Sharron Anderson



United States

Profile Information:

About my Loss:
Fiancee' died from a horrific auto accident. He was in a coma for 9 days and then died. I stayed at the hospital with him. I have no rights to do anything because we were not married. I am angry and numb and lost.

Comment Wall:

  • Lisa Maria DeMatto- Wysong


    I am truly sorry for what you have been going through. The way his family is treating you is inexcusable, they should know what you meant to him and what he means to you. The lack of being acknowledged as his fiance is also traumatic. I have no advice for you, just know that you aren't alone there are people that will support you. Reach out to friends and other family members. 

    This site was very helpful for me, but it seems as if it isn't as busy as it once was. Maybe try one of the other groups.

    I am here to listen if you want to vent.

    My heart is aching for you.


  • Speed Weasel

    Sharron, I also saw one of your older comment in "Traumatic, Sudden Loss" about not being married to him and feeling pushed aside by the family.  I share that path with you.  I was not engaged to Jen (my person lost), but in my mind she was the woman that I would marry.  She too succumbed to injuries from an auto accident.  We had such a deep connection and then it was ripped away.  I never expected to face the bitter side of being so intertwined as when it was taken away.  I felt SO isolated with her absence.  I wasn't family, we weren't married, just (JUST) a friend.  Her family was not outwardly exclusionary, most of my isolation was even self-imposed.  I mean how does a parent process the loss of their child, I didn't want to add to their unhappiness.  I have re-connected with her family, especially her sister who has an absolute heart of gold, but it took 30 years and a bit of explaining as to why I had been absent for so long.  I have taken my college-aged daughter to most (if not all) the times that I got together with her sister.  In the back of my mind, her sister is as close to an aunt as possible.  It is wierd, I'll admit, but I have wanted her sister to know my family as if it was her extended family too.  Sorry for the rant...just been in a bit of a low point.  Jen's birthday is in Feb and needless to say, I am glad it is a short month.

  • Erica Woodward

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