May 2009 Blog Posts (13)

The Grief of Fathers

The Grief of Fathers

Fathers are cast in a societal role that is different from that of the

mother. Although there are many role crossovers and although frequently

the deep strength in a family is in the mother, society expects, and

fathers themselves expect, that they be the “strong ones.”

Generally the father is the major support of the family, and he plans to

meet his current expenses, insure against the unanticipated, save for the

anticipated… Continue

Added by Gail Richardson on May 31, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

oneday9.jpg The Emotional Roller Coaster Child loss brings with it an array of mixed emotions. Parents can feel anything from sadness and depression to extreme anger at everyone and anything. Some …


The Emotional Roller Coaster

Child loss brings with it an array of mixed emotions. Parents can feel anything from sadness and depression to extreme anger at everyone and anything. Some days the tears will flow like a river for no apparent reason. Other days the language that pours forth from your mouth will surprise even you. Emotions can run wild for months following… Continue

Added by Gail Richardson on May 27, 2009 at 3:44pm — 2 Comments

Last Good bye

Hey Grand pa. Saturday June 2nd at 1 pm will be the last goodbye between all of us, i wanna thank you for everything you have taught me in my young 15 years of age, thanks for raising me and making me the kid i am. lots of people say i look like you, walk like you, think like you etc. but i deny it, i say, theres only one person that can look,think,walk like him and that's YOU.

All this to tell you this last Goodbye and I LOVE YOU so much,… Continue

Added by J-F Laberge on May 26, 2009 at 8:00am — 1 Comment

Jennifer Love Hewitt talks about her first thought after reading the pilot of Ghost Whisperer

I was touched by the fact that the show has changed her fears about… Continue

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on May 22, 2009 at 12:44pm — No Comments

I'm really missing my brother today

Here he is with his best friend. James C. Jarvis 8/13/62 - 6/11/01

Added by Diana, Grief Recovery Coach on May 21, 2009 at 3:44pm — 2 Comments

Irene's Birthday

Will there be Birthday cake and presents in heaven? Will all the angels sing Irene happy birthday? On the day she was born it was sunny, clear and warm. The first time I held her I thought my heart would break from joy. This tiny bundle, so fragile was mine. Thank you God.

As the years pasted she grew into this amazing intelligent, beautiful woman, who could make me laugh when no one else could. Her blue eyes and long blond hair lit up a room as she entered. We became more than Mother and… Continue

Added by Katherine Ellis on May 18, 2009 at 5:58am — 2 Comments

The Awakening

A time in your life when you finally get it.

When in the midst of all your fears and insanity,

You stop dead in your tracks, and somewhere in your head cries out -


Enough fighting, crying, or struggling to hold on.

And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum,

your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice,

you blink back your tears and through a mantle of wet lashes

you begin to look… Continue

Added by Gail Richardson on May 12, 2009 at 4:25pm — No Comments

One Week From Today - May 11th

The sun will be coming up soon. As yet I've not gone to bed. What is the use when I can't sleep. The last time I went to the doctor he gave me something to help with that, but so far it hasn't done a thing. So most nights find me in front of my computer, a lot of times just staring into space.

One week from today and it will be Irene's 35th birthday. I wonder what she would look like. Would the tiny lines around her eyes be starting to show? Would she still have that long, long hair or… Continue

Added by Katherine Ellis on May 12, 2009 at 5:34am — 2 Comments

Close By your Side

You think I've gone far away and life has lost its will,

But look around, I am right here, living with you still,

I watch your tears, I feel your pain, I see the things you do,

I weep as well, each time you cry, my soul it lives with you.

It gives me such joy to hear you laugh, and do the things you do,

And when you smile over bygone days, I smile right there with you,

For we are still one, just you and me, one mind, one soul, one being,

Walking forward into… Continue

Added by Gail Richardson on May 10, 2009 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Mother's Day

What a bitter sweet day it is today. I'm trying to be happy for those still here by me, but my heart is heavy because my daughter, Irene is not here. What I wouldn't give to see her smile, hear her laughter just once more. Feel her arms around me for one more hugs. For all of us this is a hard day. I am praying for everyone as we walk through this day. I know that I am not alone. I have all of you. God bless you all and we shall make it through today, for we are all holding hearts and hands,

Added by Katherine Ellis on May 10, 2009 at 10:37am — 1 Comment



BY: Erma Bombech

May 13, 1995

If you’re looking for an answer this Mothers Day on why god reclaimed your child, I don’t know.

I only know that thousands of mothers out there desperately need an answer as to why they were permitted to go through the elation of carrying a child and then lose it to miscarriage, accident, violence, disease, or drugs.

Motherhood isn’t just a series of contractions; it’s a state of mind.… Continue

Added by Gail Richardson on May 10, 2009 at 5:01am — No Comments

God, Ron and Me

I wrote this poem about a week ago with help from God.

When I heard about you son

My devestation was immense

How would I ever live without you

The thought was too intense

I remember when I was pregnant

And thrilled but nervous too

I remember every day

Just waiting to meet you

I remember dreaming of the future

What would you grow up to be

If only I could tell you


Added by Stacey on May 9, 2009 at 9:52pm — 3 Comments

my sympathy

dear friend i hope that your other friends know what a caring and loving person u are i think that it is wonderful you became such a caring friend thru the net i would think it might be a little easyier because of not having a personal contact with this person but it gives me great hope that i may find a friend that i can be that close with over the net may god bless you and lend u some comfort in your time of need (((((hugs)))))

Added by Robert Tinsley on May 2, 2009 at 7:45am — 3 Comments

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