January 2013 Blog Posts (38)


I  lost my Husband 29 December 2012, it wasnt exspected . It. was his Funeral Jan 15 he was buried on his Birthday.Life has become a real struggle with two days not being the t isame .  I feel as if i am on a Roller Coaster.Feelings and thoughts so very odd.  Life has been so full   I keep thinking he will be back soon

Added by Sandra Gill on January 31, 2013 at 5:53pm — 1 Comment

How do you deal with the pain of missing someone?

I miss my sister.

I miss her smile, her hugs, her smell, her laugh, the twinkle in her eye, her tenaciousness to make it on her own. I miss her pride, I miss her loving heart, I miss her bubbly personality, I miss her attitude. I miss how fiercely she loved her family and how much she worried about our mom. I miss how excited she got when she would see her nephews. I miss how intelligent she was - even when she was making stupid mistakes. I miss her and all she was and ever will…


Added by Christine Leakey on January 31, 2013 at 8:17am — No Comments

Another poem

Poem 1:

I can't believe I was the one to find you,



This is the day my heart broke

I wish I could have hugged you one last time

but your cold lifeless body

was to much

You did look peaceful

you looked like you were sleeping

but deep down my gut knew something different. 

Poem 2: 

Today was a hard day

I wish you were here

Today was a…


Added by renee collier on January 31, 2013 at 3:03am — No Comments

been long time

i found along my journey from my moms passing on 12 22 2010 then 4 months later my granddaughter passed this journey taught me most people do not valadate the griving cause life does go on for some that do not esperince ths ,,,,,,i do miss my mom but i think i have days were i am ok as for my grandaughter i do not speak of it it is best not to i keep that totally in check i just think that i shouldnt or i dont feel to so i do not not that it never happened it did i just not ready....as for…


Added by theresa ouellette (wells) on January 30, 2013 at 9:50pm — No Comments

When it rains.....

To introduce myself, I'm 48, I have a 16 year old son who is autistic and a 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage.  My ex-wife decided she didn't want to be in a marriage any longer, so we divorced in 2005.  She passed away from complications from the Swine Flu in 2010.  Sue welcomed my kids in our home and treated them like they were her own from the start.  Sue's story is what one would call "complicated".  She was divorced and came from a big family.  The years before we met were…


Added by Bob Fredrick on January 30, 2013 at 4:57pm — No Comments

I don't want to feel this.

I'm just a little girl who wants her parent's love back again... I want my Dad to be here to pick me over drugs and drinking... that's all I've ever wanted was to feel like I was worth it.  Mom chose me... I was her world... but the problem was that she still picked drinking over me.  I cried and cried and basically begged, and all she said was "it will always be my downfall..." And she continued drinking.  She chose me, but only to an extent.  The other person that I've loved deeply…


Added by Ashley Nicole on January 29, 2013 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Long road ahead...

It's been 9 days since my Mom passed away. She had recently been diagnosed with COPD and Diverticulitis as well as being diagnosed with Fybromyalgea years before. I always knew this day would come, but was still unprepared just the same. How can one prepare for something like this? She's always on my mind now. I can't really focus on anything else. I'll go to put in a movie and stare at the wall next to the tv the entire time. It's like I'm caught in an in-between now. Lost in the darkness,…


Added by Sarah Davis on January 29, 2013 at 5:47pm — No Comments


It was 2 months last Sat night that I lost my sweet boy Daniel. He was 17. It was my birthday yesterday and my husband's is this coming Sat. It was so hard. I know what you mean about wanting to hear "Hey Mom". Oh God I miss him so much and I just want to reach out and give him a hug and for life to be bearable again. I am so sorry for your pain and for everyone who has to endure this loss.

But I believe his spirit lives on and feel I have been visited by him.My husband is more of a…


Added by Connie K on January 29, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

The Story so Far......

I've read that writing can help, so......

It will be 3 months on Saturday, although I guess She really left us 2 days earlier.  I don't really think she was here for those 2 days she was kept breathing on the ventilator.  We had just bought our first house, and we were in the middle of moving in.  She got to spend exactly one night here.  It was Halloween, and I was handing out candy to the neighborhood kids.  Sue was a service provider for the County mental health service.  If you or…


Added by Bob Fredrick on January 29, 2013 at 4:23pm — No Comments

i got lost in 2012 and still lost in 2013

i got lost in 2012 after my dad coz to may peopel i new died the last death woz my surgate uncle last yr and this yr 2013 iv new 6 people who died in 2013 ths month the last 1 woz my cuzens husband  a goood man like my dad 2 freinds of my mum and dads 2 nbors 1 to alzimers and 1 to 2 hit and run drivers and a cuzen who i only sea at partys abd im still lost in grief its like a fog i cant get out of…


Added by dream moon JO B on January 29, 2013 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Social Media and grieving

My sister and I were friends on Facebook.

