March 2011 Blog Posts (28)


waking at night with panic attacks, noises in the apt, bldg, have me scared that Tods fallen.  I remember sleeping on the edge of awake, think i did it for so long, his machines would alarm, or he'd drop something in the night, or god forbid he'd fall that i learned to never fall asleep...we used to laugh that it was like having a new born in the house,, it wasn't all that funny for me.


he was awake at night alot of time because he'd sleep during the day (out of boredom), but…


Added by becky j cecil on March 31, 2011 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Shopping with Shawn

Hello,  I just got back from spending a week with my daughter and her girls.  Had a good time, but missed being on here. those little girls give her a run for her money. This week she is sick.  She has pancreatitis and is in an enormous amount of pain. She has high blood pressure, and just started medication for that.  Found herself getting dizzy and light headed.  Dr. told her it is because her body is not used to this…


Added by Peggy Jeanine Woody on March 28, 2011 at 9:45pm — No Comments


out of  body experience....its how i feel about my days  im going through the motions getting things done, surviving but not involved on a real experience level.  i just move, do, sleep, eat, wake and do again.  everything has an anniversary, tuesdays are when we went to the hospital for the last time, fridays when he refused the ventilator, saturdays when he passed, my new life calendar.  tomorrow with be 4 weeks of tuesdays :(


when will this feeling stop?

Added by becky j cecil on March 28, 2011 at 5:33pm — No Comments

Happy 40th Birthday!

Well it's been a few weeks since I last wrote. It's not that I don't think about him, but I think I'm all cried out and everything I wanted to say was said I guess. However, that being said I am writing because this has been a difficult day for me, even more so tomorrow. Tomorrow would have been Eric's 40th birthday. The one he did not want to spend alone and was hoping to be here already with me.  I heard from his niece that they are going to go out and celebrate it next weekend. Wish I was…


Added by Sherri Cremer on March 27, 2011 at 8:24pm — No Comments

3 weeks tomorrow, i've started sleeping better, and im have intervals of not crying until someone brings tod up.  i know people mean well, but if i think about toddie i can't function, and i can't af…

3 weeks tomorrow, i've started sleeping better, and im have intervals of not crying until someone brings tod up.  i know people mean well, but if i think about toddie i can't function, and i can't afford to lose my job.


friday night, our night to watch all of our dumb shows, stay up late, curl up and cuddle after dinner together.  the week would be over and we would wind down in each others company, thrilled to have two full days together.  He was so lonely while i worked all…


Added by becky j cecil on March 25, 2011 at 10:03pm — 2 Comments

Anxiety and Anger

After the collapse almost a week ago, I'm finding I'm now dealing with a lot of anxiety just about being able to manage the basic details of life.  I'd thought I was doing OK at that before....and look what happened. Now the fear is that I can't even manage my own life, much less finishing the mess that my wife left me by killing herself.  It's not as bad today as it was last night, which was almost crippling.  I meet with my counselor tomorrow and plan to bring it up.  I'm really hoping…


Added by Sean Casey on March 24, 2011 at 11:33pm — No Comments


Since my dad passed away I have been writing letters to him.  Some just tell him about what I've been up to, but most just tell how how miserable I've been since losing him.  I had a dream about him last night, in it he came to see me to tell me the cancer had spread again into his sinuses.  I kept crying telling him this wasnt supposed to happen any more.

Added by Carolyn Halsey-Minnick on March 24, 2011 at 10:02pm — 2 Comments

frustrated today.  medical bills are coming in droves, doctors i've never heard of, for services that didn't work.  should be a survivor thing, if he dies you don't have to pay.   someone told me to …

frustrated today.  medical bills are coming in droves, doctors i've never heard of, for services that didn't work.  should be a survivor thing, if he dies you don't have to pay.   someone told me to pay nothing for 6 months, wait for everything to arrive then sort it out, what the insurance paid, what they didn't and what's still owed.  UGGGHHHH we've still about $50,000 from an amputation they deemed pre-existing 5 years ago when all of this first began.  Im sad that we struggled so hard to…


Added by becky j cecil on March 24, 2011 at 4:38pm — No Comments


In the last few days I've gotten to learn just how badly all this has depelted me.  ABout 10 days ago, I came down with a cold.  No surprise, given the stress of my wife's suicide.  I was semi-functional on the weekend, but then ended up home Monday and Tuesday from work.  I thought I was doing better Wednesday and managed 8 hours at work, but Thursday I was only there half the day before I had to go early.  I went to the local urgent care place, where the doc told me the coughing was likely…


Added by Sean Casey on March 22, 2011 at 9:47pm — 1 Comment

just over two weeks today and i've moved from numb to destroyed.  he was sick for so long, why wasn't i more prepared, why didn't i admit it was the last moments together and spill my heart out.  i h…

just over two weeks today and i've moved from numb to destroyed.  he was sick for so long, why wasn't i more prepared, why didn't i admit it was the last moments together and spill my heart out.  i hope he knows i adored him.  the doctor told me to speak out loud and tell him what's on my mind and what i feel, but the words won't come without heart wrenching tears and total breakdown.  how can i break down when the kids need and expect me to be the strong one.  i just want to wail and cry, to… Continue

