


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a freshman in college. I have a lifetime to live.
About my Loss:
I lost my dad September 27, 2020. I feel like I can't breathe without him.
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Comment Wall:

  • Rosie

    Hi Liv - I joined this forum two years ago after losing my brother to cancer. I haven't visited the site much since, but I randomly got an e-mail notification about your post that brought me here. I am very sorry to hear about your dad. That sounds like a truly painful experience. Please know that you are not alone in your grief, and you're welcome to message me if you ever want to chat. Take care <3

  • Tina

    Hi Liv.  Thank you.  Your comment really helped and I feel like even though the relationships we had were different we had a lot in common.  The person I loved passed away from cancer too and because of Covid we never got to spend anytime together and I really feel like I missed so much because I couldn't be with him.  It is hard to lose someone and each day my emotions seem to be everywhere.