Don't grieve alone; 14,000 members and growing
According to the book "Healing after Loss", there is often a quietness around the rituals of dying, as though creation itself has stopped in mid flow while the moment of truth is unveiled. Many of us take on the roles of the bereaved, and though the rituals may be old in time, our experience to it is new and painful and raw.
Perhaps these rituals and roles help guide us through the process in order to help signify what has happened. Even having some context of faith in which to…
ContinueAdded by Gale Brunault on June 30, 2014 at 6:42pm — No Comments
When you were here, it seemed like we'd always be together. One doesn't really think about being apart of that person you love while having lunch one day or watching tv on the afternoon or calling to see what we need from the supermarket.
I grew up with you and became an adult, I do hope your life was happier because you had a daughter. I can tell you I was blessed to have you as a mom, I was lucky to get you, a beautiful woman with a lot of love to give. I wish I could talk to you…
ContinueAdded by Melisa C on June 30, 2014 at 4:34pm — No Comments
Im just wondering if Im doing something wrong as I have not received many responses.
I lost my dog almost a year ago & at that time I joined an online support group for pet loss.
I don't mean to sound rude but I was overwhelmed by the support I received on there. And Im a little hurt & a little surpsied at the lack of support here.
As I previously stated, is there somethin else I should be doing?
Im really desperate for some words of encouragment, a little…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth on June 30, 2014 at 11:48am — 3 Comments
It seems that my life is clouded with dark swirls of gray and black. How could it be that my world went from light to dark? "Healing After Loss" speaks to me and says that we will have lots of "first times"; for example Michael's first birthday, first Thanksgiving, Xmas, etc. At first these "events" will be small ones (first get together, first snow storm, etc.) and eventually build to greater milestones. Each one will cast a dark shadow over our world and we'll wonder where we will get…
ContinueAdded by Gale Brunault on June 29, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments
"She taught me that grief is a time to be lived through, experienced fully, and that the heavens will not fall if I give voice to my anger against God in such a time - Elizabeth Watson from "Healing After Loss".
I know there is anger in me that wants to come out yet my sorrow continues to over power me at this time. All I have are grief stricken tears that flow non-stop. I want to get there - I want to shout at God and ask "why me?", but it won't come. I look at Michael's…
ContinueAdded by Gale Brunault on June 28, 2014 at 9:13am — 3 Comments
Added by John B on June 27, 2014 at 4:04pm — No Comments
aww..and I thought that after receiving an ok to download the beta test for Warlords of Draenor that I was already 'chosen' to be an ALPHA beta tester * ( however i have to still wait and see if I'm one of the lucky ones to be invited via email * )
I LOVE THIS AMAZING GAME. It's SOULFULLY SOOTHING Music and FANTASTIC Animation has helped Heal me following 5 Family Deaths since 2010. Thankyou Blizzard's Incredible Team of Artists & Computer Technicians for Helping to Ease my…
Added by John B on June 27, 2014 at 3:52pm — 2 Comments
Added by Gale Brunault on June 27, 2014 at 1:21pm — No Comments
i feal ok 1 day but most days u feal low get a call 2 day sayng a famly meber is in a bad way feal so bad coz i cnt vist any 1 in hosptle body goss so stiff i cant do it
Added by dream moon JO B on June 26, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments
Today I finally decided to take a walk - something I hadn't done since losing my son Michael on June 9, 2014. A good friend of mine brought me a book of meditations titled, "Healing after Loss" by Martha Whitmore Hickman and I happen to turn to the reading for June 9th. The first line read, "Above all do not lose your desire to walk". Though walking isn't the only means of exercise, her message is about movement and that by engaging in that activity, we are acting out the movement away…
ContinueAdded by Gale Brunault on June 26, 2014 at 12:08pm — 3 Comments
Yesterday at work I held a beautiful tiny baby girl in my arms, and my tears fell on to her little blanket. I remembered the days I had my own children. When they were babies I could protect them. This little baby smelled like love. I realized how blessed I have truly been. God blessed me with 4 beautiful babies that I cared for, protected, and loved. Even though I didn't get to keep 2 of them with me I am still grateful as ever that I had them for the time I did. Somedays the pain is as raw…
ContinueAdded by anne on June 25, 2014 at 6:36pm — No Comments
ok I bought another chain, and by the time I got home, like 5 min drive. it was broke to. I was so mad and upset I e mailed the company, 5 e mails latter im no further ahead. I went back at 9 30 this morning and she has to order me a new one said it was defective. not wearing it I feel hes not with me, my nerves are just a mess, cry cry cry, I feel my worlds so messed up. we live in a uncareing , mean world. people just don't understand . if I had lost his finger pring I would die and I…
ContinueAdded by kim on June 25, 2014 at 9:34am — No Comments
today I broke my chain with my sons finger print on it, with swollen eyes I drove to the mall to replace it, I explained what happened and what it held, I had bought the first one there. she was rude and heartless. it took everything I had not to slap her face. I cryed all the way home.
