January 2010 Blog Posts (12)

I've been mad a lot lately.

I have been so angry lately, and I know it's part of the process.

Mad like I got once just a few months after my Mom died. It was December I think, and my freinds were worried about me and wanted to get me out of the house. I hadn't been out much-which for me is a bit odd, I am a very social creature. Much like my mother!!

My friend dragged me out to dinner with one of her friends, a young lady I hadn't met before. She seemed so nice, but I was a bit quiet because I didn't want to get… Continue

Added by Marsha "Marcy" Welch on January 31, 2010 at 11:43pm — 3 Comments

Are Any Of You Angry With God?

When my son died from a drug overdose I didn't blame God. (I thought) Rationally, I knew that my son's use of drugs was far removed from the life the Lord would have him lead. But still...I was faithful to pray for God's intervention in my son's life and I believed with all my heart that everything would be okay.

Let me say also that I know that I know, without God in my life I would not have survived Ryan's death. God held me when I couldn't think or speak. When I did not want to wake up… Continue

Added by Connie Pharr on January 27, 2010 at 8:52am — 3 Comments

sleep and dreams

One month ago I moved to New York City. I love it here! This is the place I have been dreaming about coming to since I was 14. I knew that just because I would be living in a different place, didnt mean that all my emotional problems would go away. I just didnt expect it to sneak up on me so soon. My mom has been dead for 3 years now, I did 18 months of therapy up till I left California, and I seriously thought I was in a better place. I still think I am in a better place, but different… Continue

Added by Rochelle Kramer on January 27, 2010 at 8:14am — 1 Comment

In memory of my Sister, Mindy who passed away on New Year's Eve '09 from a drug overdose

I have never made a blog before so I am not sure what to do, but it seems that I am doing a lot of "first things" lately. My head still feels foggy and I still feel a sense of disbelief about my Baby Sister. She was only 35 years old and has 13 year old twin girls. My family is so torn and hurt so much. It feels like there is a big hole in my heart now. I just want this pain to stop. My baby Sister started experimenting with drugs when she was very young. We have tried to help her so many times… Continue

Added by Michelle on January 25, 2010 at 6:36am — 5 Comments

How do I post a profile photo?

I have been able to upload photos, but I can't seem to add one as my profile photo. Can anyone help?

Added by Debbie Varga on January 23, 2010 at 8:46pm — 1 Comment


I hate the days where i cant move or think. I plan on doing all these things and wake up, just to find myself numb. I think something has happened to my mind. I have to talk to him somehow. I have to know what killed him. He died in his sleep on his little boys 2cd birthday. All i know is he coughed at 8 am and was dead at 9 am. I have to know. I want him to tell me.

Added by Lisa Townsend on January 11, 2010 at 9:28am — No Comments

When it hurts the most

My son died November 28, 2009. He was 37, and a diabetic. He has a daughter 10. Both were so important to me. His wife won't let me see my grandaughter or talk to her... she won't even answer the phone. So this means my grandaughter and I are suffering and grieving two losses.

This past week I had a very rough day, I wanted to talk to my son so badly....so badly it was overpowering. All I could do was cry, sit with my mouth open with tears running down my face, weeping from the soul.… Continue

Added by Ganny on January 8, 2010 at 10:30am — 4 Comments

I miss you so much Dad!

I lost my dad on December 11th very unexpectedly to a massive heart attack. He was my heart. He came to visit me in my new home on the 10th and on the 11th we did some shopping and I bough him lunch. He had complained of a pulled musle or perhaps a broken rib but didn't want to go to the doctor because he didn't feel it was bad enough but would go if the pain got worse. After lunch he wanted a nap, when he was getting ready to nap I noticed his color was off and I told him that he would just… Continue

Added by Ruby Smith on January 5, 2010 at 2:00am — 3 Comments

I dont know what to do...

I put Nicki down the day before christmas eve. Nicki was Grama's dog, her gift to me to remember her by. But Grama is still living and Nicki isnt. Grama is an adult and capable of understanding the decision to put down the 13 year old dog, but I keep being told not to tell her, that it'll just cause undue stress. Grama herself is displaying many of the same end of life traits that poor NIcki displayed. The weight loss, the loss of hearing and sight, the confusion, the loss of appetite and… Continue

Added by Desiree on January 5, 2010 at 1:05am — 1 Comment

The loss of my son, and feeling like i dont belong

14 mo after the death of my son, and i feel like i dont belong, Im in a different place than others around me. Things that used to hurt dont hurt. People seem different to me. When im driving in my car things are just gray. I hear people talk about relationships breaking up, and the cat dying ect... and how it is breaking their heart. I thought i have experienced the worst of the worst when it came to pain and heartache. When you lose a child you spend the rest of your life in torment, and… Continue

Added by Lisa Townsend on January 4, 2010 at 9:27am — 3 Comments

He is always with me

I do believe that life goes on. I know because my husband makes it a point to communicate with me when I need him.

A few months ago I moved to my new home, and I had received the last electrical bill of my previous home that we shared together. The bill was for $10.14. I thought that was strange because our aniversary is on October 14 and we always used to comment on the clock at 10:14 on certain days. I'm not sure but when ever we looked at the clock is seem to be at that time. We thought… Continue

Added by Sally on January 1, 2010 at 10:25pm — 1 Comment

I am new here and am not sure what to do to get started

Hi everyone,

I am trying to figure this out. I am new to this site, but not new to online support groups. They all seem to be a bit different.

I am reeling from the holidays and all the emotions I'm feeling. I lost my stepfather in July to cancer, which was diagnosed only two weeks before he passed. In hindsight, there were signs that we all missed to tip us off that something was wrong, but we just took his word that his cough was just his 'sinus crap'.

His death… Continue

Added by Debbie Varga on January 1, 2010 at 7:48pm — No Comments

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