Added by becky j cecil on March 22, 2011 at 7:44pm — No Comments

just over two weeks today and i've moved from numb to destroyed.  he was sick for so long, why wasn't i more prepared, why didn't i admit it was the last moments together and spill my heart out.  i h…

just over two weeks today and i've moved from numb to destroyed.  he was sick for so long, why wasn't i more prepared, why didn't i admit it was the last moments together and spill my heart out.  i hope he knows i adored him.  the doctor told me to speak out loud and tell him what's on my mind and what i feel, but the words won't come without heart wrenching tears and total breakdown.  how can i break down when the kids need and expect me to be the strong one.  i just want to wail and cry, to… Continue

Added by becky j cecil on March 22, 2011 at 7:44pm — No Comments

About fixing your member pages

Well just when I was wanting to make our site better Ning is going through changes so I have to wait until they are done. Here is the update from Ning

Why didn't Ning launch the Ning Design Studio with profile customization enabled?

Getting profile customization to work with the Design Studio is a good chunk of work. It might seem like we removed a feature, but there was no way we could just re-use the old profile customization experience. We have to rebuild it…


Added by coachlouise on March 21, 2011 at 7:24pm — No Comments

I am having trouble getting through my days now.  My brother died one week ago, after a long illness.  He did so well with his illness, a true hero in my mind.  I am still having guilty anxious feeli…

I am having trouble getting through my days now.  My brother died one week ago, after a long illness.  He did so well with his illness, a true hero in my mind.  I am still having guilty anxious feelings about our estrangement, for some years, before I found out about his illness, 3 years ago.  The estrangement was from both sides, more from his than mine, in some ways, but I let it go on, and even felt it was the right thing for me too.  Now I regret those missed years.  

I take some…


Added by Susan on March 21, 2011 at 7:37am — 4 Comments

Let Love Live

Please listen to this song to remember our DASH


Today lets allow our DASH to shine brilliantly and count magnificently.

Send you all love may we all pray for Japan, Coach…


Added by coachlouise on March 19, 2011 at 2:55pm — No Comments

Not as strong as I thought

  I thought I was doing so well since Matt died. I have my days where all I do is cry and stay in bed. But I've been able to function, spend time with my daughter, work... 

  Lately I just feel so empty and lonely and lost.

  When I found out his cause of death was sudden cardiac arrest I was relieved. I knew he died within minutes. Knew that even had I been home when he died, I couldn't have done anything to save him.

  But I feel so much guilt still that my daughter…


Added by Natasha L. on March 18, 2011 at 1:20pm — No Comments

can't sleep crying again

How come the pain of mom and dad being gone isn't going away.  I feel their loss as  much as I did when they died.. I am so emotional about them all the time. I know they are in a better place but that doesn't mean I don't feel their loss daily. They won't be around to see my son get married and they won't see their great grand kids. Lord why if you knew us before we were born did you realize that taking mom and dad from wasn't fair. But I don't hate God I hate the cancer that killed mom and I… Continue

Added by Paige Lovelace on March 17, 2011 at 1:29am — No Comments

Does any one understand How I feel

Does anyone understand how numb my heart is these days.  Does any one understand the need for me not to get close to people. I want people close but at the same time I push them away so I don't have to hurt if they die and leave me. So here is this wall and I know I have to knock it down but I can't.  Everyone I have loved has died on me my mom my dad my best friend Chris my son's friend Chance. Please tell me how I am supposed to let myself  love again and open myself up to that. I know people… Continue

Added by Paige Lovelace on March 16, 2011 at 7:23pm — 3 Comments

When My Mom Died

My Mom was 86 when she passed.  As a child I have had dreams of her being killed and living in fear of it.  I was 5 and we were driving away and I suddenly had a vision of bad men killing her and us finding her when we got back.  It didn't happen, but I had several times of these dreams.  My Mother was a very quiet, timid woman. She had been taken away from her mother along with 4 other siblings because my grandfather was a drunk who stole kids clothes from the clothes lines to sell for liquor.… Continue

Added by Peggy Jeanine Woody on March 14, 2011 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Something I need to read daily.

From The Secret Daily Teachings

When a big change occurs in your life it forces you to change direction. Sometimes the new path may not be easy, but you can be absolutely certain that there is magnificence for you on the new path. You can be absolutely certain that the new path contains things that you could not have experienced otherwise.


When we look back at a negative event that occurred in the past, we often see how in…


Added by Julie Ann Finch on March 13, 2011 at 3:31pm — No Comments

Missing you dearly.

“We can never turn back the pages of time, though we may wish to relive a happy moment, or say goodbye just one last time, we never can, because the sands of time continue to fall, and we can’t turn the hourglass over.” – Unknown

Its 3 months today since you passed on. I want you to know how sorry I am and I do feel guilty after hindsight. I hope you can forgive me and know I think of you daily. You were a wondeful person and I will always…


Added by Julie Ann Finch on March 13, 2011 at 3:19pm — No Comments

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