learning to cope with my loss

It is just over 3 weeks since my husband Pete lost his 5 year battle with his cancer of an unknown primary.  This grief journey is not new to me as 18 years ago my first husband took his own life.  I never thought I would ever find love again, but I did.   I was so lucky to find Pete and we had 10 special years together.  However, half way through that he was diagnosed with cancer.   I feel so cheated, but at the same time I feel blessed I was given another chance.   I know that many people do not get that, so I shouldn't feel sorry for myself.  AT the moment I do, but I know that will pass.  Every day the tears come and I try so hard to find comfort in the good times.  But at the moment the thoughts of the good times are what bring on the tears.    As someone once said to me, "you will never get over this, but you will get through this."  Thank you for listening.

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    V. R.

    Hello, Roslyn, those last words in your post really touched me. That's just how I feel now. I lost my true love suddenly from a heart attack just over a year ago, and now I'm just surviving every day, not living. We were married 25 years and in fact we'd celebrated our 25th anniversary that year and the irony of it all is that he left us in the month of November,tha same month and almost the same day that we first met back in 1994.

    I've joined this forum hoping to find a little comfort sharing our grief. It's strange but I find it impossible to talk about my loss with the people I know, not even with my 2 grown-up kids and my parents.

    Really understand what you are going through. 

    V. R. 

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    V. R.

    Yes, Ros, I too have visions of my beloved working on his tractor and me taking down to him fresh water and coffee to keep him going on. He only did these jobs in his free time though, by profession he was (and still is for me) a microbiologist/blood anaylist in his medical lab. Oh, he was a real expert in the medical sector, whenever a family member was ill, he instantly diagnosed if it was a virus, bacterial or else. Even our family doctor used to ask him:"which antibiotic should I prescribe?
    He will always be in my heart and right by my side until we meet again and become 'one' like we always have been.
    All the best, look forward to hearing from you.
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    We are into the 4th day of Spring and it is cold and raining again. They say we are in for a wetter than average spring and possibly summer. We are all hoping it isn't a repeat of this years devastation with the floods. sad dp