have had back issues flare up since this began and a least they were diminishing at that time.  Since then they have come…


Added by Mark on May 20, 2015 at 8:52am — No Comments

1 Corinthians 10:13 talking about temptation, not pain and suffering..but He did say He wouldnt leave us nor forsake us...


1 Corinthians 10:13

"....but God is faithful,who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape,that ye may be able to bear it."…

Added by Alice Catron on May 18, 2015 at 7:22pm — No Comments

Worst day since February 26, 2015

This past Friday (the 15th of May) was the worst day of my life since February 26, 2015- the day I watched my husband stop breathing in our driveway as the EMTs were trying to get him into the ambulance.  I can still remember everything that happened that day and every image of him turning gray is painfully engraved in my mind.  But last Friday is the day that I have been dreading since that day.  I was downstairs after having to punish our 5 year old son and could hear him crying…


Added by Trina on May 18, 2015 at 8:46am — 3 Comments

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