Added by kim on June 24, 2014 at 10:57am — 2 Comments
Today marks one month since my Dad's passing.
There is no doubt that a part of me died the day he did.
My "Rock", my biggest fan, my friend, my Dad.
My world was safe because he was in it.
I can't believe it's been a month but at the same time it feels like so much longer. I rarely went a day without talking to him, I feel his absence so strongly that it physically hurts.
Thank you to those who sent me a msg or left a kind comment.
Im grateful for…
ContinueAdded by Elizabeth on June 24, 2014 at 7:08am — No Comments
I am new here and I am not very savy in social media or computer stuff! Would love to get a response and some help!
Added by Katie maggie on June 23, 2014 at 10:58pm — 3 Comments
my feelings today, how can I believe in god when he has put me in such pain. when he sees im dieing foe my son. the emptiness is to much for any mother to take. how can god take away my only child, my love. nothing is real anymore, I pray everynight for him to come to me, and nothing. can my son hear me? is my shawn still with me? im still in a big black hole, I feel like screaming but no one hears me. I just want more then anything to go with him, for shawn to reach out grab my hand and…
ContinueAdded by kim on June 22, 2014 at 1:36pm — 3 Comments
I hate sat and sundays, I always picked shawn up from work on the weekends , we would go shopping, on wed he would come for the day.,i cry so hard and so much my eyes hurt everyday.without him its getting worse. everything seems so black, I just don't care about anything, just wanting to go with him, to kiss and feel and see him again. theres nothing else I want. I love him so much,
shawn, my heart is so broken, I cry all the time, yesterday was so bad, I never saw your bunnies for almost two days, then last night there it was. I cryed some more. every min of the day I miss you so much, and love you behond words. I would give my life to touch you, to kiss you again, I ask every night for you to help me, I cant do this without you. I need so bad to feel you here. I smell your clothes every day, to feel you near me. I cant go on without knowing you are happy, and with…
ContinueAdded by kim on June 19, 2014 at 8:31am — No Comments
today I got a call from my sons friend, they were in big brothers many years ago. he wanted us to go for dinner at his cottage on Friday. my heart sunk, I thanked him and said no, I just cant right now , its to early, I don't want to ever go, he was my shawns friend not mine, it just feels wrong for us to go. shawn was close to him, not us. I can feel shawn saying to me its wrong, and I have not seen any bunnies for two days, everyday shawn has sent them to me, it made me feel he was here,…
ContinueAdded by kim on June 18, 2014 at 1:01pm — No Comments
It's been 3 months, sweetheart. The days truly crawl. I miss you so much. Your daughters all celebrated their birthdays last week. Why did you get their presents so early? They had a wonderful party. I complimented Davin on his choice of gifts for them and he started crying and told me you had bought every single one of them. He too didn't understand why you had insisted on buying them when you did.
I love you daughter...I struggle without you. We all do. But since your passing I…
ContinueAdded by Eva Van on June 18, 2014 at 11:16am — No Comments
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