mad at god

i am mad me for bean mad god 

i am so mad at god for stuff he has put us thru  if i sea him or her im worid in i say horble stuff 2 him or her im worid i will puch or slap him or her 

i bleve in god im so mad at god i am i am so mad at him or her

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    dream moon JO B

    I hate cancer mad god it turns I tried to be a good person at times I can only imagine because a good pepple getting punished for no reason please answer because I'm bloody cancer I hate this disease and Dementia as well my family because it has really squirt my family of up

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      christine michelle arvizu

      i thought i was the bad person feeling that also i talk to myself and im always telling my self how could he be so mean why could he not taken me instead of my son it hurts me so much to have this feeling of blame hate anger i am not like i was before this happened to me 

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        dream moon JO B

        As a card and a medium I should not be mad at God but I am very mad at god the way things have been going on in my life where my sister suffered of cancer and died of cancer by the God do this to a person it was a good person yes whatever arguments another great that I regret that

        Innovating on I love newer body I don't want that happen