January 2017 Blog Posts (12)


 Praying time goes faster so my life will end...I have endured my 3rd Christmas...so meaningless...another New Year with my heart still in pieces. I have started my Eat, Pray,Love journey;  going to places and visiting people special to our 35 yrs together...therapists thought would help but only made my heart break more...wish I had stayed in my shell. My journey took me to the church where we married, visiting my second Moma, visiting my best high school friend who was in our wedding. I…


Added by Libbie H on January 29, 2017 at 11:20am — 1 Comment


It's been 18 months now, even though it still feels like yesterday.Is it always going to feel like yesterday? everyday feels like the day before, nothing changes, I feel like I'm in the movie groundhog day, in fact I wish that this was a movie and I would wake up and it would be different and I would open my eyes and Andy would be here and we would get our happy ending, but we all know on here that happy endings are not real. I'm so so bloody tired, I go to work, do the usual mummy stuff,…


Added by joanne on January 27, 2017 at 5:59pm — 3 Comments


http://vimeo.com/15143745 its song i luv coz it remd me of pele iv loss why shud i

Added by dream moon JO B on January 27, 2017 at 5:12pm — No Comments


had a miserable ending to my day and wanted to ask my dad's advice.  he loved "helping" me.  then I started blubbering in the car cause I couldn't call him

Added by Chris on January 27, 2017 at 2:34pm — 4 Comments

Greig is bad enough now its impossible to get help thanks obam

I lost my mom over a year. I cry every day. I keep hearing the doctor's words I was going to kill her if I did not place her on life support. I keep thinking of the promises I broke..,,,she died alone..,,in a hospital....people praying over her.

Lol thanks to Obama care does not cover depression. Lol I would have to be suicidal or an addict to get help.

With all this now happening I can not even have my mothers ashes. A day after she passed I followed her wish....to donate… Continue

Added by Betty Ellsworth on January 25, 2017 at 12:05pm — No Comments

the lose of my ex boyfriend

I miss my fiend and I wish that he was still here I'm getting back to the way I heard on may 21st I don't know what to do and I kmoww that it's not the doctor's falt but at the sme time I blame them  and i wish that I didn't feel that way I wish that he called me before he passed away so I could of heard his voice before he passed away I guess I'm mad at him to and I am keeping busy or listening to music 

Added by mary snell on January 20, 2017 at 7:03am — No Comments



I see that John the Dragon has replied with anger to a post I submitted. I was already to send something back, and then I realized that I was going to be as childish and immature as he is being. My husband was a psychologist, and he would have told me to ignore this man and his flagrant disregard for the feelings of others. I think I am beginning to see that he NEEDS this attention we are giving him. It makes him feel important. Why else would someone try to inflict his feelings on… Continue

Added by Maxey on January 19, 2017 at 8:49pm — 1 Comment

Not sure Diana can help

Let's just ask ourselves. If John the Dragon is not grieving and is happy with the way his life has turned out then why is he on a site called "online grief support".

The word grief has definitions and does not seem to be a problem for John the Dragon. Lucky him and those who aren't grieving.  But the so called "support from someone who is not experiencing grief is awkward and uncomfortable for those of us who are experiencing…


Added by morgan on January 18, 2017 at 11:12pm — 1 Comment

Mom left me

Hi everyone,My name is Kim,I am new here.I have been so sad and lost since my Mom Jackie died June 17th 2016.I was there pretty much by myself in the hospital room with her just waiting for her to take her last breath,I fell asleep and Mom passed,I woke up to her being gone,not breathing.She had left me so alone in this world.She was my everything and I miss her with every breath I take.As i hug her body and cry and lay my head on her chest,a breath came out and I heard my name.Mom was…


Added by kimberly wright on January 18, 2017 at 1:28am — 1 Comment

Building emotional walls

I have found myself to be emotionally numb and dead on the inside since I suddenly lost my dad a year ago. This has made me feel very little about others and make it hard for me to feel love. I am afraid that I will lose all of the other people in my life so I have sort of distanced myself and been unable to let new friends in. Taking with others on a personal level is painful so I have been avoiding it. I don't want to lose the people in my life that I love, just because I am not processing…


Added by Mare on January 17, 2017 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

My Daughter Rea

We lost our beautiful daughter Rea on 14th December 2016, she was 22 years old and due to get engaged to her boyfriend on Christmas Day.

She was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome last August and she was due to have a bone marrow transplant this month after finding 3 possible matches, but after a visit to the hospital in November we were told that her MDS had turned into Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and needed to start chemotherapy asap.

She was admitted to Liverpool Royal Hospital on… Continue

Added by Lesley Whyte on January 8, 2017 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Old Life, new life?

Many years ago, my husband and I were visiting Spain, and, after arriving at our hotel, I was exhausted. My husband decided to take a walk and said he would be back in about 30 minutes. After an hour passed, he still had not come back. I started to be mildly panicked. After two hours passed, I was almost in hysterics; I didn't know what to do - should I call the police, notify the hotel, what? I, in my panic, just sat on the bed and sobbed and sobbed. All of a sudden the door opened and my… Continue

Added by Maxey on January 4, 2017 at 3:45pm — 1 Comment

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