We didn't get to see each other often because of our schedules. I work full-time Monday-Friday, she worked mostly weekends waiting tables. When she worked close to where I live, we saw her every Sunday morning. I would leave her little messages on her Facebook page and send her pictures of the boys. 

At the time those little things were exchanged I never thought I would cherish the virtual words we shared as much as I do right…


Added by Christine Leakey on January 29, 2013 at 9:03am — No Comments


At church the sermon was about marriage, and how when we commit to someone, we do it for better or worse, sicker or poorer. The new pastor's dad died 10/31/2012 of brain cancer and he talked about how his mom cared for his dad as his dad lay dying. It was painful to hear-I wish I had a box of tissues, but it did remind me that that's the kind of love I want to give and receive. Love is an action, not a feeling, and I think about the day my dad died, he had uncontrollable diarhea and my mom…


Added by Nikki McCorkle on January 27, 2013 at 8:37am — No Comments

It's been one month since I lost my boy.

Hard to believe it's already been a month. He was the sweetest thing... always happy to see me and spend time with me. One of the things I miss the most is sharing popcorn with him while we watched movies.

He was only 8 years old. There was  so much life left in him, I hate that this has happened. I'm constantly having panic attacks and I feel like my life is completely over. I'm angry that the world keeps on moving without him in it.

I've been forcing myself to…


Added by Rebeke Kirsch on January 26, 2013 at 11:01am — No Comments

OK here we go

Yuck, I just feel yucky so much of the time. Every emotion is so intense, the littlest things set my off. I feel like a raw nerve, exposed in the world. I am still in utter disbelief that my dad died. It just doesn't seem possible. Even though we always had a rocky relationship , I did love and admire my father very much. I guess I thought I would have time to make the relationship right. When he was first diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (what kind? they don't even know!!!) I thought I had…


Added by Nikki McCorkle on January 26, 2013 at 9:37am — No Comments

some days good some bad

Hi  My son died almost 4 years ago at the age of 20.  Some days I feel like its not such a big deal and others I am overcome with sadness and I feel I want to die along with him.  The sad reality is that its something I will have to live with forever.  The sadness doesnt go away and I miss him everyday.  I spent lots of time helping my other children to grieve and i dont think I did it myself!  I have a hard time going to weddings even today because he was engaged to be married and when…


Added by rivka finkelstein on January 25, 2013 at 2:41pm — 2 Comments

Welcome to my subconscious..

I'm a big dreamer. I dream of many things.

Just reading a book will effect my dreams. I read The Hunger Games trilogy early last year and almost every night I dreamt that I was actually in the arena of the games.

I have had dreams of my sister since she has passed. Some of them are good - about us growing up, of her being older than her 23 years with children of her own. Some of them are bad - the things her killer did to her, the pain she went through and I have even dreamt…


Added by Christine Leakey on January 25, 2013 at 8:18am — No Comments

Signs from our loved ones. Have you had any?

I never thought I believed in ghosts or spirits.  but now I am a believer.  I have had some things happen in my home that I believe to be my dear Christian telling me he is with me.  Has anyone experienced things that you believe to be from your loved one?

Here is what I experienced...  One night my daughter was  home alone and she was watching tv.  She said the channel changed to the cartoon Family Guy and she was not touching the remote control. She said mom wasn't "Family guy" a…


Added by renee collier on January 24, 2013 at 10:46pm — 2 Comments


The love of my life has been gone from this earth almost 9 months ago.  I can't believe it. And to think that if I live to a ripe old age I will be without him many more years until we are reunited in the next lifetime/heaven. It sounds so unbearable. This is been like a crazy roller coaster ride.  Some days are more bearable than others.  But the past four days for some reason has been soooo hard.  I cry and cry and cry.  I have pretty much been home in bed.  I only go out if I really need…


Added by renee collier on January 24, 2013 at 10:34pm — No Comments


My sister, Becky, loved snow.

When she was younger her favorite thing to do in the winter months was to play in the snow. Build an igloo, have a snowball fight, sled down a hill with me and my youngest sister, build the biggest snowman on the block and make beautiful snow angels in the front yard.

As she got older, her favorite thing to do in the winter months was to play with her nephew in the snow and watch the wonderment in his eyes. The same wonderment that she…


Added by Christine Leakey on January 24, 2013 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

And then there was anger

Today I woke up angry.

I think I hate these days the most, right now anyway. I think that anger is a useless and dangerous emotion that can completely eat you alive if you allow it. As strongly as I feel this is true, I can't not stop my anger from coming.

I'm angry that my sister was murdered. I'm angry that her killer was someone that she thought loved her.  I'm angry that she suffered so much in her final moments. I'm angry that she didn't leave him when she had the…


Added by Christine Leakey on January 23, 2013 at 8:25am — No Comments

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